"The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine": the passage. "Blood and wine. The Witcher 3": quests, quests, characters

"Blood and Wine" - the new final addition to the game "The Witcher 3". This full-fledged DLC has increased the already extensive game map by one area - the Principality of Tussent. In this small kingdom of Geralt, exciting new adventures await, as well as battles with monsters never seen before. Full passage of "Blood and Wine" will take the player about 30 hours, which makes this addition a fully-fledged game. About the plot and side quests, as well as the characters, secrets and secrets of this DLC, our short review will tell.

passing blood and wine

Adventure Start

The player will be able to go to new lands in search of adventure only after he reaches level 34. At that moment, when you complete the mission “Poet in disgrace”, the task will automatically appear in the magazine - to find a new contract on the bulletin board. On any of them you will find information that the principality of Tussent is attacked by an unknown, but terrible beast, and for its murder they urgently need a witcher. “Blood and Wine” will begin with the mission “Embassy from the Wine Land”, in which Geralt needs to meet with two representatives of Princess Anne-Henrietta and go on a journey with them.

But the road to this marvelous land will not begin earlier than the Witcher helps the knights to recapture the village of Debri from the bandits. Get ready for a pretty serious battle, because there will be plenty of opponents. After the victory, the knights will talk about the beast, which has already killed two important persons, but so far no one has seen it. After Geralt agrees to fulfill the order, the knights will lead him to the Principality and new adventures will begin.

Bestia from Tussent

The lands of the Blood and Wine addition, the quests of which we are analyzing, will meet the Witcher rather unfriendly. On the way to the palace, a strong giant will stand on the way at Geralt. It will be difficult to kill him, so do not forget to use the “Quen” sign for protection. Also against this boss will be useful “Aard” and “Igney”. In battle, it is better to bypass the enemy from the side, because during a frontal attack, he pretty painfully kicks with his leg and clapper. After the victory, be sure to search the giant’s corpse, here you will find many useful things.

the witcher blood and wine

Next, the young knight Guillaume will talk about a new murder, and now the Witcher’s road lies to the crime scene. As soon as you find yourself there, a small detective investigation awaits you: turn on your witch's flair and follow the trail, which sooner or later will lead you to the Brooks living in the tavern. Defeating her will not be easy, but using the power of magic and weapons, Geralt will be able to prevail. Killing a monster will not give you answers to questions, so now your path lies in the tournament fields for an audience with the princess. But not everything is so simple, and Geralt will have to fight with another opponent - Charlei. You can easily cope with it, but you don’t need to kill this monster (it’s described in more detail in completing the quest “Destination Ways”).

blood and wine quests

Now you are waiting for a conversation with the princess, who will tell about the first two victims of the beast, and will also present the winemaker with a gift to the Witcher. After the conversation, Geralt awaits a short trip for the magic horn. As soon as we get it, the quest “The Witcher: Blood and Wine.” Bestia from Tussent ”will end. A new quest will begin.

On the trail

The hints received will lead Geralt to the greenhouse, but the Witcher will be late and will not have time to save the life of knight Milton, who fell at the hands of a beast. The pursuit of the monster will lead to the barn, where a rather difficult battle awaits you. Use Quen for defense, and also counterattack more often - this will confuse the monster.

the quest the witcher blood and wine
And also moon dust will become an assistant in the battle, which will prevent the vampire from regenerating. At the moment when Geralt almost falls at the hands of Bestia, an old acquaintance, Regis, will appear. This ancient vampire will save the Witcher from death. From a conversation with him you will find out what this beast is. A new task, “Blood and Wine: Resound,” begins, the passage of which is waiting for you in the next block.

Help old friend

Go to a meeting with Regis, he will tell you what ingredients will be needed to defeat the ancient vampire. The first of them, the saliva of the spotted whirlwind, we will find in the abandoned estate of Trastamar. However, in order to obtain this ingredient, it is not necessary to kill the creature, you can simply remove the curse from it. This is easy to do if you are extremely careful and study all the tips on the case.

blood and wine passing the ending

The next ingredient, vampire blood in a state of excitement, is more difficult to obtain. Together with Regis go to the sanctuary, while do not forget to search all the barrels and chests, in them you will find a full set of fairly strong armor. Having laid out the bait, close your friend in a cage and fight off corpse eaters until the vampire’s rage scale is completely filled. We collect his blood and return to the cemetery. After the potion is made, we will learn the story of Detluff's past, and also receive a new quest.

Beast's Lair

Further passage of "Blood and Wine" will lead us to the shoe-polisher, whom we have to protect from the angry crowd. The boy will give a tip to the toy store where Detlaff lives. After a short trip around the city, you will find yourself in front of the desired building, but you will not find the owner of the house. Thoroughly study the store, here you will find many tips necessary for further investigation.

