Undergrowth: A brief retelling. "Undergrowth" Fonvizin: content

In 1782, the new comedy D.I. Fonvizin. A brief retelling of "Undergrowth" will help to understand the work. To reveal the essence of the comedy, we will familiarize ourselves with it in detail.

Below is a brief retelling of "Undergrowth" by action.

First action. Start

short retelling

Well, let's get started - a brief retelling of "Undergrowth" in abbreviation. The action begins in a village belonging to the Prostakov family. Ms. Prostakova is angry, angry at Trishka. After all, he sewed a narrow caftan for her son. Prostakova’s husband also agrees with this, he is accustomed to subordinating his wife’s opinion. Her brother, Taras Skotinin, agrees with Prostakova.

Kaftan is what Mitrofan needs to conspire with his uncle. This is due to Sophia, who is their relative, albeit a distant one. She’s been an orphan for half a year: her father died in her infancy, and her mother recently “left”. They decided to accept Sophia not because of "family ties", but in order to take control of her estate. The only one of her close relatives who remained, Uncle Starodum, had already left for Siberia a long time ago, from where there was no news from him. Therefore, the Prostakov family believes that he has long been dead.

Skotinin wants to marry Sophia. Again, by calculation: he wants to take possession of her estate, in which there are many pigs. These animals are his passion. Sophia does not even suspect this.

Sophia is a wealthy heiress

a brief retelling of the young fonvizin

A brief retelling of "Undergrowth" (Fonvizin D.I.) continues. The girl receives a letter. It is from Starodum. And this means that he did not die. Ms. Prostakova, whose plans were violated, is not happy with this. She just doesn’t give up: having decided to accuse Sophia of cheating, Prostakova says that this may be some kind of love letter. True, she cannot verify this, since she is illiterate. Her husband and brother also cannot boast of literacy. Pravdin comes to their aid. A guest with the permission of Sophia reads a letter. The letter says that Starodum decides to appoint Sophia as the heiress. Then she becomes the heiress of capital, which will bring 10 thousand a year. Immediately, an idea dawns on Prostakov: after all, Sophia is now a profitable party, so she can try to marry Mitrofanushka. But this does not end the brief retelling of the action 1 of the Undergrowth.

Soldiers appear in the village of Prostakovs, and with them an officer at the head. The officer’s name is Milon. This scares Ms. Prostakova. Her husband reassures her, saying that the officer will not allow disorder in the camp of the soldiers.

Second action

We continue the brief retelling of the story "Undergrowth," where in the second act Officer Milon met his long-time and good friend Pravdin. From him, Milon learns that he is a member of the governorship. And here he is with one important goal: the ability to identify "malevolent ignoramuses" that live in various villages and estates. He needs to identify those landowners who are cruel and unfair to their courtyard people and servants. In the Prostakov family, he found just such negligent landowners.

In turn, Milon tells his friend that he has a chosen one whom he has not seen for six months and which he loves dearly. And just recently, he learned that distant relatives had taken his love to him. At this very time he sees his love.

Applicants for the role of the groom

short retelling 3 action undergrowth

Sophia and Milon are glad to have met. Sophia told Milon that they were going to forcibly marry her as the son of the Prostakovs, Mitrofan. This news makes Milon jealous, but only until he learns more about his "competitor."

A brief retelling of “Undergrowth,” action 2, continues with the fact that Skotinin, having intervened without ceremony in the conversation, also claims Sophia’s “hand and heart”. Pravdin tells him that he is not the only contender for Sophia. Upon learning that his nephew competes with him, he becomes furious.

Mitrofanushka, when she goes to class, comes across to Skotinin, and he wants to "find out the relationship with him." Almost with his fists he rushes at his nephew, but he protects Yeremeyevna in time, covering himself. She manages to drive away Skotinin.

Mitrofanushka - “grief” - a martyr

brief retelling algae action 2

A brief retelling of "Undergrowth" continues with the fact that his teachers come to Mitrofanushka: Pafnutich, by the name of Tsyfirkin, and Sidorych, by the name of Kuteikin. Tsyfirkin (retired sergeant) teaches arithmetic. Kuteikin, on the other hand, teaches Mitrofanushka literacy, with the help of the Psalter, as well as the Watch Book. Kuteikin himself is a deacon.

Mitrofan does not want to study. He says to his mother that after the uncle “task” arranged by him, nothing crosses his mind. Eremeevna briefly talks about the collision that occurred between Skotinin and Mitrofan. Prostakova, trying to console her son, speaks of his imminent marriage. She immediately orders to feed the teachers with lunch.

Prostakova was unhappy with how Yeremeyevna stood up for Mitrofan. And she expressed it to Yeremeyevna. She cries from this, and her "teachers" calm her down.

Third action

We continue the brief retelling. 3 action "Undergrowth" begins with the fact that Starodum arrives. Before meeting with the owners, he decides to talk with his old acquaintance Pravdin. Starodum indulges in the recollections of how, even under Peter 1, his father served. He considers these times "golden." Starodum comes to this estate in order to free his niece from "these ignoramuses." Therefore, he so soon left his service. He also talks about injustice when not service, but nobility play a role. In this regard, he was "circumvented by rank." When Starodum retired, he moved to the court in Petersburg, but quickly realized that it was not his.


short retelling of undergrowth 4 action

Starodum finally saw his niece, promising to take her away from simple possessions. This conversation is interrupted due to the sudden appearance of the "fighting" Skotinin and Prostakova. Milon is trying to separate them. Staroduma is very, very entertaining, it’s fun to watch this scene.

