Guardian Locks: reviews, overview, description, features

“My house is my fortress” is a saying known to all. And the protection of this same fortress from invasion from the outside is an inalienable right of every citizen. The products of the Guardian trademark, in fact, serve as one of the most important and reliable tools for protecting your home from uninvited guests. On such locking mechanisms as the Guardian locks, consumer reviews are positive.

guardian castle description

The manufacturing company offers customers door locks that are absolutely not inferior in quality and reliability of products of foreign analogues. The product line includes about 40 models designed for entrance doors. Products are made of a wide variety of materials (metal and wood, aluminum and plastic) and meet modern requirements for operation, functionality, reliability and secrecy.

About the manufacturer and production

The enterprise for the production of locks "Guardian" is located in Yoshkar-Ola (Mari El Republic) and has been operating for more than 15 years, offering its customers more than 4 dozen models for doors of various designs and made of any material. Finished products meet all modern requirements for secrecy, functionality and degree of security. Door locks are made in a highly automated production facility equipped with modern equipment.

In 2010, the manufacturer announced structural changes in the code elements of level locks, consisting in the presence of raised slots on the levers, which significantly complicates the process of criminal opening using master keys.

The company is constantly striving to expand its lineup, increase the reliability and protective properties of its products. The warranty for the "Guardian" products is 5 years.

Guardian Castles

The “Guardian” lock levers (often also called French) is a locking mechanism, the secret part of which consists of a set of plates (levers) with cutouts of various configurations, which are pushed by protrusions on the beard of the key when the device is opened.

Castle Guardian

The level lock has several types of protection against unauthorized opening. Firstly, the support stand of the mechanism is made of high strength metal. Secondly, in the end part of this rack is placed a small ball freely rotating in its nest. After all, what are thieves trying to open the door? Try to drill a support rack from the end. The drill bit rests against the ball, and these two elements together rotate together in the same direction. As a result, the drilling process is terminated.

The teeth of the levers, which are the code part of the mechanical secret set, are made of a certain material. In the process of breaking the castle, a person must make a lot of effort. As a rule, at this moment a piece of metal breaks off, or the mechanism undergoes a rather serious deformation - and the door locks of the “Guardian” of the lever type become completely inaccessible.

Another guarantee of reliability is the precision of the tooth fit. The manufacturer declares the impossibility of penetration of the master key into the gaps between the structural elements of the lock. Among other things, the keyhole is blocked by a metal curtain (shutter), which does not allow the master key to penetrate the locking mechanism, while the “native” key with a suitable set will enter without any obstacles.

Cylinder locks "Guardian"

The cylinder lock "Guardian" (also known to the consumer as "English") has a secret mechanism, the working part of which is represented by a cylinder. This element will be checked only if a “native” key is inserted into the well (located inside the cylinder).

lock cylinder guardian

An obvious advantage of this type of Guardian locks over level locks is that the lock “larva” is an easily replaceable part of the mechanism. Therefore, the loss of keys does not entail the need to change the entire door lock, just replace the cylinder.

Cylinder mechanisms can be of two types. “Key-key” is when on both sides of the door (from the inside and outside) the cylinder is opened only with the key. The “key-turntable” is opened with a key from the outside, and from the inside the mechanism activates a special turntable. If preference is given to the device of the second type, there is no need to install an additional valve.

Mortise cylinder lock "Guardian" practically does not lend itself to selection of combinations, since the number of possible options reaches two billion. This extends the opening time of the locking mechanism so much that the cracker simply does not have time to calmly take up “his own business”. High-quality modern materials and advanced production technologies make the protection of the castle from breaking practically impenetrable.

The use of force to open such a lock is impractical: the process causes a lot of noise, requires a lot of time. All these actions will surely attract attention both to the procedure for opening a door and to the person who opens it, which is extremely undesirable for him.

Further it is necessary to examine in more detail the Guardian lock models that are most in demand by consumers.

Leading Models

Currently, the models 21.12, 15.12 and 32.01 are in the highest demand among consumers.

The Guardian 21.12 lock has in its design 4 crossbars and a latch. Due to the possible number of combinations of the mechanical code, equal to almost 2 billion, the large diameter of the crossbars and the long length of their departure, reliable protection of the home is ensured. The latch integrated in the locking mechanism allows it to be firmly locked before the door is completely locked.

guardian castle Price

Lock "Guardian 3201", belonging to the category of cylinders, is equipped with a unique mechanical code. Departure of crossbars makes 2,6 cm. Burglar resistance class - 4. The mechanism is equipped with three crossbars and has 16 million possible combinations for opening. The product is compact, with a small weight and small keys. If for some reason the mechanism needs to be replaced, this can be done quickly and without any difficulties. It is this model, which has the optimal ratio of price and functional characteristics, that most companies for installing armored doors prefer.

The combined model of the Guardian 15.12 lock, which combines both a cylinder and a lever device with different keys, is in great demand among consumers. The model uses duplication of the secrecy mechanism. All together practically reduces to zero the possibility of opening such a castle.

Lock Series 10

What are such Guardian locks? The description of the products of this series can be started with model 1001, the scope of which is wooden or metal (armored or standard) doors with a thickness of 3.5 to 7 cm. This lock is simple, reliable and durable. The Guardian 1001 is an excellent option for horizontally locking doors at facilities with standard safety requirements. How can this statement be confirmed?

