Rylskaya fortress: description of the attraction and interesting facts

In the Kursk region, the extreme western region is Rylsky. On the one hand, it borders with Ukraine, and on the other, with Glushkovsky, Korenevsky and Khomutovsky regions. The total population is just over 32 thousand people. The whole area has a large number of diverse attractions and a long history.

Modern Kursk region

The current territory of the region falls under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation, and since ancient times belongs to the lands of Russia. The average annual temperature in the Kursk region is around + 5 ... 7 degrees Celsius, winters are quite mild and warm, and summers are very hot. This contributes to the year-round influx of tourists who wish to personally get acquainted with the sights of the region.

Rylsky fortress

Narratives of ancient history

The first settlements were mentioned in the XI century, and exclusively in the vein of campaigns against the Polovtsy and Polovtsy on the lands of Russia. Starting from the XII century, two specific principalities began to appear - Rylskoe and Kursk. Rylsk was a capital city, and it was ruled by Prince Svyatoslav Olgovich. The prince’s house, a beautiful temple, an order house and squad houses were located on this mountain.

It was from this city that princes Svyatoslav Olgovich, Novgorod-Seversky Prince Igor and other relatives-princes left to fight the Polovtsi. All this is described in the world-famous "Word on Igor's Regiment". Modern scholars have reason to consider Svyatoslav Olgovich, Prince Rylsky as the author of this work.

description of the attraction ryl fortress

Significant dates

Further, the story tells about the "coming" of the Tatars. Kursk actively participated in the battle of Kalk in 1223. Then the prince of Kursk managed to escape from death, but during the campaigns of Batu Khan in 1239, this city was almost completely destroyed.

The next turning point was 1355, when these lands were transferred to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and subsequently to Poland. Since 1523, the Principality of Ryla remained part of Russia and, after the death of Prince Ivan Shemyachich, became fully part of the Moscow state. And already in 1508, the Principality of Moscow also included Kursk.

Thus, these were the southernmost lands, called upon to protect the entire state from the raids of the Tatars. For this, special fortified areas, defense lines and fortresses were erected. Only in one Rylsk 3 gatehouses were located. It was from this moment that the active settlement of this region began.

Description of the attraction. Rylskaya fortress

The founder of the city of Rylsk is considered John Rylsky, a monk from Bulgaria. The monastery, which was built by monks and laity, had two meanings. The first, it was the center of Orthodoxy, and the second meaning, the fortress and the well-fortified citadel. The ancient temples of the city were located on top of this mountain. The chronicle of the entire city of Rylsk is connected with this mountain.

Rylsky fortress Kursk region

John Rylsky was considered the patron saint of the city. It is believed that during the terrible invasion of Batu only this city remained safe and sound. Local residents in a single prayer called the saint for help and protection. John Rylsky heard the prayers of the townspeople. Appearing in the town square, he waved a white handkerchief and blinded the Batu army. Thus, Rylsk was saved from pogrom and ruin.

South fort

Remaining from the time of the defense of all of Russia, the Rylskaya fortress (Kursk region) is the personification of the southern part of the state’s defense. It is located on the highest coastal ridge in the area "Ivan Rylsky Mountains. As already mentioned, in the 17th century it was from here that the squads led by Igor Svyatoslavovich came out on the famous campaign against the Polovtsy. This is exactly what was indicated in the “Word about Igor's Regiment”.

A separate and most famous attraction, of course, is the Rila fortress (Rylsk). The fortress was of great strategic importance further in the 16th-17th centuries, when the ode was the last point in front of the border with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. It was the southernmost point of the state’s defensive line, which served as a fort against the Crimean Tatars, which made periodic raids.

Rylsky fortress Kursk region

Rylskaya fortress is a landmark of the country

All the existing fortifications were made in the form of children’s, which is the central part of the internal location of the fortress, which had 9 towers and six-meter oak walls. Among other things, for greater defense, the Rila fortress was surrounded by a moat and several earthen moats with unfinished towers.

Moreover, each tower had not only its own personal name, but also its purpose. The highest tower was called Sunday and had 6 faces. Its height was 15 meters. In this tower hung a bell, whose weight was 9.5 pounds. Literally a few meters from this tower, there is a Small Tower with 4 faces, which has a passage gate.

Fortress and inhabitants

Each fortification that was built and was part of the defensive complex had very serious weapons for that time. Rylskaya fortress was perfectly equipped. The main road was paved with cobblestones. On the western side of the mountain, a steep path with a railing was covered with a wild stone - a boulder. On the mountain stood a wooden church in honor of John of Rylsky and St. Nicholas Cathedral.

St. Nicholas Cathedral burned down in the 19th century; it was never rebuilt. At the beginning of the 20th century, residents built a brick church in the name of John of Rylsky, instead of a wooden building dating back to 1772. The vegetation on the mountain was sparse. It was limited to two tall poplars and four spreading lindens. On the slopes of the mountain grew prickly barberry and odorous lilacs. All grass in the early summer dried out under the scorching sun.

Rylskaya fortress attraction

Starting from the 17th century, the Rila fortress ceased to play an important strategic role. This is due to the expansion of Russian borders in the south and west. After the Battle of Poltava, the fortified city of Rylsk ceases to exist at all. At the moment, on the site of the fortress, on the highest place in the city, a magnificent church was built in the name of John of Rylsky.

This is not the whole list that the Kursk region can boast of, so any tourist or just a guest of the city will always have something to do and bring from his trip a lot of new unique photos, impressions and memories for every taste.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8403/

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