Gift for a child for 1 year: ideas, recommendations, examples

Not so long ago you took a tiny bundle from the hospital, and today the baby is already standing on his feet confidently, eating with a spoon and drinking from a glass, walking on a pot. And of course, everything in the world is very interesting to him. A one-year-old child is an endless source of energy. I want to know everything - this is his motto. I want to celebrate the first anniversary somehow in a special way. And of course, all relatives and friends try to make a tiny bright and memorable present. It is not as easy to make a child’s gift for 1 year as it seems at first glance, so today we choose the best option together.

best gifts for 1 year

Several variants

If you go to a toy store today, you will be amazed at the huge selection of products, various in quality and price, functional features. Moreover, to choose among them what will please the baby and his parents is not an easy task. There is no doubt that the toy must be of good quality. After all, the baby still tastes everything.

A child’s gift for 1 year is made simultaneously for the baby and its parents, because by itself he still does not know how to play. And all developmental aids are a big burden on mom and dad. And this is not to mention the preferences and inclinations of the peanut. Therefore, you have several options:

  • Talk to your parents about what should be a gift for a child for 1 year.
  • Choose a gift at your discretion, based on the experience of raising your children.
  • Give parents an envelope with money, and give the child a balloon. In this case, the mother will have a chance to acquire what she considers necessary. And you are definitely relieved of the probability of making a mistake, and of the responsibility that the choice implies.

Age features

If you will make a present for a child for 1 year yourself, then you need to have a good idea of ​​the features of the little man, his achievements and skills. Otherwise, you risk presenting a toy that he has already outgrown. There is another option - the gift will be ahead of development, for example, designed for 2-3 years. In this case, the baby is likely to break the toy before he can use it for its intended purpose.

The child has learned to perfectly master his body, muscles and muscles. That is, from a helpless creature turned into a strong and confident little peanut. What is now included in the arsenal of his skills:

  • He understands everything that parents say.
  • Actively expresses his feelings with babble and gestures.
  • Uncontrollably seeks to know the world, especially what parents forbid.
  • Research skills are developing. He tries to interact with all objects and study their appearance, taste and shape, and try to manipulate them.
  • There is a desire for interaction with other babies.
  • You can track the first attempts to make independent decisions and track cause-effect relationships.

That is, congratulations on the birthday of a 1 year old boy can already have a verbal form. The kid will understand well the speech and emotions addressed to him. You can prepare a short, rich congratulation in advance.

designers for baby

The main tasks of the child

From one to three years, the leading activity of the child is subject-manipulative. It develops best by interacting with various subjects, studying them. And what happens to the outside world? The entire space around the baby is exposed by caring parents, since everything potentially dangerous is cleaned away.

Therefore, thinking what to give a child for 1 year, you can immediately focus on the fact that a safe and multifunctional item that can be twisted and folded, somehow changed and adapted is a very good purchase. Imagine for yourself what you can do with this toy. For example, a soft bunny is not subject to any changes, and from the designer you can build a tower and a steam locomotive, a house and a fence.

Congratulations on his birthday to a boy for 1 year, it is customary to start with the delivery of the first vehicles, and the girl - the first dolls. But let's see what else you can think of.

Skills and interests

Although the baby only recently learned to walk, he quite successfully combines this process with other actions. He can pull objects along or push them in front of him, bring something to parents. The relationship with the dishes is very good. Moreover, the crumb with great pleasure will play with ordinary dishes (pots and ladles, plastic cups and spoons), and special game sets.

In this regard, you can give a dinner set of dishes on suction cups. It can be a plate and a mug, a spoon and a saucer. Made of high-quality plastic, with a bright pattern, they will become the first "adult" object in his life.

Of particular interest is his world of sounds. Therefore, happy birthday cards for 1 year are best to choose musical. They get the biggest response. Today, the selection of such presents is very large. The peanut is trying to extract sounds from everything that comes to hand. He will knock on the glass, with rapture, pour the pasta from one cup to another, pour water. In connection with these age features, you can also determine for yourself a set of toys that will be well received.

educational toys

What you should immediately refuse

There are inexpensive gifts that you can buy in passing in any department. Often this is used by relatives and friends who are in a hurry for their birthday. It is worth remembering that the child is only 1 year old. Happy birthday cards are good when the baby is already able to read or listen to the speech addressed to him. To do this, you will have to wait a few more years. It is not recommended to take the following gifts:

  • Rattles and stretch marks for a stroller. These are toys for young children, and a year old will only mess with them for a few minutes.
  • Develop for children 3+. They are still too complicated, and the baby will have to wait a long time until he can enjoy the game.
  • Kits with small parts that can be choked.
  • Stuffed Toys. It is almost impossible to manipulate with them. In addition, it is a real dust bag.
  • Cheap plastic models. Poor plastic can cause poisoning.
  • Radio-controlled toys. A one-year-old baby is not yet able to manipulate the remote control, but using it instead of a hammer or lowering it into a bucket of water is very easy.

