Not all that glitters is gold. Looking for the hidden meaning of expression

Many of us like to flaunt a conversation with a beautiful word or expression, but it often happens that we do not fully understand the meaning of this phrase. It seems that the meaning is obvious, and we hear the saying from childhood, and it turns out to be so philosophical and unusual. Today we expand your horizons and bring clarity to the popular expression “Not All Shines That Gold”.


Most famous winged phrases and expressions were taken from literature. And in literature they came from life. How to clean the gold to shine in the countryside? This question was asked by many girls in the XIX century, who inherited jewelry. To mock them, their gentlemen said: "Not all that glitters is gold." So good-natured guys who did not have the financial ability to buy gold trinkets for their sweetheart tried to explain to the girl that a person is more valuable than cold metal.

how to clean gold conditions to shine

For the first time, a winged expression appeared in A. Ostrovsky in the story “Dowry”. Hero Karandyshev says: “Yes, Larisa Dmitrievna knows that not everything is gold that glitters. She knows how to distinguish gold from tinsel. " As it always happens, the context of the phrase was quickly forgotten, but the very expression in people is still heard.


Proverb: “Not all that glitters is gold” has a hidden and explicit context. In ancient times, many rulers kept alchemists with them, whose task was to learn how to turn iron and lead into gold. This noble metal was at a high price. Because of him, wars were fired, people died, and all so that some beauty could put a gold ring on her finger. So, in the distant past, as now often used fakes. The good alchemists of that time, of course, could not invent gold, but they could make a very high-quality fake. And to reveal such a deception was often very difficult. That is why the expression “not all that glitters is gold” was born.

not everything glitters that gold
The second subtext of this proverb is allegorical. It means that an outwardly beautiful person will not always be attractive inside. But at first glance it is difficult to notice such a catch, as is the case with gold fakes.

Similar expressions

“Not all that glitters is gold” - we understood the meaning of this phrase, and now let's see if it is unique. Well of course not. One variation of a similar phrase can be found even in the Bible. It sounds like this: "A man looks at his face, and God - at his heart." Do not be surprised at this similarity. Most people in Russia were believers, and the Bible was their handbook. A. Ostrovsky was no exception, who for the first time redid the biblical wisdom in the well-known proverb: “Not all that glitters is gold.”

proverb is not all that glitters gold

Other examples of similar wisdom can be found in European languages. For example, in England, the phrase: “Not every hunter who blows a horn” is popular. There is a similar wisdom in Latin.

Reflecting sayings in everyday life

The meaning of the proverb “Not all that glitters is gold” is quite transparent, and, unfortunately, life gives many examples that on a daily basis confirm the veracity of the winged expression.

Jewelry made of gold does not carry any function other than decorative. So many modern beauties who daily update their Instagram account with fashion photos often have only an attractive shell. But the spiritual qualities of a person should always come first. But today, the world of things and the status that can be shown are valued. People want to possess things and sincerely hope that they will help them become happier. In fact, these things will not make anyone happier. Not the person who bought them, not the person who sold them. Such momentary happiness passes quickly. Especially on the Web, everyone is trying to show themselves in a favorable light, because only a few know the truth. In the pursuit of a good life, many people miss true happiness.

The main thing in this life is not to lose yourself, because sometimes very funny situations come out.

not all that glitters is gold
The famous actress Megan Fox at the beginning of her career made a tattoo with the words from the famous Shakespearean work: "We will all laugh at the gilded butterflies." And then she herself became such a butterfly. It is necessary to find a balance in the soul and spend your strength on this. Then you don’t have to chase the cold shine of the metal.


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