How to crochet booties: tips

For each mother, her baby is the greatest treasure. Which she wants to surround only the best. Unfortunately, the store assortment cannot always satisfy such requests. And then the creative mothers themselves get down to business. For example, crochet booties for your child. Stylish, original and certainly unique. Consider their implementation technology in the current article.

Taking measurements

Knitting booties for a newborn is much easier than it seems to many. But in order to make a suitable idea in size, you need to measure the baby's leg. Make it more convenient with an elastic centimeter. It is important that all parameters taken are fixed on a piece of paper. Therefore, we prepare everything we need and proceed to take measurements. We measure:

  • length and width of the sole;
  • lifting height - the distance from the sole to the base of the lower leg;
  • girth of the base of the tibia.
crochet booties

Preparation of materials

Crocheting booties with crochets can be done using different threads. But it is always recommended to choose those that are designed for children. The yarn is designed taking into account the characteristics of children's skin. Therefore, it does not cause allergies, does not prick and is suitable for frequent washing. The thickness of the thread, you can choose any. But itโ€™s hard for beginners to work with fine yarn. The thread is constantly confused, and it is problematic to dissolve the product if necessary. When choosing a color, professional knitters are advised to rely on their own taste. But at the same time take into account the booties pattern. If it is very complex, it is better to take a plain yarn. For the simple - motley, patchwork and other.

Hook selection

booties crochet instruction

Another important stage of the preparatory work is the acquisition of a suitable tool. Experienced craftswomen can talk about him endlessly. After all, they are convinced that a good hook is a guarantee of success when doing any thing. Therefore, planning to crochet booties, you should carefully approach his choice. It is better to give preference to a metal instrument. Which easily lies in a hand. Too long to take is not necessary, it will interfere. The tip of the hook should be especially carefully evaluated. It is possible to purchase a tool only if it is well-turned. Otherwise, you should consider another option or go to another needlework store.

Building patterns

When the material and tools are selected, proceed to the next step. On it we need to draw a conceived product on a piece of paper. After all, beautiful booties with a crochet can only be tied if you clearly define what should turn out in the end. When the sketchy image is ready, we mark on it the parameters previously taken. After all, we will be guided precisely by them.

crocheted booties step by step

How to tie the sole

The implementation of ideas in life begins with the implementation of the sole. Although, if desired, you can buy a ready-made insole at the needlework store. For example, made of felt. Or cut the necessary part from the old palace. But this option is more suitable for booties for kids who have already learned to walk. For crocheting booties for a newborn, it is better to prepare a knitted sole. Make it very simple:

  1. First of all, we knit a chain, the number of loops in which is equal to the width of the sole of the baby in centimeters.
  2. Having reached the desired length, we raise three loops up and knit a double crochet from each loop of the chain.
  3. Add the last five crochet stitches to the last loop.
  4. Then we go to the other side and do the same manipulations.
  5. We close the row and again rise three loops up.
  6. From each loop of the previous row, we knit a crochet column.
  7. Approaching the rounding, from each loop of the previous row we knit two new double crochets.
  8. Then, in the same way, we arrange the other way.
  9. We close the row, climb three loops up and again knit the double crochet.
  10. Going to the rounded part, we repeat these steps: from the first loop of the bottom row we knit two double crochet, from the next we knit one double crochet.
  11. Then we pass to the second side.
  12. Usually, at this stage, the sole for booties ends. But if you need to add a few more rows, you should be guided by the last row. Add on a new single crochet. Having reached the desired length, we try on the sole to the babyโ€™s leg and, if the size is the same, go to the next stage.
crochet booties technology

How to tie the main part

For beginners, crocheting booties according to the description is very simple. The main thing is to comply with every step so as not to trick the excess. Having mastered the technology, you can experiment at your own discretion. Also, professional knitters are advised for the first time not to use complex patterns. Itโ€™s better to tie booties with simple columns. Actions in this case will be as follows:

  1. We tie the sole, moving in a circle. You can continue to make crocheted columns to make the product harmonious.
  2. We rise so far as to reach half the height of the rise, which we measured earlier.
  3. After that, we begin to reduce the loops in the bow. To do this, see how many rows we knit from the sole. Using any other color, divide the product circumference in half. We count the number of loops in the part of interest to us and divide by the number of rows. Thus, we find out how many loops need to be reduced in each row.
  4. Now we again knit the products in a circle, evenly pulling together the bow. We remove the loops by knitting the double crochet into three loops of the lower row and connecting them together.
  5. When we get to the base of the lower leg, we proceed to the next step in crocheting the booties.

How to finish booties

crocheted booties how to make

If the needlewoman safely reached this point, then the most difficult part of the instruction is behind. Now it remains for us to raise the booties to the desired height. Weโ€™re not doing anything complicated, just moving in a circle. By analogy, we pair with the finished product. Then we decorate booties at our discretion. Particularly popular with mummies are animal booties. They are simple to execute. You just need to add the eyes, nose, ears and tail. A more traditional option is models decorated with flowers, bows and ruffles. There are no restrictions on this issue.

As you can see, the performance of crocheted booties for beginners is not difficult. Therefore, after reading, we advise the reader to immediately begin work.


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