There are enough difficulties. And you will have to think thoroughly what to give your child for 1 year, so that it is a truly valuable and useful present.

Educational toys

This is the first and often the best choice that can be made. Remember the good old pyramid. Today they are of various sizes and shades, but they do not lose their relevance. On the one hand, it is a one-piece toy that can be rearranged and explored. But she has one more important feature. Pull out the rod and get a set of rings. Now each of them can be used individually, as well as put back on. Moreover, the baby will soon begin to learn the sequence of assembly of parts.

  • Toys for boys for 1 year must include designers with bright, large details. When choosing it, it is imperative to ensure that the elements are strong enough and easily connected to each other. Remember that the baby will bite them, throw them, walk on them.
  • Fabric cubes. This is not only a constructor from which a certain construction can be assembled. It is also an element of cognition of the world. They are usually painted with animals and plants, people of various professions.
  • Cubes with fragments of drawings that need to be assembled into a single whole. Four parts will be enough for this age. You can immediately take the kit for the future, which includes 6 or 8 parts.
    useful gifts

Cognition of the world and the development of motor skills

A gift to a boy for 1 year is not just a toy that will decorate the wardrobe. This is a means of understanding the world and gaining new skills. The more functionality it has, the better.

  • An excellent choice would be a sorter. They are very different. Moreover, they can be done even independently. The bottom line is to put every part into a hole suitable for it. They are wooden, on the plane. Another option is a three-dimensional model, which has holes in the side. More expensive models are equipped with sound. If the baby coped with the task, then a certain melody sounds.
  • Interactive rugs and posters. If you want to make an interesting gift for a child for 1 year, then pay close attention to them. The kid loves to touch everything that surrounds him. Moreover, he learns to speak. And here he clicks on the image of an insect, and the poster says that it is a butterfly.
  • Lacing. Kids love to open and close cabinet doors, unfasten Velcro and perform similar actions. Toy manufacturers meet and issue special books that are equipped with a special locking mechanism. In addition, there are Velcro blinds inside, opening them, the child sees a mock-up of a boot with lacing, which can be removed and inserted again.
  • Game centers. This is the most expensive and far from the best option. Usually they are a music box or a table, which is equipped with many light bulbs and moving elements. You can press buttons, listen to music, attach details. Some provide a surface for drawing with crayons or special markers.

Creative activity

If you want to buy useful gifts for a child for 1 year, then you need to remember about the need to develop fine motor skills. Very often, it is in the year that children begin to get acquainted with crayons, felt-tip pens and pencils. Withdrawing doodles on paper is a favorite pastime for children at 1 year old. Congratulations on her birthday to a girl can be done on a paper, paints. The baby will appreciate such a postcard in her bedroom.

So, if the baby began to learn the basics of creative art, then the easel will be the best gift for him. Today there are a huge number of them, most often they are bilateral. One side for drawing with crayons, the other for felt-tip pens. Usually, you can attach a Whatman paper to it, and another magnetic one. A very useful toy that can be used up to school. The design of the gift will depend on the preferences of the baby. In pink colors, she will really like the girl at 1 year old. In this case, birthday greetings can be drawn directly on the surface. What other options for gifts for creativity are there at this age:

  • Little table for creativity. Most often, a feeding table is used for this, but with the purchase of such a device you can forget about it. The abundance of drawers will allow you to store all the necessary tools in perfect order.
  • Finger paint. This is a great gift for a girl for 1 year. It is still difficult to talk about the correct holding of the brush and the collection of paint. It is much more convenient to draw with fingers and palms. These paints are hypoallergenic, non-toxic and very easily washed off with water. Even if the crumbs stick their dirty hands in their mouths, nothing will happen.
  • Kinetic sand. This is a cross between plasticine and clay. Most of all, it resembles wet, river sand. From it you can make a huge number of crafts. Sandboxes in the yard are a breeding ground for infections used by domestic cats and dogs. At the same time, games in the sand are very useful for motor skills. This is a great alternative.
    gifts for girls

Musical instruments

Kids are very fond of extracting sounds from everything that surrounds them. If you want to make a good gift for a girl for 1 year, then you should choose one of the musical instruments. Immediately discard cheap plastic toys that play several tunes when you press different buttons. Same thing with expensive synthesizers. It would be much more useful to buy a tambourine and maracas, spoons and a small drummer.

