Weld - a reliable way to connect parts

A weld is a junction of two or more parts, which is formed as a result of the crystallization of a metal melt in a weld pool. The metal, which is welded onto the joint, consists of a mixture of filler material and molten workpiece.

The classification of such joints is quite extensive, which makes it easy to determine the type of weld. For example, according to the nature of the performance, one-and two-sided seams are distinguished, and in the direction of impact - frontal, flank, combined, and also oblique. In addition, spatial position also has a big impact. In this category, horizontal and vertical, ceiling and lower joints are distinguished.

Each weld has its own characteristic external shape, which has three varieties: weakened, normal and reinforced. In turn, angular and butt seams are distinguished by the cross-sectional shape. Thanks to all this diversity, you can get a huge number of compounds, for example, cross, tee or butt. The latter are used only for butt welds of a continuous nature.

Weld type
A characteristic feature that distinguishes such a seam from others is the cutting of the edges of the parts, or rather their shape in cross section. The most widespread are single and bilateral, curved, rectilinear shapes, there are also products on which there is no cutting edges. Complex forms of edge processing are considered V- and X-shaped. In turn, the fillet weld also has differences in the shape of the edges, as well as in the nature of welding: continuous or intermittent.

All existing types of seams allow you to connect parts of different thicknesses from a wide variety of metals. In addition, many methods have been developed that are designed to improve the characteristics of the weld and increase the reliability of such a connection. Such events can rightly be considered: the use of special filler material; welding parts in a gaseous environment, which helps to remove oxygen from the arc burning area; the use of flux and others.

Weld inspection

The weld can be done automatically, semi-automatically or manually. Each of these methods has its own characteristics, and therefore, can be used in various conditions. This allows you to expand the range of applications for welding.

The welding zone in which the parts are joined is subject to significant thermal stresses. Such processes, as is known, lead to sharp changes in the distribution and nature of the arising efforts. This negatively affects the reliability of the connections.

The parameters that characterize the weld are directly related to its geometric dimensions. This is the width, magnitude of reinforcement and blunting, the size of the gap, as well as the thickness of the parts being welded.

Welds are still controlled at the factory, since the quality, reliability and durability of this type of joint depend on this.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8385/

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