Bactrian camel: name, interesting facts, photo

One of the amazing animals on our earth is a camel. He is curious not only for his appearance, but also for his lifestyle. Therefore, many are interested in knowing the name of the two-humped camel and the entertaining facts associated with it.

What is it called

the name of the bactrian camel
To begin with, it is worth knowing that this animal is domestic and wild. Mongolia is considered the birthplace of bactrian camels. There, this wild animal is known as "haptagai." The domestic bactrian camel is called "Bactrian". This name the animal received in honor of the ancient region of Bactiria, it was in Central Asia. This species is the largest of the camelid family.

Species distribution

Many do not know what the name of the two-humped camel is called, but this is not surprising, since in our area this exotic animal can only be found in the zoo. But in Central Asia and Mongolia, he is an ordinary pet. He is also bred in some areas of Russia and China. Globally, the number of Bactrian exceeds two million. But the wild representative of this family is a very rare animal, and he is threatened with extinction. According to some reports, in the list of endangered mammals, eighth place is occupied by haptagai. In total, their number varies within about several hundred goals. Most Haptagai can be met in some parts of Mongolia and China.

what is the name of the two-humped camel

Relationship with man

Bactrian camel (name - Bactrian) plays a huge role in the life of Asian people. For the population that lives in desert districts, this animal is a necessary vehicle. They also cut camels to make woolen things, such as rugs, blankets, felt boots, capes, clothes, and more. But the skin, meat and milk of the animal are also involved. In addition, dung of a two-humped camel is also valuable, since it produces good fuel.


This animal is so unusual that it cannot be confused with other mammals. Bactrian or the two-humped camel, the photo of which is proposed below, is quite large and weighs an average of 500 kilograms. But often more weighty individuals are found. If you measure the animal at the withers, it will exceed two meters, and if you take growth along with the humps, it can reach 2.7 m.

bactrian camel name

The animal has a long bent neck and lanky legs. Instead of hooves there is a bifurcated foot and wide corpus callosum. In addition, there are processes on each leg that resemble a claw.

Also, a two-humped camel, whose name is Bactrian, can have a different color from almost white to brown. The coat is thick and long enough, inside it is hollow to provide poor thermal conductivity. They also have an undercoat. Camels shed towards summer, changing a fur coat. Old hair falls out quickly, and for a couple of weeks the animal can remain โ€œnakedโ€ until a new cover grows.

Hump โ€‹โ€‹of an animal

The most interesting are the humps. They can be of various shapes, which often depends on the state of the camel. For example, if an animal is hungry, the humps can hang down, in a fed-up individual, they recover and rise again. This is due to the fact that in these "bags" is fat (a total of about 150 kg), which is a reserve of nutrition of the body. Also, these growths serve as thermal insulators for the animal. In addition, the Bactrian bactrian camel is a convenient transport, since the distance between its "bags" is approximately 30 centimeters, this is enough to fit an adult.

Bactrian Bactrian Camel

Camel Features

This animal has special physiological characteristics that allow it to survive in adverse conditions. For example, a camel can suffer severe dehydration, while other animals die in such circumstances. With a strong loss of moisture in the body, this mammal noticeably loses weight, but when it has the opportunity to drink, its mass is restored almost immediately. In addition, a camel is able to accumulate and retain fluid until a certain point.


This animal is daytime and prefers to rest at night. They have the main enemies, these are wolves and tigers. The two-humped camel (the name is Bactrian) lives according to the โ€œscheduleโ€ set by the owner of the animal. But feral individuals keep in herds of up to 20 goals and obey the dominant male. Mostly only females and young animals in this family.

Bactrian camel photo

Rutting period

At the age of two, females are ready to have offspring. Male camels become sexually mature by the age of five. In the fall, the rutting period begins. Often at this time, the owners put the males on a leash, because they become dangerous for the surrounding animals and humans. They attack rivals, rush about, roar and blow foam. If the male is dominant, he keeps the females in one place, not allowing them to disperse. Camels often enter into fights during this period. Even calm animals in the mating season become ferocious. They use a powerful neck, trying to press an opponent to the ground, use fangs, grabbing their legs and throat, and kick the enemy with their feet. In this case, if the owner does not disperse the camels, serious injuries and even death for a weak male are possible.

During the rutting season, Haptagai can become dangerous for domestic brethren. They are able to break into the corral to kill males and lead the females. Therefore, the shepherds these days take their animals to the mountains away from danger.

bactrian camel interesting facts

After mating, the female carries offspring for 13 months. Only one camel is born, which weighs no more than 45 pounds. Two hours after birth, the baby is able to independently go after the mother. Lactation is long, about a year and a half. But the camel can chew already in the third month. The female is able to give birth once in two years. At the age of 4 years, male camels huddle together in groups, over time, each of them organizes his own "harem".

Amazing details

the two-humped camel is called
One of the most unusual mammals, of course, is the two-humped camel. Interesting facts about this animal are no less fascinating:

  • One individual can drink 200 liters of water at a time.
  • If the animal has decided to rest or sleep, it cannot be forced to rise. It will rise only when it wants it on its own.
  • These herbivores can eat stiff thorns, while their lips and mouth will not be scratched.
  • The nostrils of a camel can close if necessary (for example, so as not to release moisture or during sandstorms, so that sand does not get inside).
  • If a hurricane begins in the territory of his residence, the camel can remain in a lying, stationary state for several days.
  • Each leg of the animal is capable of doing โ€œkicksโ€ in four directions.
  • They can do without water if they eat green plants (camels extract moisture from them).
  • One of the defensive abilities is spitting. If you provoke a camel, it will pull an unpleasant mixture from the stomach, which will โ€œrewardโ€ the enemy.
  • The fur of this animal has the ability to reflect rays, which allows it not to overheat during movements in the desert.
  • The name of the two-humped camel โ€œhaptagaiโ€ appeared thanks to the locals.
  • Camel feces are very dry, so they are used for heating. They give a smooth, almost smokeless warm flame.
  • They have an excellent memory, which helps not to get lost among many dunes.
  • Camels have keen eyesight. The animal sees movement in the desert a kilometer away.
  • The sense of smell allows the camel to survive, as he senses water for sixty kilometers.
  • In bad weather, the animal tries to hide. If it is too hot outside, the camels begin to go upwind, opening their mouths to cool slightly and avoid overheating. They also use the tail to fan.
  • Although special cars and navigators were invented to move around the desert, the two-humped camel, whose name is Bactrian, still remains the most reliable assistant.
  • People use the fat that is in the "bags" of the animal for food. It is suitable for frying and is valued above beef.
  • Camels can hardly tolerate dampness.
  • They are very susceptible to disease.
  • A wild camel can be content even with salt water, a home-made one is not adapted for this.
  • They can live up to 50 years.


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