What to give a girl for 19 years? Original birthday girl gift

The tradition of celebrating a birthday did not always exist. In Russia in ancient times, only angel day was widely celebrated. And it was a really big celebration, many guests invited, had round dances, sang songs. We prepared for this day in advance - we stocked up on food and fed animals.

And today, scientists cannot give an exact answer when and where the tradition to celebrate a birthday came from. Some argue that this holiday originates in ancient Egypt. Other scientists believe that the birthday has pagan roots and appeared in the form of a rite of black magic. Everyone involved in sorcery was convinced that congratulations that day acted as spells and tended to come true. In Christianity, such a tradition was banned by the church, as it had pagan roots. At the beginning of the 18th century, the requirements were much weakened, and the priests began to keep a special book in which they noted the date of birth of a person.


At the moment, celebrating a birthday is a good tradition for every family. Along with the New Year, this holiday is considered the most popular. From the moment a person begins to grow up, there is a need to make any gifts.

what to give a girl for 19 years

After all, coming to a holiday empty-handed is not accepted. Already in kindergarten, children make gifts to each other in the form of colorful books, cards and toys. The child is pleased not only to receive, but also to give. In school years, we are also in a hurry on birthday to please our girlfriend or class friend with something original and necessary, starting from an unusual notebook and pen, ending with some beautiful accessory - a hairpin, a brooch, a strap, a rim or makeup.

School time passes, and after it comes of age. On the day of the 18th anniversary, relatives are trying to make a more expensive gift. After all, this age is considered a crucial step in adulthood. Friends' fantasies have no boundaries - certificates for spas, cosmetics, perfumes, fashion accessories, money.

But let's talk about what to give a girl for 19 years. For some, this issue is not complicated, since on any holiday these people give exclusively money. This is not original, but necessary. But money can also be presented to the birthday party so unusual that it will be pleasant both from the present and from the presentation. Let's figure out what to give the girl for 19 years and in what form to present the present.

We give money in an unusual way

  1. Cake in the form of money twisted into rolls, decorated with colorful ribbons. This method was invented several years ago. But only few use this option. Such a birthday present for a girl will delight both the birthday girl and the guests.
  2. Treasure Chest. You can find a wooden chest in gift shops. It is also called "pirate." It is necessary to pour iron coins mixed with decorative large rhinestones into it, put paper bills on top and sprinkle them a little with coins. The result is a very original gift for a 19 year old girl. The birthday girl will be delighted.
  3. Bunch of paper money notes. Usually, making flowers for him alone is obtained only by masters.
  4. Cash gift in the style of "minimalism". You can give one rose, and place a banknote under the bud.
  5. Nowadays, fashion returns to everything that is done with your own hands. And if you are not needleworkers, then you can turn to the master. Look at photos of rag dolls from different creators and select your favorite. Most likely, the doll will have to be ordered from another city. You need to take this fact into account and do it in advance - in about 2 weeks. These dolls are already good because no one else will have exactly the same. They are light and beautiful. Often, when sewing dolls, craftsmen use real hair. Put a banknote in the pocket of the dollโ€™s dress or under your arm and pack it in a box and then in beautiful paper. Such a doll is not intended for children's games. She is an adornment of home interior. Therefore, it can be safely presented to the girl on her 19th birthday.
  6. Give a good leather wallet and put a banknote in it. Practical present! But first you need to find out which purses the girl prefers. Perhaps she does not use them at all.

cake for 19 years old girl

Interesting pumpkin

If you are a person with humor, then you can easily amuse the birthday girl and guests with the following gift. Take an ordinary pumpkin and cut a square. Inside, make a small indentation. Thus, you should get 5-7 squares. Anything can be put in each hole - candy, stone, shell, etc., but a banknote should be hidden in one recess. Next, put back the squares from the peel into the pumpkin. It is advisable that after such manipulations she look as aesthetically pleasing as before them. Therefore, you need to cut carefully, with a sharp knife. Then present the pumpkin as a gift with the wishes: "This is for you, so that you are always healthy and slim." Perhaps the first seconds for the birthday girl will be shocked, so delaying with the surprise itself is not worth it. Tell us about the need for a birthday girl to find a present in a pumpkin. A fun and interesting gift that no one has ever given her or will give her. Therefore, it will be remembered for a lifetime.

Thus, we have several gift options in the form of money. The list goes on and on. As they say, just connect the imagination.


Well, what girl at the age of 19 will refuse a good perfume? There is no such. But first you need to find out exactly which flavor the birthday girl prefers. After all, you donโ€™t want her to dislike the gift, and she gave it to her mother or grandmother for use. But if you are invited to a birthday, but you still havenโ€™t managed to find out the girlโ€™s favorite scents, do not despair.

birthday girl gift

Experienced consultants at the perfume shop will be delighted to demonstrate delicious aromas suitable for a given age. These are mainly light, unobtrusive odors with notes of vanillin or flowers. You can not overdo it with sweetness. It should be barely noticeable.


How to choose a birthday present for a girl? For example, you can present cosmetics. But you need to know what types it uses.

what can I give a girl for 19 years

Perhaps this is only mascara and lip gloss, and you give her a three-tiered suitcase with eyeshadow that she does not need, and at best, she will give it to someone. If this is still mascara and lip gloss, then you do not need to add anything else to them to make the gift seem voluminous. The right decision is to buy these two branded things, which means they are not cheap. This will be appreciated, and not a mountain of cosmetics for 100 rubles.


What to give a girl for 19 years? Stylish accessory. When choosing, you also need to pay special attention to the brand and price.

gift to a girl for 19 years

If this is a belt, then it is certainly made of genuine leather and in decent packaging. Next, choose the girls according to the texture and preferences, whether it be bags, hats, gloves or scarves.

Vacation Package

A ticket is a good gift for a girl for 19 years. Before acquiring it, you need to consider a lot of nuances. Firstly, the date. You must be sure that the girl is not going anywhere by the number you choose. Secondly, the ticket should be for two! She alone, most likely, will not go anywhere - this is boring, and sometimes unsafe. Thirdly, you need to choose a place, visiting which, the girl will be in seventh heaven. Therefore, if she is afraid of heights, do not take a ticket to Dombay or Elbrus. Great options are Kislovodsk, Pyatigorsk, a tour of St. Petersburg or Moscow.

Cake and Poems

A cake for a 19-year-old girl can also be a wonderful gift. It can be ordered from the masters especially for the birthday girl. You can decorate it with pastry beads, flowers. Also on the cake you can beautifully write the name of the girl.

verses for 19 years to the girl

Poems for a 19 year old girl are original birthday presents. Basically they go in addition to the main gift. So that the birthday girl and guests do not fall asleep while reading it, you need to try to write a work of joy and with humor.

original gift for 19 years to a girl

What to give a girl for 19 years? You can also present such things that she needs, and you know about it, for example, a kettle, an iron, an umbrella, a curling iron, a hairdryer or a depilator.

Presents not to choose

For 19 years, the girl does not need to give:

  • alcoholic drinks (even very expensive);
  • services and other utensils;
  • mirrors;
  • Chinese things with inscriptions of famous companies.

Little conclusion

Now you know what you can give a girl for 19 years. As you can see, there are many options. Whatever gift you choose, the main thing is to give it with a soul!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8444/

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