Wine is holy

The addition of “Blood and Wine” will continue in the Princess’s palace, where Geralt will go with evidence that Detlaff was forced to murder by blackmail. Now the Witcher needs to escort Anna-Henrietta to the winery and ask the manager. On the way, do not forget to repulse the cart with the peasants from the attack of panthers. Now you will find the right wine. When Geralt reveals a fraud, go to the ambush site, but do not forget to prepare, because you will face a battle with a large number of bandits. After the victory, ask the captive who will give you a new tip.

Mister from Tsintra

Having put on a suit of the nobleman, go on a holiday. After a long search for suspects and evidence that Geralt will discover with the help of his witcher instinct, you will be able to find the corpse of a young singer. And also you will find at the scene of the murder an artifact called the Heart of Tussent. On the knife with which the killer tried to injure the mistress of the estate, you can see the coat of arms of the conspirator - Roderick.

blood and wine side quests

Having studied all the evidence, Princess Anna-Henrietta will tell about her exiled sister, Xi'an. During the conversation, Regis will join you with Detlaff, with whom you can build relationships. Now your path lies to the old mill De la Croix, where you will meet Damien. After that, the mission “Storming the Castle” will begin, which is turning in the complement “Blood and Wine”. Passage of side quests by this moment should be almost completed. After all, after this mission, many tasks will become inaccessible.

Castle capture

To continue the passage of “Blood and Wine” and find Detlaff’s missing love, as well as the princess’s sister, Geralt must storm Dun Tynne. Stock up with a "swallow", because you have to swing your sword right and left. At the entrance to the castle you will find Roderick, after the victory, you can take pity on them to give a piece of tissue to cover the wound. The conspirator will tell you that there is no missing girl here, and only Siana is in the castle.

blood and wine echo passage
Head inside, where you will find the sister of the princess. As it turns out, Ren and Siana are one person. The girl used the ancient vampire for her own purposes. Upon learning of the betrayal, Detlaff will go mad with rage and put forward an ultimatum: if, after three days, Siana does not appear in Tesham Mount, he will drown the whole kingdom in blood. Now, to continue the passage of "Blood and Wine", Geralt needs to kill the ancient vampire.

Long night

Despite all the intrigues of Siena, Anna Henrietta does not want to betray her sister Detluff, and he sends a lot of all sorts of monsters to the city with which our Witcher enters into battle. “Blood and Wine: The Long Night” will force our hero to run around the city in search of a vampire, but his traces are nowhere to be found. At the last moment, Regis will appear, from a conversation with which we must decide whether to kill Detlaff or try to negotiate with him. Killing a vampire will lead to the worst ending of the game, so we choose the second option and try to find the missing Siana. The search will lead us to the nursery, from where Geralt will be transported to the magical land of the Thousand Tales.

A long time ago…

In this quest, Geralt will meet with such famous characters as Masha and the Bear, Little Red Riding Hood, three little pigs and many others. As you travel around the country, the Witcher will need to find the missing beans, which will be the key to getting out of the fairy tale. Finding them will be quite simple, but it is worth remembering that most of your actions have consequences. If you want to achieve a good ending to the Blood and Wine add-on, the quests of which we are analyzing, it is very important to buy or win a Siena ribbon from a girl with matches.

passing supplement blood and wine

After completing all the tasks and planting magic beans, we defeat the giant and go to the well, which will be the way out of the world of fairy tales. But do not rush to leave this magical country, if you go for a firefly, you can get a pretty strong sword. Then go to the real world, where they have long been waiting for us.

Tesham Mount

In these ruins, the final battle between the Witcher and the vampire will take place. You will go to the meeting together with Siena and Regis (if you visited the country of fairy tales and decided to agree with the beast). Detlaff will try to kill his beloved, but she will be saved by the very tape that we purchased from a girl with matches. As soon as this happens, the vampire will attack Geralt, and you will face the most difficult battle. At the first stage of the battle, we expect a blow from the enemy and beat him with a counterattack. After a critical hit, Detluff will turn into a bat. At this moment, he is invulnerable, so we maneuver, while avoiding bloody clots on the ground. But as soon as the vampire reaches for them, beat him with silver.

blood and wine destinations

The third stage of the battle will take place in the bloody world after Detluff bites the witcher. Here you will need to destroy three hearts, while avoiding enemy attacks. Attack him is not worth it, because he is constantly regenerating. After a decisive blow, we watch Regis finish off the vampire. Then we proceed to the final mission of the add-on "Blood and Wine."

