How to care for a decorative rat? Best names for rats

People who have decorative rats know how kind, smart and responsive these creatures are. Small rodents do not need regular walks and difficult care, so they are often bred as pets. After reading today's article, you will find out what names for rats (girls and boys) are suitable for these animals.

names for female rats

Breeds and colors of decorative rodents

Of course, the coloring of these miniature animals is not as diverse as that of domestic mice. But thanks to the focused work of breeders, more and more new color variations regularly appear. Depending on the type of coat, these animals can be divided into completely bald sphinxes, rex, sateen and standard rats. Among other things, in nature there are so-called dumbos, which can be easily recognized by round low-set ears.

names for rats

The most common rats are chocolate, blue, white and black. You can also often see decorative rodents of pearl, cinnamon, Siamese, Himalayan, sable and silver color. Some animals have a white mask, socks and stripes.

Conditions of detention

Despite the small size of these animals, they need a spacious cage, in which there will be everything necessary for the comfortable existence of your decorative pet. Therefore, before you start choosing names for rats, you should provide them with appropriate living conditions.

names for rats girls

It is desirable that there is a house in the cage. It can be made from a tea box or from a tin can with blunt edges. Also in the dwelling of a small rodent you need to put a feeder, a drinking bowl and several ladders. Among other things, the animal must have various small toys, which you can buy at the nearest pet store.

Instead of laying on the floor, you can sprinkle sawdust or finely torn paper. It is recommended to change the filler at least once every three days. Otherwise, an unpleasant specific smell will inevitably appear in the apartment.

Care Tips

Those who still choose names for female rats will be curious that they are not very neat creatures. Therefore, you need to be prepared in advance for the fact that you have to not only systematically clean the cage and clean the toilet, but also regularly bathe your pet. We must say right away that such chores are not too pleasant and will be a joy only to those who truly love these decorative rodents. Everyone else can be advised to think carefully about whether they are ready for such responsibility.

names for rats girls and boys

After the animal gets used to the new owners, it can be released for a walk around the apartment. So that your pet does not get bored, often pick him up. When traveling around the house, the animal can cause substantial damage to property, so it cannot be left unattended.

How to feed decorative rodents?

Those who choose names for rats will not hurt to learn more about what these animals eat. Depending on the preferences of the owner, the rodent can use industrial feed sold in any pet store, or natural food. In the second case, in the diet of the animal must be present products of plant and animal origin.

names for rats girls

Those who are still sorting out names for female rats will be interested to be recommended to feed them with wheat, millet, oats, bread and boiled eggs. Also, they should be treated with sprouted grains, oatmeal, cottage cheese, meat, all kinds of offal and root crops. As an additional treat, animals can be offered cheese, fresh or dried fruits. It is important to ensure that the decorative rodent receives all the vital vitamins and minerals.

Popular names for rats

Girls, just like boys, need to be called short sonorous nicknames. The animals do not perceive long nicknames, consisting of more than two syllables. So, the male can be called Smash, Teddy or Senya. For the female, nicknames such as Drying, Muffin, Sheri or Sophie are often chosen.

Keywords names for rats

It is desirable that the names for rats consist of such sounds as f, m, t, w, l, p, etc. They are the ones that are best perceived by animals by hearing.

How to teach a rodent a nickname?

Having figured out what names for rats are suitable for your pets, you need to understand how to make animals respond to this set of sounds. In fact, everything is much simpler than it might seem at first glance. During training, experts advise using emotional and nutritional reinforcement. Each time you play with your pet, call him by your chosen name and offer him a treat. As a rule, rodents quickly remember their nickname.

names for rats girls and boys

Usually the process of getting used to lasts from several days to two weeks, but sometimes it happens that a decorative rodent flatly refuses to respond to the sound of its name.


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