Ms. Prostakova is to some extent unpleasantly annoyed that the stranger is having fun, but as soon as she understands who is in front of her, she changes instantly: she immediately begins to fawn, servility appears in the tone and manner of conversation. She wants to persuade Starodum to have him decide to marry her son to Sophia.

Sophia's fate is being decided

Starodum, deciding not to beat around the bush, speaks of his decision: he wants to take Sophia to Moscow. There he is going to marry her to a good young man who has many virtues. For many, this news was amazing and even discouraging. Sophia more than others was struck by this news. Starodum also says that choosing a groom is something that depends entirely on Sophia. This returns a piece of hope to many.

Undergrowth Mitrofanushka

a short retelling of the story

Ms. Prostakova decides to tell Starodum how educated her Mitrofanushka is. In this, she owes much to Vralman, a German who has been in her service for 5 years. At the same time, he receives more than other teachers at Prostakova. Three hundred rubles a year is his earnings, while the rest have only ten rubles. Vralman teaches Mitrofanushka French and other sciences.

Further we learn that Kuteikin and Tsyfirkin are sad that their teaching is of little use. Arithmetic and diploma are not given to Mitrofan. And all because of Vralman, who indulges the whims of a lazy student.

Mother also interferes, often interrupting Tsyfirkin in the classroom, who assigns Mitrofan tasks. She considers arithmetic an empty science. In her opinion: “There is no money - what to consider? There is money - we’ll consider it well without Pafnutich. ” As a result, Tsyfirkina is replaced by Kuteikin. But here Vralman is already interfering, when Mitrofanushka starts pointlessly repeating the lines from the Hourglass. He says that you can do without a letter. In his opinion, Mitrofanushka only needs to know about how to live in the world. Therefore, he lets Mitrofanushka frolic. Tsyfirkin and Kuteykin, who want to beat Vralman, did not like this very much. But he manages to escape in time from inevitable reprisal.

Short retelling of Undergrowth, action 4

Brief retelling of "Undergrowth" (Fonvizin DI): Sophia reads the book of the author Fenelon, which writes about the education of secular girls. Starodum decides to talk with her about virtue, about its manifestations. Having received a letter from Count Chestan, Starodum learns that he sees his nephew as Sofia’s husband. Starodub reflects on Milon, whom Sophia considers to be a worthy party. Sophia confesses her love for Milon. Acquainted with Milon, Starodum realizes that he is a worthy young man. He is glad that his niece made that choice. He could not even dream of the best. He blesses this marriage.

Grooms again on stage

Skotinin appears, asking for Starodum to bless him and Sophia. When talking, he shows himself a stupid person. Starodum makes fun of him.

Ms. Prostakova wondered if Starodum was not interfering with the rest. In order not to disturb the guest, she forces the whole house to tiptoe. She asks Starodum to test Mitrofanushka. Mitrofan shows his ignorance. The mother, trying to protect her son, says that he will live without science.

When asked by Mitrofan about marriage, Starodub says that this cannot happen. After all, Sophia is already "conspired for another." Prostakova, angrily running around the room, makes various plans, as if to prevent Sophia from leaving.

Fifth action last

very brief retelling

A brief retelling of the comedy "Undergrowth" is drawing to a close. Pravdin and Starodum are talking. They are trying to decide what to do with Prostakova, how to change her evil temper. There is a solution: take custody of the Prostakovs' estate in order to prevent this from happening in the future. Then they talk about the king, about his virtues, and later about the goodwill of his subjects - the nobles.

Milon successfully discourages Sophia from Yeremeyevna and the yard people belonging to Prostakova. They wanted to use force to drag Sophia into a carriage, which was supposed to take her to church, to marry Mitrofanushka.

Pravdin believes that this act of Prostakova gives reason to complain about her to the government. This would be a serious punishment for Prostakova. She belittles them to spare her. Milon and Starodum decide that she is a low person, but they will not complain. Now they understand that it cannot be changed. And Prostakova immediately proves this: realizing that she is forgiven, she decides to arrange reprisals against her people. And all due to the fact that they could not keep Sophia. Pravdin quickly knocks down an aggressive-minded Prostakova by pulling out paper about custody of her estate.

Skotinin quickly backtracked, judiciously deciding that he himself might fall under the hand. Pravdin also denies Prostakova a reprieve, which, in his opinion, the family does not need.


Our very brief retelling of "Undergrowth" ends with the fact that Starodum recognizes his coachman in Vralman, whom he recruits at his request and returns to service. Kuteikin demands money for his work, while Tsyfirkin refuses his wages, because, in his opinion, he did not deserve it. After all, he could not train Mitrofanushka. For such a noble gesture, Pravdin and Milon reward Tsyfirkin, while Kuteikin is ashamed.

Sophia, Starodum and Milon say goodbye to Pravdin. Prostakova in grief rushes to her last hope, her son, but he only tries to get rid of her. Prostakova suffers from this even more. Sophia even wants to console Prostakova, she pities her. Prostakov thinks that such an undergrowth can only be corrected in the service, where he will have the most suitable place. Starodum points Pravdin to Prostakova and says that here they are, "fruits of malignancy worthy of their parents." So ends a brief retelling of the work "Undergrowth."

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8504/

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