If you choose a gift for 1 year to a boy, then you can buy a drum and add a rattle to it. These are the instruments that play not too loud and at the same time nice. Unlike wind and keyboard instruments, a one-year-old baby can very well cope with them.

Practical gift

In addition to games, the crumbs also have certain needs, for the satisfaction of which they need quality things. In anticipation of the summer season, the peanut may need a light suit and good shoes. If winter is ahead, then you can help parents with the purchase of warm clothing. What else can you think of?

  • Bedding or towel. It will never be superfluous.
  • Quality toothbrush and toothpaste. Just at this time, the baby begins to learn to brush his teeth.
  • Sled or children's bike with a convenient handle for transportation.

As you can see, gift ideas for a child for 1 year can be considered almost indefinitely.

first birthday greetings

Commemorative Presents

Childhood quickly ends, and I really want something left for memory. Perhaps the baby will not appreciate them now, but when he grows up, he will be happy to listen to the stories of how he received this gift. What is customary to give crumbs:

  • silver spoon with engraving;
  • photo album, which can be issued in the style of scrapbooking;
  • order a photo shoot for the baby and the whole family;
  • stadiometer, with which the child will evaluate how quickly he changes;
  • set for casts of pens and legs.

An original gift for a child for 1 year will be a bottle of expensive, vintage wine with an unlimited shelf life. Add to it the inscription - open for adulthood. And let her take a worthy place in the bar. How nice it will be to get together again, after 17 years, to open it.

Vehicles and sporting goods

This is a separate category of gifts that are very popular. If your parents are ready for adventure on the ice, you can buy little skates. At this age, kids learn to ride easily. In summer, you can take videos. The bicycle will please the child even more. About the sled already mentioned. A tolokar will also be an excellent purchase, that is, a machine on which you can sit and push off with your feet. Perhaps parents do not mind getting a stroller cane. In this matter, it is better to consult with mom and find out what vehicles she will need for the next year, and whether she plans to go to the rink with him, for example.

1 year gift

Swimming facilities

Surely soon the baby with his parents will visit the water park and make the first swim in the pool. To do this, you just need a life jacket and arm ruffles, special diapers and a towel. Such a gift will push parents to the fact that it is time to leave the cell and go out.

If parents have a summer house, then an inflatable pool will be an excellent choice. It can be filled in just a few minutes, after which it quickly warms up in the sun. In addition, he will help out a lot when going to the beach, if the water is still cold. Fill it out of the river, and while the child is playing with sand, the water will be at the optimum temperature. In it you can splash around all day, the child will not get sick. This is a great toy for boys for 1 year.

Getting ready for the triumph

Despite the fact that the child is still small, he will be very surprised at how fabulously transformed the house is. And of course, it will please him. In addition, vivid photos will remain that will tell about his birthday for 1 year. You can do the decoration yourself. This will require a large bunch of helium balls, as well as several dozen ordinary ones. They can simply be scattered across the floor or made out of them an arch, a heart or a flower.

But today there are special services that can do this much better than you. Under the order you will be brought original crafts from balloons, garlands from inflated helium balloons, and they will also decorate the hall in which the birthday will be celebrated. You can come up with a lot of interesting things. Themed tablecloths and napkins, bright balls for each guest, contests and prizes. Do not forget to give each guest a cap and a whistle.

celebration design

Instead of a conclusion

As you can see, the first birthday can be noted very interesting. The child will be very happy to receive a bunch of beautiful boxes, and even more so that he will then get them out. Useful and functional toys will help the child develop and spend every day not only fun, but also with benefit. You can continue the list of original, interesting and informative gifts yourself. No less important on this memorable day will be the attention of relatives and friends, so try to distract from your worries and play with your child.


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