Learning is light and ignorance is darkness! Who says learning is boring?

"Study, study and study again"! Our life is a continuous flow of incoming knowledge. It does not matter who you are by education, what you do professionally - in any case, new knowledge will come to you every day. But to accept them or not is up to you.

learning light and ignorance is darkness who said

From childhood, we hear the proverb: "Learning is light, and ignorance is darkness." Whoever said this phrase once cannot be found in the depths of history, but this person was one hundred percent right. Only by improving in existing knowledge and getting new ones does a person grow and develop.

Can I not study?

This is not to say that the proverb “Learning is light and ignorance is darkness” carries great philosophical meaning. Only by learning something new can a person proudly be called a person. Otherwise, degradation occurs. Moreover, there is an interesting biological feature.

Neural communications

Every time we repeat an action, a connection between neurons forms in our brain. Figuratively speaking, it looks like running electricity between two neurons. If you study something again and again every day, then there will be more and more of these connections, and you will like to learn. The fact is that everything in nature tends to simplify, and it is easier to maintain old connections to the brain than to create new ones.

proverb learning light and ignorance is darkness

It turns out that in the proverb “Learning is light, and ignorance is darkness” the meaning is also literal. If you observe the brain at the time of obtaining new information, you can see the "lighting" of natural neural connections. An absolute dislike of learning would be visible as darkness.

Is “Learning always light and ignorance always dark”?

Who said that any teaching would be useful and necessary? Imagine watching a favorite series day after day. Figuratively speaking, you get new information. But is this teaching useful at the same time? Does it make practical sense? At the neurobiological level, your brain is in deep hibernation when you watch your favorite soap opera or play a toy on a computer. If you really want to develop, then it will be quite nice to get rid of habits that are useless to you.

The more we know, the more we do not know

In ancient Greece, the principle of knowledge acquisition was known, which is formulated as follows: "The more we know, the more we do not know." The fact is that when you gain new knowledge, you realize how much more is new and unknown for you. This is good enough: such knowledge encourages us to be even more curious and improve. It turns out that we are constantly in search of a source of illumination according to the figurative meaning of the saying "Learning is light and ignorance is darkness."

Who said learning hard?

Most likely, the word “learning” is associated with boring school activities for you. The training system is designed to give the child a general idea of ​​the world order and fundamental knowledge of everything.

learning light and ignorance is darkness who said

This, of course, is good because at the end of school we know a little about everything, but at the same time it is very superficial. Unfortunately, school cramming and the grading system completely discourage the desire to learn, and there is nothing more boring than the proverb "Learning is light and ignorance is darkness." Who said teaching should be uninteresting and bored? After graduating from school, you have the right to continue to choose your own path and study what you are interested in.

Have a hobby

Your life will be exciting and interesting if you have a favorite pastime. Besides the fact that you will usefully spend your free time, you will also have an intuitive desire to develop in this business and explore new horizons. Even if your work or activity does not imply huge learning opportunities, be active and strive to learn new things all your life!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8365/

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