How to remove lags in the game? How to remove lags in The Forest, World of Tanks, Watch Dogs, Rust games?

If you are fond of computer games, then most likely you already know that serious problems can sometimes arise with them. It would seem that you just need to install the game, run it and have fun. But in fact, sometimes it’s not so easy to achieve a positive result - very often gamers face serious problems that can be difficult to solve. For example, the game may not start, crash to the desktop, and lag too much. In this article you will learn what lags are, as well as how to deal with them. Most gamers already know that lags are moments in the game when it freezes, making it difficult to enjoy the process itself. Sometimes failures are so strong that it becomes simply impossible to play. In any case, you need to know how to remove the lags in the game, as sometimes you can do it yourself.

how to remove lags in the game

Disk issues

If you are interested in the question of how to remove lags in the game, then you first need to divide the possible causes into two groups in order to consider them separately. The first includes problems caused by programs that were installed on your computer, operating system, and so on. The second group includes, respectively, problems that arise due to the "hard", that is, directly because of your computer. First, the first group will be considered. Here it is worth highlighting primarily the problems with the disk. You should understand that your hard drive can be under heavy load, as you constantly write new files to it, delete old ones and so on. As a result, gaps remain somewhere, somewhere you can find uncleaned tails. And because of this, there may be problems with the performance of programs and games. This is solved quite simply - by periodically checking the hard disk and defragmenting it. The operating system has standard utilities for doing this kind of action, but if you want to get a more reliable result, you can purchase paid versions of such programs. However, you should understand that this is far from the only way to remove the lags in the game.

how to remove lags in games

Running processes

Many people ask the question of how to remove the lags in the game, without even having the slightest idea of ​​what they are faced with. Therefore, you should definitely familiarize yourself with how your computer functions. You can call the task manager and see how many different processes are running on your device, and each of them uses a certain amount of computer resources. Naturally, computer games also need these very resources, and in much larger quantities. And if you have many programs running? It is then that lags and brakes appear. You can remove them, in principle, quite simply: you just need to turn off most of the processes that you will not use during the game before starting the toy. The main thing is not to turn off those that were launched by the system, since they are most likely needed to maintain the computer. Many players are wondering how to remove the lags in The Forest, and most often the problem is solved by this method.

how to remove lags in the forest

Hard disk space

Sometimes disk defragmentation is not enough, because you should think about what is written on your computer at the moment, and not what was there before. If you want to know how to remove lags in games, then you need to carefully monitor the status of your hard drive. If it runs out of free space, then you will immediately have lags. And the less space will remain, the stronger it will lag - not only computer games will crash, but other programs, and in the worst case, the operating system itself will work very slowly. Then you need to clear the hard disk space as soon as possible by deleting unnecessary files and programs, and that’s all - the problem will be eliminated. If you want to learn about how to remove the lags in the game World of Tanks, then you should first check the status of your hard drive. This game takes up a lot of space and is constantly updated, consuming more and more disk space, so the problem may well be this.

how to remove lags in the game rust


Another reason for the emergence of lags in computer games may be viruses that get onto your machine if security is not respected. Viruses can act in a variety of ways, including worsening the performance of your computer, which, of course, will affect how your games play. How to remove lags in games if they are caused by viruses? Again, the solution is extremely simple: you just need to check it with a powerful antivirus with the latest databases in order to catch and destroy or quarantine all viruses that are wound up on your computer. And, of course, in this case, prevention is the best treatment. Always keep an active antivirus, update its databases so that they remain relevant, and also get yourself an additional layer of protection, for example, a firewall. When people are wondering how to remove the lags in the Rust game, because before everything worked fine for them, here one can suspect something was wrong. The fact is that this game is launched via an Internet connection, and if you did not observe safety, then unpleasant things can happen.

how to remove lags in the game watch dogs

System requirements

So, now you know about the main software problems that you may have and lead to lags in games. But there is also the technical side of the issue, and here first of all you should make it a rule to check the system requirements for each project. Many gamers ask how to remove the lags in the game Watch Dogs, but they did not even look at the system requirements. But in this game they are simply transcendental. The product will work fine only on the most powerful modern computers. Therefore, always play only those games that suit your requirements, otherwise the lags will accompany you constantly.


Sometimes you can save in-game settings, which you can change at will. For example, Skyrim has a very flexible graphic setting, and you can greatly reduce the quality of the graphics, while improving the performance of the game itself.

how to remove lags in the game world of tanks


Logs can also occur if your computer overheats. You can verify this by simply putting your hand to it. For greater accuracy, it is recommended to install a special program that will show you what temperature is observed in each part of your machine. Here you need to clean or replace coolers to avoid overheating. Many modern projects, such as Witcher III, load the computer so much that it needs additional cooling.


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