Frillis salad: description and features of cultivation

Friesis salad is the most crisp type of salad compared to the rest, a variation of the popular Iceberg.

Description of the lettuce salad

Externally similar to Iceberg salad , this type of salad has completely different flavor characteristics and chemical composition.

phryllis salad
The outwardly attractive Phryllis is characterized by elongated bright green leaves of the same size with carved edges, which gives the product an original “curly” look. The approximate mass of the head is 500 grams, for specimens collected in the later stages - up to 1 kilogram. The socket is dense, the culture does not shoot for a long time.

The Phryllis salad is suitable for cultivation in the spring, summer and autumn. It is well preserved both on the vine and after harvesting. From the moment of collection, subject to increased humidity, it is able to maintain a fresh look for a week. Due to the crisp structure of the leaves, it needs careful care. Lettuce seeds are sown in March-July, the plant is transplanted from April to mid-August.

The taste of the Phryllis salad is sweet and fresh, there is a touch of bitterness. On a plate, such a product looks very appetizing and elegant, therefore it is used to serve all kinds of snacks. It is often used in cooking, added to hot dishes, and is often an integral part of salad mixes.

Beneficial features

Frillis salad has a lot of useful properties that make it a desirable product on the dining table:

  • ability to cleanse the body;
  • general well-being;
  • stimulation of hemoglobin formation;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • normalization of the activity of all parts of the body, including the thyroid gland;
  • sleep improvement.
    variety of lettuce

The variety of lettuce is a dietary product and is of particular value for overweight people due to the low calorie content. The main plus of this culture is the complete absence of harmful substances and negative effects on the body.


Friesis lettuce seeds are highly germinated, so they should not be planted densely.

lettuce seeds
Rows need to be sealed with a roller, pour seedlings, and then wrap the container with plastic wrap. In this position, you should wait for the emergence of seedlings. With the first sprouts biting, the need for a film disappears. Further care consists in timely watering, spraying and weekly dressing. Loosening the soil is not recommended, because by chance you can touch the roots at the surface, which will negatively affect the further growth of the crop.

In order to grow lettuce in pots, you need to choose the right loose soil composition: 1 part peat, compost and garden soil. It is also recommended to add 1 kilogram of sand and wood ash, 1 tbsp. To the bucket of the finished mixture l nitrophoski and 1 tsp. urea.

Growing conditions

When growing indoors from November to March, the salad, which is a photophilous crop, needs additional lighting: a daylight bulb suspended at a height of 50 cm is quite suitable. Lack of light will lead to the early formation of peduncles.

When planting in open ground, it is preferable to choose sunny areas. Sowing time is early spring. With a later sowing, it is recommended to place the salad in a shaded place, because the scorching rays of the sun can completely stop its growth.

The optimum temperature, which determines the active growth of green leaf mass: + 15-20 ° C. At higher rates, the yield of greenery decreases, the plant withers and starts to shoot.

Frillis salad is a moisture-loving culture, so it is recommended to water it daily in the evening. With a lack of moisture, leafy greens become coarse and bitter.

potted lettuce

Harvesting lettuce is done early in the morning, while the leaves are fresh and supple. Greens collected on rainy and hot days will quickly lose their properties and will not be able to be stored for long.


From diseases, the salad is exposed to:

  • rhizoctoniosis, leading to damage to the stems and decay of the root system. The plant needs to replace the soil, disinfect it. It is also important to maintain optimal moisture and temperature;
  • downy mildew, a danger to the testes when germinating sprouts in a film greenhouse. The development of the disease occurs on cool days. On the outside of the leaf, pale yellow-green spots form, which subsequently grow, turning into a continuous whitish bloom. You can deal with powdery mildew by treating the testes with a fungicidal solution and dressing the seeds;
  • root lettuce aphid, delaying the growth of the culture and leading to yellowing of the leaves. You can see aphids by tearing a plant from the root. The situation can be saved by abundant watering on hot summer days, disinfection of the soil and removal of affected plants;
  • Septoria - a fungal disease that causes the formation of rusty and gray-brown spots on the lower leaves. Affected plants must be removed, plant debris destroyed.


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