DIY embroideries: schemes with a description

Embroidery is a national Ukrainian clothing that adorns anyone who wears it. Many are interested in how to make such an item of clothing on their own, how to embroider an embroidered shirt with their own hands.

History of embroidered

According to archaeologists, the history of embroidered shirt has very deep roots. Even the historian Herodotus in 425 BC wrote that the Scythians wear beautiful embroidered shirts with patterns. Excavations were carried out in the Cherkasy region, and a skillful embroidery with their own hands was found, a pattern of which was created in the fourth century AD. Tripoli culture also has motifs that are repeated on the embroidered shirt.

do-it-yourself embroidery

During the Neolithic period, they also wore such clothes. Then it was made from simple linen threads.

Motives and patterns

These motifs are geometric, floral, zoomorphic. Geometric patterns include zigzags, rhombuses, circles, ovals, the “infinite” sign. Plant patterns show the beauty of the world, and most often among them are “grapes”, “hops”, “viburnum”, “oak leaves”. All these patterns are combined in a certain sequence, and each region has its own combination of motifs to decorate products.

Do-it-yourself embroideries are often decorated with a viburnum pattern, because this pattern symbolizes the power of the moon, sun and stars. The grapes on these clothes symbolize the joy and harmony of family life, and the red poppy protects the wearer of the shirt from the influence of evil forces.

DIY embroidery scheme

The most common ornaments for embroidered shirts are the cuckoo, hare, rooster, fish, and owl.

There are differences in the design of men's and women's clothing. So, women's embroideries were most often decorated with flowers, and on men's products geometric patterns and oak leaves were depicted. Do-it-yourself women's embroideries for unmarried girls had patterns mainly on the sleeves, and if they were worn by mature women, the patterns were concentrated on the chest.

Selection of material for embroidery

Such clothes will come in handy for your child at any kindergarten event and any extra-curricular event. First you need to choose the material from which you will sew it.

There are various materials suitable for sewing such a garment. Chiffon is a thin fabric that can be either artificial or natural. Such a DIY embroidery, the pattern of which is in fashion magazines, looks very elegant. There is also a minus in the creation of this product from chiffon: it is difficult to embroider on it.

DIY embroidery pattern

Products of this type from gabardine also wear well. They make gabardine from merino yarn (wool of such a breed of sheep as merino is used for it). It is easy to wash, and this fabric does not crease. Do-it-yourself women's embroidered shirts from gabardine are perfect for any figure.

It is best, of course, to use flax for embroidery. This is a rather expensive fabric, but the products from it turn out beautiful. The most expensive type of flax is homespun cloth. Do-it-yourself embroidery, the patterns of which are known to all experienced craftswomen, from homespun cloth is in great demand. Such a canvas is made by hand, has a pronounced off-white hue.

You can use factory flax, which is made in production. Such material is well erased, effective products are obtained from it.

Sewing preparation

If you are interested in the process of creating an embroidered shirt with your own hands, then for it you must first make a pattern on paper or on film. And you need to know the size of the person to whom you will sew.

DIY women's embroidered shirts

To sew such a shirt with short sleeves, you will need a meter of linen fabric (if you count on sizes 42 -44). Do-it-yourself men's embroidery is also done.

Also, for work, you will need threads such as a mouline thread, preferably of different colors. Most often, threads of red, pink, green colors are used. Men's options often have a combination of red and black.

In order for the embroidered cross-out pattern to look beautiful, you need to use a special canvas. This is a mesh that attaches to the main canvas, and is pulled out after work.

Shirt making

So, we have a rectangle the size of a meter by half a meter, it will become the main part, and two rectangles of 46 by 20 centimeters in size, they are useful for making sleeves.

do-it-yourself men's embroidered shirt

It is very convenient in this way to make an embroidery for a boy with his own hands. When you make a back, shelves and sleeves, then decorate them at the bottom with a “hem” pattern. It is very convenient to buy a canvas, the very bottom of which is pressed and there are holes on it. Then right on them you can do embroidery.

DIY embroidery, the patterns of which are very diverse, can be a real work of folk fantasy and creativity. You need to decorate the details of the shirt before joining them.

After all parts of the shirt are embroidered, you will need to connect them. This can be done manually, or with a sewing machine or overlock. In the latter case, your seams will stay better and look neater.

Different types of shirts

DIY embroideries are diverse. They can be decorated with both manual and machine embroidery.

Women's shirts can be tunic-like, can be with shoulder inserts, can be made on a yoke, can be with a solid one-piece sleeve.

Embroideries are divided into two types, depending on how the pattern is decorated. There are shirts - “stripes”, that is, shirts on which ribbons with a pattern are simply sewn, and there are those on which the pattern is embroidered directly on the material, that is, on linen. Experienced craftswomen, who know well how to embroider an embroidered shirt with their own hands, usually make the second kind of shirts. But such clothes are more expensive, given that they are processed manually.

Where to get patterns for embroidery

So, if you want to engage in the creation of national clothes, then you need to prepare all the necessary components. To create embroideries with your own hands, you need to take patterns somewhere.

You can go to a special store where they sell ready-made schemes in which all colors are already indicated. Also need will be threads, canvas, all this is in a special set. A needle is also attached to such a set, with which you will do the work.

DIY embroidery for a boy

The second option is to buy a pattern on fabric drawn with paints. These paints are washed off during washing. In this case, you will have to purchase the threads yourself.

The third option is modern. You can use a special program that will help you convert any image into a pattern for embroidery. These are programs like Pattern Maker, and CrossStitchPro.

If you are seriously interested in embroidery with your own hands, then do not immediately grasp complex patterns, but restrict yourself to simple options that combine no more than seven to ten colors. It is important to choose the right needle, which will have a large eye and a blunt point. Do not forget to wash your hands before work, because stains of dirt can remain on the threads.

It is better for a novice embroiderer to take lighter threads for work, mistakes are not so noticeable there. It is better to embroider a stitch. To get new ideas for creativity, you need to go to an exhibition of folk crafts or to a museum.

What is embroidered with, how to choose it

Do-it-yourself embroidery, the patterns of which you can purchase in the hardware store, is perfect for a variety of life occasions. It can be dressed for a holiday, can be worn in the office, for a business meeting. This shirt goes well with jeans.

Many put on an embroidered shirt and a jacket, and a sports jacket. It turns out not bad, this is normal for the cold season.

If you are interested in how to choose such an item of clothing, then you should definitely try on it before buying. The embroidery should not fit the figure, and it should not be a loose hoodie. Bright and beautiful, on weekdays she will cheer up not only you, but also others.

The purpose of the embroidered shirt

This clothing has deep historical roots, and wearing it means a person’s belonging to a particular race and society. Do-it-yourself embroideries are made by girls for their guys, wives sew them to husbands.

Often embroidered shirts are put on for weddings and used for stage performances. Many people want to wear such clothes in the office and in production, but then they need to be adapted in a modern way.

You must be able to wear such clothes. As a rule, embroidered shirts are not tied with a belt; they are not worn wide open. Real embroideries are restrained in color, there are no bright colors on them. Such a shirt of Belarusian origin is usually burgundy, with blue or green patterns.

how to embroider an embroidery with your own hands

The embroidery is considered a charm that protects its owner from evil influence. Especially if it is embroidered manually. There were often cases when the embroidered shirt protected the one who wore it, from diseases and injuries in the war.


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