Passage of the ending

The final DLC depends only on what decisions Geralt made when completing the main missions. If you did not look for a ribbon, did not save Siana and did not try to negotiate with Detluff, then the sad ending awaits you - the sisters are dead, the witcher is imprisoned, and the kingdom is plunged into sorrow and longing. But if you went through the Blood and Wine supplement following the advice of this guide, then you will have a very happy ending, as well as an award ceremony. But before you go to an audience with the princess, go to the castle and chat with Siana. You need to convince her to forget the old grievances and give up revenge. The main argument in this conversation will be a reminder that the girls were still children. Now go to court and take the side of the accused. In this case, the sisters will forgive each other, and the long-awaited peace will come in the kingdom.

blood and wine tournament walkthrough

It remains only to meet with Regis and get some nice gifts from him. The final quest of the add-on “Good Away” will present you with a small surprise, which depends on the storyline of the whole game, and not just the Blood and Wine missions. Passing quests of the main line of additions on this ends, and then the guide will talk about additional tasks.

Some more adventures

In addition to the main line, Geralt will be able to go through many additional tasks that will bring not only pleasure from the game, but also a lot of money and useful things. You are waiting for such tasks:

  • Portraitist.
  • The customer is always right.
  • Reconstructors.
  • Cow cakes.
  • National hero.
  • Eternal peace.
  • Brotherly love.
  • Wine wars.
  • Monster from Tufo.
  • Balance in nature.
  • Boxing safari.
  • What are the horses talking about.
  • Grand Tour in the Boxler.
  • About a knight and a beautiful lady.
  • More than a master.
  • In the footsteps of the prophet Lebed.
  • Knight mercenary.

And this is not a complete list of additional missions of this rich addition. We won’t succeed in detailing all the quests, but some of them deserve special mention.

blood and wine passing moro

First of all, you should pay attention to the task "Blood and Wine: Paths of Destination." The passage of this task will begin after Geralt goes to the notice board located in the center of Bockler. Read the note about the guy spying on the girls on the lake. After that, a mark appears and you need to go to your destination. On the lake you will find a hermit who guards the sword, which will go to a knight who has five virtues. Geralt needs to prove that he is worthy of this weapon. To do this, follow these steps:

  • When completing the quest "Best from Tussent" spare Charlie - this will confirm your sympathy.
  • In the "Change" mission, pay the boy who brought you the letter - this will confirm your generosity.
  • The honor of Geralt can be confirmed by returning Regenald’s eggs to the customer when completing the quest “Hero of the People”.
  • To prove your prowess, you will need to defeat all of Buckler's pugilists.
  • Wisdom will be confirmed if Geralt during the passage of the main mission conjures the Whirlwind.

As soon as you prove all your virtues, return to the hermit. Do not think that he will immediately give away the sword, you have yet to prove his strength as a warrior. Get ready for a serious fight, because the old man is not so simple.

blood and wine passing the song of a chivalrous heart
After the victory of Lady Lake will be, which will give Witcher sword Arondit, but that's not all, what may surprise the addition of "Blood and Wine".

Passage "Song of the Knight's Heart"

In this assignment, Geralt has to prove that true love can remove any charms. To do this, you need to talk with Guillaume, who will tell that his beloved is bewitched. To find out if this is true, Geralt needs to take part in a knightly duel, the only way to continue this task in the game The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine. The tournament, the passage of which will not cause trouble, consists of three tasks in which Geralt will have to prove his accuracy, the ability to stay in the saddle and the strength of the fists. After completing all the tests, you will find out that Guillaume’s girl is still bewitched, and you can only remove the spell with the help of the Oriole egg. When completing this quest, it is better not to deceive the young man, in this case he will persuade Vivienne to pass the test, and the Witcher will easily remove the curse.

Passage of the quest "Change"

After Geralt proceeds to the task “Following the Trail”, he will receive a letter from his lover: Triss or Jennifer, depending on the development of the relationship. The message will say that in this principality there lived a certain professor who was engaged in witch mutations. In the wake of this character, we will set off to continue our adventures in the game The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine. The passage of Moreau, or rather, the quest to find this professor, will lead us to the cemetery, and then to the lake. Using the witch's flair, Geralt will discover a small flooded cave under water. Be careful - the dungeon is protected by many traps. Sooner or later, searches will lead us to the diaries of the professor. After reading the notes, we go further.

An unpleasant surprise awaits us in the next room - a stone gargoyle. She must be killed, and then put her hand on an empty pedestal. This action will allow you to open hidden passages that you need to navigate in a certain order - another surprise of The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine. Passing portals will not be a hassle, if you take into account one main rule - the desired passage is always located opposite the face of the statue.

the witcher 3 blood and wine passing portals

Upon reaching the laboratory, examine the room and find all the crystals. Then go for the next ingredient - the scalapendromorph egg. Having obtained all that is necessary for the experiment, start the Moro device. New mutations will add Geralt speed and strength, which can be seen in the game menu. It remains only to leave the laboratory and continue the journey through the fairy kingdom. This concludes our short review. Have a nice game.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8441/

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