The highest criterion of social progress is ... Criteria of social progress: table

What is progress? This is a peculiar type of development, during which a transition to more complex, higher, perfect structures is made. This concept was not left alone by modern society, therefore, in the article we will consider the main criteria of social progress.

Social progress is ...

Under social progress understand the direction of development of society, which is characterized by irreversible changes occurring in all spheres of human life. As a result, society turns into a more perfect substance.

Progress has two main features. Firstly, this concept is relative, since it cannot be applied to such areas as art. Secondly, this process is very controversial: that which is favorable for one area of ​​activity may adversely affect another. For example, industrial development adversely affects the ecology of the environment.

social development

In sociology, the criteria for social progress are considered to be such concepts:

  • The development of the human mind.
  • Perfection of morality.
  • Increasing the degree of freedom of the individual.
  • Scientific and technical progress.
  • Development of production.

Processes of social dynamics

A. Todd in a book on theories of social progress noted that this concept is so human that everyone thinks in his own way. And yet there are four main ways for the development of society. It is better to consider these criteria of social progress in a table.

Way of development



Progressive development, which is expressed in the complexity of the socio-social structure


Antonym of the term "progress", characterized by the degradation of social structure


A sharp and qualitative change in social relations, which is manifested in all segments of life


Improving public relations, carried out at the state level and not affecting such areas as religion, customs, traditions

Subjectivity factor

Some philosophers and sociologists believe that the highest criterion of social progress is not an objective measure. They insist that the concept of progress has purely subjective characteristics, because its study directly depends on the criterion that the scientist is going to investigate. And he chooses this criterion according to his own scale of values ​​based on his views, sympathies, ideals.

people and planet

Choosing one criterion, we can talk about significant progress, but it is worth choosing some other - and the decline of mankind is evident.

But if you look, for example, at the criteria of social progress from the point of view of materialism, it becomes clear that in society there is a certain regularity that can be investigated from a scientific point of view.


Due to the nature of material production, the bulk of people strive for progress. It is in material production that it is worth looking for a general criterion for social progress. It is quite simple to give an example: throughout the entire time of the existence of mankind, various production methods have developed and changed. This makes it possible to reveal the laws of social development, considering the whole history as a natural historical process.

social progress criteria examples

Development of productive forces

Some researchers believe that the highest criterion for social progress is the development of productive forces. It consists in constantly changing and improving technologies that provide continuous productivity growth. In turn, the improvement of the means of labor leads to the improvement of the labor force. New equipment requires a person to develop new skills, and where technological progress is present, science will improve. Along with this, the human impact on the environment increases, plus everything, the amount of surplus product increases and, as a result, the nature of consumption, lifestyle, life and culture of the society inevitably change. This is the highest criterion of social progress.

the highest criterion of social progress is

A similar dialectic can be traced in the segment of the spiritual development of mankind. Each social relation gives rise to its cultural form. Together with it, its own art and ideology arises, which cannot be arbitrarily replaced. Another highest criterion of social progress is the development of man himself. We can talk about progress only when society is not in a state of stagnation - “standing water”. Thus, the basis and criteria of social progress are the mode of production and the social order conditioned by it.

Constituent elements

From the point of view of materialism, social progress consists of four main components:

  1. The productive forces of society and the level of their development.
  2. The industrial relations that have developed on the basis of the productive forces functioning in society.
  3. The social structure that determines the political structure of the state.
  4. Level of personality development.
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It is worth noting that none of the signs can be an unconditional separate criterion of social progress. Social progress is the unity and development of all spheres of human activity. Unfortunately, these areas can only be scientifically substantiated from the point of view of materialism, but this does not mean at all that such an integrative criterion as humanization or morality is not involved in progress.

Pyramid of progressive characteristics

To understand the importance and complexity of the process of social dynamics, it is worth explaining at least a few criteria of social progress. In the table, such information is perceived better.

Significance level



1st place

Productive forces

They determine how many benefits a society can produce over a certain period of time in comparison with others.

2nd place


Integrative criterion. The quantity and quality of the goods produced are just as important as the ways they are distributed. It is impossible to call progressive a society where one gets everything and nothing else

In addition to these criteria, each of the thinkers of the past defended his point of view, considering the process of social progress. Thus, J. Condorcet said that the development of the human mind is important for society. Only enlightenment and the triumph of thought can move forward social and social progress. Charles Montesquieu insisted that progress is only possible where there is good legislation. If the law protects human rights, the individual, feeling safe, is able to improve and perfect the world around him. Saint-Simon and Owen noted that in a progressive society there should be no exploitation of one person by another, and Karl Marx zealously defended his idea of ​​the development of production.

striving for real progress

Social development is a complex and multifaceted process that can be viewed from different points of view. Scientists say that recently, studies have shifted to the humanitarian side. But it is most likely to consider progress in the context between the production of goods and their distribution between social groups, because the symbiosis of these two concepts is the highest criterion of social progress.


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