Heating system in a private house: organization principle and device

The heating system in a private house is a rather complicated topic for independent development. Today we will consider the traditional option of organizing water heating using a gas boiler, a pipe system, as well as radiators and (or) underfloor heating. If you are thinking about its device, then you should figure out where the installation begins.

Heating system in a private house

The heating system in a private house is carried out in several stages. But first, everything needs to be calculated and designed. The first step is the preparation of technical specifications, as well as technological and hydraulic calculations, the selection of boiler equipment, devices for internal wiring and hot water supply. Next, you need to complete the equipment and materials. All this is done in full accordance with the calculations made earlier.

Further, the heating system in a private house requires installation. This stage and commissioning are the main points in the design of the system. It depends on them how efficiently and for a long time everything will work. If all the work is done competently, then you will have at your disposal a modern and economical heating system in a private house.

Gas heating systems for a private house

In general, the entire structure can be divided into several groups: boiler equipment, which includes the boiler, boiler, as well as all automation; internal wiring elements, pipelines, as well as manifold cabinets; end points are radiators and underfloor heating.

Closed heating system of a private house

The collector (collector group) acts as the main element of the internal wiring. He lays the task of uniformly distributing the coolant of the heating circuit to the end points. The collector should have as many outputs as there are radiators in the system, or by the number of circuits into which they are combined. Underfloor heating and radiators require the use of various distribution manifolds, as coolant with different temperatures passes through them. For the former, a coolant temperature of 30-35 degrees is considered to be comfortable, while there is a coolant in the radiators for which this parameter reaches 90 degrees Celsius. For underfloor heating, temperature control is carried out by means of three- or four-way mixers, which involve manual or automatic control.

Closed heating system of a private house

In the process of designing heating equipment, questions may arise related to which system is better - one- or two-pipe, what are their differences. It is worth sorting out with this. In the first case, the temperature of each subsequent radiator in the circuit will be lower and lower, since they are arranged in series. When moving, the temperature of the coolant decreases in proportion to how it gives it to the heating devices separately, starting from the very first. When using the two-pipe version, such a disadvantage is eliminated, since each radiator receives a coolant of the same temperature. Heating occurs evenly, that is, the temperature of each of them will be almost the same.

We can say that such gas heating systems of a private house are very effective. As a heating device, they use a gas boiler, which can only work to heat the room, or involves the provision of hot water.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F839/

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