Arrangement of a garage inside with your own hands. Practical and inexpensive do-it-yourself garage arrangement

A garage is not only a room in which a car stands. Often, he becomes a real second home for a motorist. Garage construction , arrangement, repair are the primary tasks facing the owner of his own vehicle. It is believed that these issues need not be given much attention. However, as practice shows, it is precisely such neglect that significantly reduces the operational life of the transport and makes any work related to it inconvenient. Further in the article, we will consider how to arrange a 6x4 m garage.

do-it-yourself garage inside

General requirements

To implement a practical and inexpensive DIY garage arrangement , you need to consider several important points. First of all, a shelter for a car involves maintaining the temperature and humidity at the necessary (optimal) level. The machine should not freeze even in severe frosts. In addition, the arrangement of the garage inside should be comfortable. The owner needs enough space to carry out any work indoors. The garage should be comfortable. The room should also have a space for storing spare parts. It is very important to know how to properly plan a place in the garage. Access to details should be as convenient and comfortable as possible.

arrangement of a garage inside
It is mandatory to provide for the possibility of quick heating of the room and its protection against intruders. It should be said that this is not a complete list of existing requirements. Adjustments are made according to personal preference. However, the main points should not be neglected. To the tasks you can add the creation of a viewing hole under the machine and the construction of a workbench.

DIY garage equipment: how to make shelves and racks?

In any room where the car will be placed, even with large dimensions, additional space is needed to contain various items. To competently carry out the arrangement of the garage inside with your own hands, you can use the compaction method. In this case, you should fill the entire space where free movement does not take place, with cabinets and racks. Above the windows, workbenches, tables, you can fix the shelves on the walls. In this case, remember that the seal should not be too strong. A distance of at least a meter should be maintained from the machine to the walls. The more shelves in the garage, the better. An excellent alternative is hooks. They are fixed along the walls. Also in the garage should be a closet with shelves and hangers for clothes. In this case, things will not litter the space.

Important points

When constructing tables and shelving, you need to consider a number of features. To facilitate cleaning of the premises, floor structures are more appropriate to be installed on legs with a minimum clearance of 150 mm. Holes should be made in the shelves themselves, through which it will be easier to sweep debris and dust down. Due to this "trick" it is also possible to provide ventilation of objects located on shelves. This, in turn, will significantly reduce the likelihood of rapid spread of corrosion.

do-it-yourself garage arrangement how to make shelves

Room Zoning

Carrying out the arrangement of the garage inside with your own hands, it is necessary, first of all, to create a convenient working space. As a rule, the wall furthest from the gate acts as this zone. It is here that you can place consumables, work equipment. This will definitely create convenience in the implementation of maintenance and repair, as the motorist will have everything necessary at hand. A workbench is built in the working area, a compressor and so on are installed. Proper arrangement of the garage inside with your own hands involves the use of the so-called "dead zone". This space is located above the car. It can also be equipped with hanging racks. Here, as a rule, objects that are not often used are stored: bars, shovels, corners and other things. In this case, it is very important that the shelves have an optimal size. They should not impede the free approach to the car and the implementation of inspection or repair.

arrangement of a garage 6x4


In rare cases, arranging a garage inside with your own hands can do without it. However, the question of the need for the construction of a viewing hole is decided in accordance with specific conditions. If it is possible to use the public overpass, then it is impractical to construct a special ditch in the garage. In addition, it is worth saying that often the pit is a source of dampness in the room. However, if nevertheless the decision on the construction of a viewing ditch was made, then when it is erected, the walls will need to be concreted by adding a waterproofing agent to the solution. The edges should be reinforced with metal corners. In this case, quite convenient margins will be formed. On them you can lay wooden shields or boards. They will cover the pit during the non-working period and will prevent accidental hit of wheels in the ditch.

construction of a garage

In the walls you can build a niche in which the tools will be stored. Lighting will not interfere in the pit. If the garage is located in the city, digging a hole is allowed only after obtaining the relevant permits. This is due to the fact that nearby there can be an electric cable, gas or water supply. The concreted bottom of the pit can be covered with boards or old wheels.


