Toadstool - a mushroom that kills.

Probably, many have heard about such a poisonous mushroom as a toadstool. The fungus grows mainly in forest-steppe areas. Of all the poisonous mushrooms found in our country, it is the most dangerous.

Why are people picking mushrooms and take poisonous grebe. The answer is very simple. Mushroom pickers who do not have enough experience often confuse this type of mushroom with champignon mushrooms. However, the toadstool is a mushroom, which upon careful examination, there are significant differences from other edible mushrooms. Her hat has a light, almost white color, but over time can change to grayish or white-lemon. But the plates under the hat are pure white, and, unlike champignons, they do not change their color to pink or dark. The pale toadstool mushroom has a tuberous pedicle, and in the lower part there is a distinctive skirt (fringe around the circumference of the pedicle).

Such fungi belong to the so-called hepatonephrotropic group. In addition to this mushroom, green fly agarics, lines, etc. are also included here. The toxic substances in such fungi are two toxins: a fast-acting phalotoxin and a slow-acting amanitotoxin. It is believed that for humans, the lethal dose of amanitotoxin is only 0.1-0.5 mg per kilogram of body weight. A phalotoxin will require from 20 to 30 mg. In principle, according to the severity of poisoning, these mushrooms can be compared with a bite of a cobra or gyurza.

It is important to know that toadstool is a mushroom that retains its poisonous properties even after prolonged heat and cooking.

When exposed to toxins on the body, the lesion primarily occurs in the gastrointestinal tract, and, accordingly, in the future, the liver and kidneys are also affected. Initially, the symptoms of poisoning appear in the form of weakness, abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea. Then, poisonous mushrooms (pale grebe and others) provoke a condition called by doctors as "imaginary well-being." And it is very dangerous because a person after pain symptoms calms down and does not seek help from doctors, believing that everything that happened to him is a simple upset stomach. And this leads to sad consequences. Since the later you take rescue measures, the more sad the consequences may be. In the future, the symptoms worsen significantly, and, in addition to all of the above, toadstool can provoke dehydration, yellowness of the skin, cardiovascular failure (occurs due to blood clotting and damage to the circulatory system by toxins), damage to the nervous system which is expressed in impaired consciousness. come coma.

In recent years, statistics of poisonous mushroom poisoning indicates an increase in the symptoms and consequences of damage to the central nervous system of a person. Such poisoning is often accompanied by increased nervousness and anxiety, numbness of the limbs and pain, swelling and loss of sensation in various parts of the body. Doctors and scientists explain this evolution of symptoms by the accumulation in mushrooms of more salts of heavy metals. In addition, increased radiation pollution of the environment, soil treatment with various chemicals and fertilizers causes the accumulation of radionuclides, pesticides and other harmful substances in mushrooms (and not just grebes).

If your relatives or you have been poisoned, and it doesn’t matter, it’s a grebe, an edible species of mushroom, or even a “gift of nature” that is well known to you, you should immediately contact a doctor for help. You should not risk your life and health, relying on folk (non-traditional) methods of treatment. At the same time, it is necessary to require medical treatment in hospital conditions of the hospital, since it is extremely difficult to find out the degree of poisoning at home.


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