The Guardian 1011 lock is characterized by the second class of burglar resistance provided by the six-lever mechanism. Right- or left-side door needs to install a similar device - it does not matter. Departure of three powerful crossbars is 2.6 cm. The number of possible combinations is 46 thousand. Since the lock can be installed on a door leaf from 35 to 75 mm thick, the model is often mounted in metal, wood doors, in cabinets and safes. If we are talking about an armored door leaf, then the latch can be removed and turned upside down without first dismantling the lock and removing the side armor plates.

Locks Series 20

The most popular are the Guardian locks (customer reviews are direct proof of this) of the 20.02T model, which have a leverage (6 plates) type of mechanism. The locking device can be installed on both right-hand and left-hand doors. For this model, it is possible to connect a vertical drive. The lock is reliable and has a high class of burglar resistance (more than 2 billion possible combinations). Suitable for any door, including safe.

The Guardian 21.14 DT model, which is produced by the manufacturer in two forms, for left-side and right-side opening, also has excellent characteristics. The lock is equipped with a lever type mechanism (5 plates) and a latch. An armored plate is built into the body. There is the possibility of connecting a vertical drive and plunging into any door up to the safe. Included are 5 leveling keys and 1 mounting key. A removable secret and 9.7 million possible combinations for unlocking are an indicator of the device's high reliability.

Locks Series 30

Consumers choosing locks for safes prefer the Guardian 3001. This lock has a reinforced mechanism, increased secrecy and a high class of burglar resistance. The thickness of the doors into which the lock can be inserted varies from 4.5 to 7.5 cm. Eight levers, more than 1.5 million possible combinations and a third burglar resistance class are an excellent budget solution for objects with medium security requirements.

Castle "Guardian 3211" is very popular in Russia. In addition to the high reliability of the mechanism itself, the possibility of installing the device on both right-side and left-side doors, as well as the latch reversal without first disassembling the lock case, is attractive. The entire structure consists of two levers and is complemented by a cylinder, which increases burglary resistance to grade 4. The number of possible combinations for unlocking is 1.5 million. The reinforced castle body is complemented by armored elements.

The model 3011 has the highest level of secrecy. Such locks by the Guardian are characterized by consumer reviews as the most reliable, since the number of possible combinations for unlocking reaches 2 billion.

guardian locks reviews

The powerful case with armored elements contains 3 crossbars, a lever mechanism of 8 plates (supplemented by the possibility of installing a vertical locking system) and a drive latch. The lock can be installed on absolutely any door.

50 Series Gear

One of the most reliable models of this series is fashionable to call the Guardian 5001 castle. The lever mechanism consists of 8 plates, the number of possible combinations is 1.5 million. Accessories (armor plate) are mounted in the factory. The model has protection against drilling. There are no latches in the design. Burglar resistance class - 4.

The Guardian 5011 model, in addition to characteristics similar to the above model (3 crossbars, 8 levers, protection against drilling, 1.6 million possible combinations), has a reversible latch. The installation of such a device model on a door with a thickness of 3 to 7.5 cm can be carried out in the left-side and right-side directions.

door locks

The Guardian 5015 model also has a lever type mechanism (8 plates) and is equipped with a latch, which can be flipped without first disassembling the lock. 1.6 million code combinations and full-time armor plate reliably protect the mechanism during hacking attempts. The model can be installed on the door for both right and left opening.

Price range of products "Guardian"

How much does the Guardian castle cost? Price varies greatly depending on the series and design. For example, models of the 10 series with a suction type mechanism can be purchased for an amount in the range from 340 rubles to 1210.

The lock of the 20 series with a cylinder mechanism will cost about 1300 rubles. Mortise models with a level mechanism with the possibility of conversion, customers can purchase for 2300-2700 rubles. A two-system lock with recoding and the same type of mechanism will cost from 3300 to 3700 rubles.

If we talk about the 30 series, then the Guardian locks are characterized by consumer reviews as a product with an optimal ratio of price and quality. A cylinder type model can be purchased for 480-700 rubles. A lock with a suction mechanism costs a little more - from 970 to 1580 rubles.

Models of the 50 series will cost customers from 950 to 1400 rubles.

Consumer opinion

The opinions of consumers about the locking mechanisms of the Guardian brand are overwhelmingly positive. Customers are impressed that the cylinder lock cylinder can be replaced without first analyzing the entire structure. Also positively characterizes the products of this manufacturer is the possibility of recoding the lock by replacing the rotor.

Suvaldnaya and cylinder parts are located at a sufficient distance from each other, so the "layman" can give the impression that the door is locked with two completely independent locks from each other. In addition, prices for Guardian products are significantly lower than for devices of the same level from foreign manufacturers.

According to experts involved in the installation and repair of locks, raised bases on the levers and drum practically exclude the receipt of a positive result when trying to break in.

Of the minuses, one can focus only on the fact that the crossbar can bend after the application of serious physical effort. However - you must admit - about such "unworthy and treacherous" opening of doors very soon it will become known to all neighbors, and then to law enforcement agencies.

The choice of a castle for the home itself is a personal matter for every person. However, there is absolutely no need to burden your budget with unnecessary financial expenses for acquiring locking mechanisms of import production if the Russian market is ready to offer competitive goods of their own worthy quality and at an affordable price.


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