How to compliment a girl about her beauty in your own words: recommendations and advice

Compliments to the girl about her beauty in her own words - this is perhaps one of those romantic acts that the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity value above all. And you can understand why. Nowadays, there are a huge number of compliments, but almost every girl knows about them from social networks and other sources. Therefore, a truly original approach is appreciated. And that was from the heart.

compliments the girl about her beauty in her own words

What not to talk about

Complimenting a girl about her beauty in her own words is difficult to do if there is no proper experience in this matter. To make it easier, the guy should remember that you do not need to focus on beautiful words. Firstly, do not admire her nose, ears, legs or nails if they are ugly. The girl is perfectly aware of her shortcomings. And if you touch on this topic, then she will consider it either a mockery or flattery.

Another guy does not need to paint the beauty of the breasts of girls, waist or buttocks. If they are not in a close relationship, of course. Similar words from a stranger will be perceived as impudence.

And you also need to remember - compliments to a girl about her beauty in their own words will surely please if they are in moderation. When a guy admires too much the appearance of his chosen one, this can even offend her. The girl will consider that only her beauty is important to him and he does not notice charisma, mind, sense of humor at all. About how wonderful she is in other plans, one must also speak.

cool compliments to the girl

Main principle

What should be taken into account when complimenting a girl about her beauty in her own words? What is most important in this is to prove to the beloved her uniqueness and uniqueness. And it’s better to do it by chance. For example, after meeting friends with other girls, tell her on the way home: “You know, you looked many times better than others.” It may seem commonplace, but it will be effective. It will turn out to demonstrate to the girl his attentiveness.

the most beautiful compliments to a girl about her beauty

Original approach

If you want to make cool compliments to a girl, you will have to try. In order not to seem banal, boring and not funny. No need to take jokes from social networks. Firstly, everyone knows about them. Secondly, it’s better to come up with something yourself. What will suit a particular girl.

The main thing is not to overdo it. Many people think it would be funny to say something like this: “Beautiful jacket. Is it just dirty, or what? ” This is not original, but offensive, since the last phrase hints at sloppy and sloppy. The same thing happens when you say: “You look great!” I’ve probably done makeup for about three hours? ”

If you want to be original, it’s better to say this: “You have very beautiful eyes. One is better than the other! ” True, you do not need to say this if the girl really has some kind of defect associated with this. Better yet, say, “Listen, could you please step a little further away from me? Otherwise, I’ll be blinded by your beauty now. ” The first phrase will lead the girl into a stupor. But the second is sure to bring a smile.

In general, the most beautiful compliments to a girl about her beauty are those that are said with all my heart. This has always been in price.


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