Interior arrangement of the garage is not complete without tools. For the usual replacement of disks and tires, as well as the implementation of simple work under the hood, it will be sufficient to use the usual standard set of basic keys and a jack. For more complex manipulations, for example, body repair or painting, you need to use more serious equipment.


Carrying out the internal arrangement of the garage with your own hands, the desktop is built, as a rule, first of all. The material for the workbench will be wood and metal. Optimal would be a 2 or 3-level table. You can put a lot of useful items in it. The countertop (or a certain part of it) should be covered with sheet metal so that various small works can be carried out without the risk of surface damage.

Welding machine

The acquisition of the unit is carried out in accordance with the purpose for which it will serve. For example, for simple welding, you can buy an electronic standard apparatus. However, it is not suitable for body repair. To work with thick metal (more than 0.8 mm), you need another unit that does not leave holes in the material. Perfectly suitable for this are devices that perform welding with a tungsten electrode, or a carbon dioxide apparatus.

garage interior


You can not do without this unit when painting and preparing for it. The compressor, in addition, greatly simplifies and improves the quality of work in the garage. For example, using this unit, it is quite easy to clean the tool or workbench. The compressor can blow the engine or pump the wheels. For motorists, diaphragm and piston units are considered the most affordable.

Water separator

This device is designed to filter compressed air transmitted to the atomizer. A water-oil separator cleans the flow of oil, water, vapors and other small particles that may be present in it. This device is indispensable when painting the machine. The water-oil separator provides the supply of refined paint, so that the coating lays evenly.

Car wash

There is no need to equip a professional camera in the garage. To wash the machine, it is enough to bring the water supply. Under the floor you need to build a "sand trap" by connecting it to the sewer. If you plan to wash your car in the garage, then you should create a high-quality ventilation system and wiring protection in the room. In this case, the appropriate electrical equipment must be installed in the garage.

how to plan a place in the garage

Lighting and ventilation

A proper air circulation system is an essential element in maintaining comfort and safety in the garage. Ventilation helps eliminate unpleasant odors and harmful compounds, reduces dust. A simple system is created from gratings installed on both sides of the gate at a height of 200-300 mm. Ventilation holes should also be made under the ceiling and in the wall furthest from the entrance. Exhaust pipes with a wall height of less than 3 meters should be at least a meter. As for lighting, if possible it should be natural. To do this, at least one wall must be with a window. When installing artificial lighting, it is recommended to make it multi-position. We are talking about a common source for the entire room and local - for the working area.

Organization of order

Often, when arranging a garage inside, trying to fill it with a lot of things, motorists forget about their comfort while staying in it. It will be rather unpleasant to be in a room that will resemble a landfill. The garage should be in order. First of all, racks can be curtained with curtains (screens). Despite the fact that the room is considered economic, it is worth taking care of its color scheme as well as creating optimal working conditions. As for the shades, you should not use flashy, bright colors. In the garage, calm, bright pastel colors will look good. This range will visually expand the room and will not adversely affect those present.

The basis of cleanliness in the garage is flooring. The base in the room where the car will stand must be rigid and durable. To facilitate cleaning, the floor should be laid at a slight slope towards the gate. In this case, the surface can be watered from a hose, and water will flow out into the street. Around the perimeter of the garage room for complete comfort should be installed sewer grilles and drain outlet to the outside.


Following the above fairly simple recommendations, you can equip the garage room yourself in accordance with preferences. It will not only be a good shelter for the car. Among other things, in comfortable conditions it is much easier and faster to do small work, for example, repairing household appliances. In the garage, with proper arrangement of the space, you will get many shelves and racks, cabinets for storing appliances, tools, parts, clothes and other utensils necessary for the car enthusiast.


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