What countries do Jews live in: the largest Jewish diasporas

Due to the numerous conquests that began in the 7th century BC, the Jewish people, having lost their homeland, scattered around the world. Many are interested in the question: where do Jews live, in which country? Currently, Jews live in almost every state. They form diasporas, actively participate in public and political life. What countries do Jews live in? In which there is a good education, a stable political and economic situation, favorable conditions for doing business.

what countries do Jews live in

Types of Jewish Diasporas

Jewish diasporas are divided into 2 groups:

  • Sephardic
  • Ashkenazi.

Sephardic people differ from Ashkenazi in their serious attitude to Jewish traditions and a small number of mixed marriages. Ashkenazy are divided into several subgroups:

  • orthodox (strong Jewish families with many children, following traditions);
  • conservative (strictly observing their size and purity of blood);
  • secular (mixed families with a small number of children).

What countries do Jews live in? Most Jews live in Israel, and the largest Jewish diasporas are in the United States and France. Less numerous function in Germany, Russia, Poland.

What is the name of the country where Jews live

Israel is a Jewish state founded in 1948. Now it has 7 million inhabitants, 5.6 million of them are Jews. They speak Hebrew and profess Judaism. Recently, a considerable number of Jews left Israel because of the political and economic problems of the state.

what is the name of the country where Jews live


The United States is the country in which Jews live. They are one of its richest inhabitants.

Even at the time of US independence in 1776, only a few thousand Jews lived in the country. These were the Sephardim who were expelled from the Spanish colonies in South America.

When the 1848 revolution in Germany and Austria crashed, a little less than 200 thousand Jews moved to the United States from Central Europe.

In 1870, Jews - residents of Alsace, did not want to obey the Kaiser, when, as a result of the Franco-Prussian war, Germany annexed this territory. Jews settled throughout the continent, mainly engaged in business, in which they were very successful.

But the largest number of Jews moved to the United States from 1882 to 1942 from Russia. The reason was the bloody pogroms that were organized by the Jews during the reign of Alexander III. Also, a quarter of the Jewish population living in Austria-Hungary and Romania left for America. Thus, the Jewish diaspora in the United States replenished with two million people. What countries do Jews live in? In which they feel safe.

After the end of World War I, the United States was the country with the largest Jewish population. In 1924, the country's authorities passed laws that limited Jewish immigration. Therefore, they had to go to Canada, the countries of Latin America and Palestine.

where do Jews live in which country

Today, more than five million Jews live in the United States, which is about 2% of the American population. Most of them settled in major cities such as Chicago, New York, Los Angeles and the like. It is noteworthy that Jews are the richest diaspora in the United States. This is confirmed by Forbes magazine, which ranks the richest people in the United States: 100 of the 400 rich are Jews. Representatives of the Jewish diaspora are in the White House, and in Congress, and in Hollywood.

The most famous American Jews:

  • Mark Zuckerberg is the creator of the beloved Facebook,
  • Sergey Brin - founder of Google,
  • Ben Shalom Bernanke - Chairman of the US Federal Reserve (by the way, his predecessors in this post were also Jews).

Jews in Hollywood

A considerable number of famous Hollywood stars were born in Jewish families. These are Natalie Portman, Scarlett Johansson, Daniel Radcliffe, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Mila Kunis, Harrison Ford, Adam Sandler. In addition, Ben Stiller, Jonah Hill, Jennifer Conelly, Elizabeth Banks, Dustin Lee Hoffman, Adrien Brody, Kate Hudson, Jack Black, Logan Lerman, Dianna Agron and many others also have Jewish roots.

Reason for American Jewry Success

One of the main reasons for the success of Jews in America is the education that the Jews were not slow to receive upon arrival. Educated, experienced in doing business, they continued to do business in the vast expanses of American land. With rare exceptions, they did not take up positions in government offices of Jews. Therefore, they created their own companies and investment banks, actively engaged in cinema (not only the actors, but most of the first Hollywood producers were Jews).

the country in which Jews live


In which country did Jews live and have the opportunity to receive education? Jews settled in France in the early Middle Ages. This country was the center of Jewish education. Jews in France experienced many exiles and persecutions until they were liberated during the French Revolution, although anti-Semitism persisted for a long time.

what country did the Jews live in

During World War II, most French Jews managed to escape from the Holocaust.

Currently, France has the largest Jewish diaspora in Europe, numbering 600 thousand people. Many Jews in this country are Sephardic, but there are Ashkenazi (secular). What countries do Jews live in? In which there are large cities that are comfortable for living and doing business. Most of the Jews live in Paris, the rest settled in Marseille, Nice, Lyon and other French cities.

Since 2010, anti-Semitic sentiments in France have intensified, attacks on Jews have become more frequent, so they began to leave this country.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8499/

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