What stories did Panteleev write - artistic, scientific, educational, fantastic?

Leonid Panteleev is a Soviet writer whom adults and children love. It is often said that Panteleev had a special gift. His stories do not require illustrations, since the writer so clearly and figuratively wrote his works that the child was immersed in a new world created by the author without the help of pictures. He wrote so well for children and about them that their parents always make their choice in favor of reading the works of this particular author with their children. Many who have heard about the author more than once are interested in what stories Panteleev wrote.

Childhood Leonid Panteleev

Leonid Panteleev was born on August 9, 1908 in St. Petersburg. The real name of the writer is Alexei Ivanovich Eremeev. His family was religious, but despite this, his parents broke up during the First World War. Soon, Alexei's father , Ivan Andrianovich, left for Vladimir, where he spent the rest of his life and died. Alyosha's mother was left alone to raise three children, and for her life she had to earn music lessons. In 1916, the future writer entered the 2nd Petrograd Real School, after which he became very ill.

Two years later, Alyosha's mother decided to leave with her children in the village of Cheltsovo in order to save herself from hunger in Petrograd. There the Civil War began to unfold, and Yeremeyev fell ill with diphtheria. After that, the boy’s mother decided to go to the doctor in Yaroslavl, where they again suffered misfortune. There began the Yaroslavl uprising. It should be noted that the hotel where Alex lived with his mother was constantly fired at, and the boy met with the White Guards several times. After such terrible events, the family returned to the village, but after the suppression of the uprising, the mother decided to return to Yaroslavl. Fortunately, it turned out that the guy was completely healthy.

what stories did Panteleev write

First job and orphanage

In 1919, Alexei’s mother went back to Petrograd, and his brother Vasya left to live, study and work on a farm. Then Yeremeyev realized that the material support of his family became his duty, and now it is necessary to look for work. At first he began to trade in the market, but then Alexei was sent to the farm to his brother. As Yeremeyev himself shared, there he was badly beaten and taught to steal. After working with his brother for two months, Alex ran to his aunt. After that, the guy went to the orphanage. He did not stay there very long, because Alexei and his friends robbed the warehouse. Because of this incident, the guy was transferred to another orphanage, from where he escaped on the first day.

The stories Leonid Panteleev wrote are of interest to many people who are familiar with his biography. Many assume that because of a difficult childhood Panteleev could not write good and good children's stories.

what stories Panteleev wrote artistic and

Komsomol organization and the first book of Alexei

Yeremeyev decided to return to Petrograd. At first, he planned to go to Rybinsk by boat, but all passengers were disembarked from him; Lesha was forced to walk to Kazan. There he began to work as an assistant shoemaker and stayed in the city for the whole summer. However, soon Yeremeyev ran out of money, and again he began to steal. The guy was caught and sent to Menzelinsk, in a children's colony. He escaped from there, and then got a courier in the financial department.

Fortunately, Alexei was picked up by the Komsomol organization, which provided the guy with housing and sent him to study at a vocational school. It was quite difficult for Alexei to study there because of the huge gap in education, and so he began to compose poems and write plays.

In 1925, Alexei and Grisha Belykh wrote the first book under the title “Republic of SKiD”. The book was written according to his own impressions, since after the sale of light bulbs in the bazaar, Alexei was caught and sent to the Republic of SKiD. This work was published only 2 years after writing.

After reading the author’s biography, it becomes very interesting what stories Panteleev wrote, because his childhood was rather difficult.

what stories Panteleev wrote scientifically informative

What stories did the author write?

The first book, written by Leonid Panteleev, was called The Republic of SKiD. In it, the author described all the most striking events that happened to him at the Dostoevsky School. The book describes many funny and dramatic moments, but somewhere tragedy is traced.

Many parents who want to introduce their children to the work of the author are interested in what stories Panteleev wrote. Artistic and educational stories are the works that the author most often wrote.

what stories did Leonid Panteleev write art

Autobiographical stories of Leonid Panteleev

When asked what stories Panteleev wrote, one can answer that the prose of the author was almost always autobiographical. Leonid was one of the few writers who skillfully put his life into stories that all children like without exception.

Many parents who are not familiar with the work of the author are interested in what stories did Leonid Panteleev write? It is safe to say that the writer enjoyed and still enjoys love among children. They read his works with pleasure, because Leonid knew how the stories "about children" and "for children" differ. He could write so that every child was immersed in the world that the author was able to create.

Everyone who is familiar with the writer's work can say with certainty what stories Panteleev wrote. Genres of the most famous works of the author:

  • Scientific and educational stories.
  • Fiction stories.

what fantastic stories Panteleev wrote

Scientific, educational and artistic works of the author

Many parents who are familiar with his biography often wonder what stories Panteleev wrote. Scientific-informative stories are the "horse" of the writer. Despite the fact that his childhood was rather difficult and difficult, the author understands the children perfectly, his work arouses great interest in them. Alexey often had to move, live in orphanages, work hard, etc. It was these events in his childhood that brought him who he was. Alexey perfectly remembered his difficult childhood and tried to make the childhood of other kids bright and joyful with his stories. He jokingly showed others what he had to go through, however, reading his works, you can feel the warmth and kindness that Alexei wanted to share with his little readers.

what stories did Leonid Panteleev write

“Tales of the Feat”

It is worth saying that the author divided his work into 2 groups: “Stories about the Feat”, as well as “Stories about the Children”. The series of “Tales of the Feat” includes such works as: “Package”, “Tales of Kirov”, “The First Feat”, “Order for the Division”, “In the Tundra”, “Private Guard”.

"Stories about children"

Everyone who is familiar with Leonid’s work can say what fantastic stories Panteleev wrote. The writer has written a book entitled “The letter“ You ”, which has collected all the most popular and famous stories for children:“ Fenka ”,“ Honest Word ”,“ Tales of Squirrel and Tamarochka ”and“ Letter “You”. Each child likes the stories of Leonid Panteleev, who knew well how to reach out to the baby.

It is these stories of the author that were written, as it were, in another language. They have a completely different style, and each hero of the works has his own character. In "Stories for Children" you can see how the author is convinced of how tangible the difference in the perception of the world is between a child and an adult.

I must say that Panteleev’s stories such as “Our Masha”, “Nochka”, “Dolores”, etc. are no less popular. The first of them is the author’s diary, which he kept for many years. This book can be called a kind of "guide" for all parents.

Many parents who are interested in the work of authors writing for children are wondering what stories L. Panteleev wrote. He is one of the most popular authors whom almost every child knows and loves.

Autobiographical novel “Lenka Panteleev”

Many readers who are familiar with the author’s biography are interested in knowing what stories Leonid Panteleev wrote. The author was able to write fiction very skillfully, so many of his children and their parents loved his work for a long time.

One of the most famous works of Alexei is Lenka Panteleev. The novel describes the events that occurred with a ten-year-old boy during the Civil War. The child had to steal, and also live among the street children.

This is an autobiographical novel, in which the author tried to reflect the difficult life and those events that he had to endure as a child.

what stories Panteleev wrote genres

It is easy to figure out what stories Panteleev wrote. Artistic and scientific-cognitive, as well as artistic and historical works were the writer's favorite styles. He loved to tell the reader the pure truth, which, of course, leaves no one indifferent. Stories for children are written so interestingly that no child can break away from reading them. Leonid Panteleev is one of the most talented writers who through his works communicated with every reader and told him a lot of interesting things from his life. It is impossible not to say that some stories, as well as the stories of Leonid, were filmed.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8496/

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