The ugliest dogs in the world: rating, description, features and reviews

Throughout the history of mankind, a huge number of dog breeds have been created through selection. They differ not only in external signs, but also in character, temperament, habits and even susceptibility to certain diseases. It was noted that representatives of some breeds, differing in beauty, are far from the best candidates for cohabitation. At the same time, the ugliest dogs in the world are the most faithful and loyal friends of a person who can become full members of the family.

Ugly but cute

As you know, today it is very fashionable to make all sorts of ratings. They are based on polls, the clarification of public opinion on a particular issue. More recently, a rating of the ugliest dogs in the world has been published, in which there are 10 breeds that do not differ, according to the inhabitants, in beauty and grace. At the same time, many four-legged animals that relate to them are much more pleasant in communication than the same German shepherds, Dalmatians or poodles.

the ugliest dogs in the world

10th place. Bull terrier

Dogs of this breed have egg-shaped heads and weigh about 18 kilograms. Moreover, their height at the withers reaches 56 cm. The lifespan of a bull terrier is 13 years, and the puppy's price is about $ 1,200. This breed is recognized as ideal for participating in obedience and agility competitions. However, due to the specific location of the ears, they often have hearing problems, and in the second half of life they may even develop deafness. By the way, bull terriers also top the list of the most terrible dogs in the world.

9th place. Bullets

The bullet has wool that falls into dreadlocks, which makes it very difficult for dogs of this breed to comb after bathing, and after each such procedure they can run around the house wet for 1-1.5 days. A puppy of this breed can be purchased for approximately $ 800. The weight of an adult dog is approximately 16 kg. At least once a year they need a haircut. At the same time, they are attentive and intelligent, therefore, have long been used as guard and shepherd dogs.

8th place. Bedlington terrier

Every time the world's ugliest dogs are discussed, the Bedlington Terrier is sure to be mentioned. They have a curved body with an arc of a strange shape, and the hair grows only in certain places. The weight of the Bedlington Terrier is on average about 11 kg, and life expectancy is up to 12-13 years. The cost of one puppy of this breed is quite high and is $ 1,500. Usually they are turned on because of the uniqueness of the breed. At the same time, owners should be prepared for high costs, as Bedlington Terriers often have optometric health problems.

7th place. Brussels Griffon

the ugliest dog in the world

Dogs of this rather rare breed look like not the most successful mixture of shaggy pug and shih tzu. They have a flattened funny face with bulging eyes. Dogs of this breed have a height at the withers of about 28 cm, weigh approximately 4.5 kilograms. On average, they live about 14 years, and a Brussels griffon puppy can be purchased for $ 700. At the same time, the owners simply adore these dogs, as they are playful, they are distinguished by excellent health and complaisant character.

6th place. American staghound

Many dog ​​handlers believe that these dogs are the main contenders for the title "The Ugliest Dogs in the World". Outwardly, they resemble hyenas and do not cause positive emotions in others.

American staghounds have a long, hunchbacked, and rather untidy body, making them look more like a wild animal than a pet. Especially unpleasant is their furry hair and muzzles that resemble wolfs. Dogs of this breed weigh on average about 36 kilograms, and their height at the withers is approximately 76 cm. On average, they live 13 years. Despite their rather aggressive appearance, American staghounds are very attached and loving animals.

the ugliest dog breed in the world

5th place. Affinpincher

These small dogs weighing up to 4 kg and a height at the withers of 30 cm look like they put their paws in the socket, and their hair stood on end. The average price for a puppy is about $ 400, and the average life span of an affinpincher is 13 years. Despite their “eternally unhappy” face, doggies of this breed are extremely loving pets.

4th place. Peruvian Inca Orchid

Under such a strange name, dog handlers know the ugliest dog in the world (according to many), which at the same time is a charming creature with a high level of intelligence. Representatives of such a breed as the Incan Peruvian Orchid have a hairless, often spotty body with a bunch of gray or white hair on their heads, giving them the appearance of a funny, displeased old man. The height of the dog at the withers is 50 cm, and the weight is 9 kg. Often, dogs of this breed are used for service as guides or for hunting.

ranking of the worst dogs in the world

3rd place. Xoloitzcuintle

Dogs of this breed look like very tall and at the same time bald chihuahua. Being hairless, they also have a fluff on the face, adding to their unattractiveness. Xoloitzcuintle's average life expectancy is 17 years, and weight usually reaches 16 kilograms. Despite the strange appearance, Mexican hairless dogs produce very loving, loyal and affectionate pets. At the same time, you should know that due to the lack of hair, their skin is not protected, and they are susceptible to all kinds of dermatitis and other similar diseases, the treatment of which can cost owners quite cheap.

2nd place. Neapolitan Mastiff

These huge dogs weigh up to 60 kilograms and have a height of 68 cm at the withers. Despite their terrifying appearance, they are loyal and gentle friends of their owners and from them raise beautiful bloodhounds.

1st place. Chinese Crested Dog

The fact that this is the ugliest breed of dog in the world has long been disputed by no one. Because of this “virtue,” they are even filmed in films and commercials. Representatives of such a breed as a Chinese crested dog weigh an average of four and a half kilograms. The cost of puppies is $ 850.

the ugliest dog in the world is chosen in the usa

Swee pi

Recently, the press reported that in the United States they chose the ugliest dog in the world. At a competition that took place in California, this title was awarded to Swee Pi Rambo. This dog is 17 years old and is a cross between Chinese crested and chihuahua. To become a winner, Swee had to beat 15 opponents. I must say that the dog has not seen anything for several years and wears diapers. The owner of the dog intends to spend $ 1,500 in prize money to remove the tumor, which causes a lot of suffering to his four-legged pet.

Now you know the ugliest dogs in the world. Many owners of dogs of these breeds claim that there are no dogs more kind and complaisant than their pets. This once again confirms that external beauty is not the main thing, especially when it comes to making a faithful and faithful friend.


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