Where to go from Prague? Photos of the surroundings of Prague and reviews of tourists

The capital of the Czech Republic is loved by tourists. Organized excursions and independent travelers go here. But let's say you arrived in Prague for a long time. Or not the first (and not the second) time. It's time to go out of town! The vicinity of the Czech capital is full of attractions. And our article is dedicated to the one and only question about where you can go from Prague on your own.

The choice is very large. In the article we give a rating of the most interesting places in the Czech Republic and abroad, which can be reached in one day and return to evening. Prague, due to its location in the very center of Europe, is an ideal launching pad for such trips. Having booked a hotel in this city, you can travel to Germany, Poland ... and, of course, to the Czech Republic itself. Independent trips do not constrain you, besides they are more profitable in price than organized tours. So where can I go from Prague for one day?

Where to go from Prague

Transport, food, sightseeing

The fastest and most convenient way to go sightseeing outside the Czech capital is to rent a car. The roads in the Czech Republic are excellent, and the traffic is right-hand. Renting a car of the Opel or Skoda type will cost a thousand rubles a day. Gasoline, however, is expensive in the Czech Republic (1.35 euros per liter), but the distances are small. If there is no driver’s license, you can rely on public transport. Trains and buses run regularly. The fare in them is not shocking. So if you decide where to go from Prague for new discoveries, transport is not an obstacle to your bold undertakings. There should not be any problems with food. In any Czech village (and even more so tourist) there is a restaurant where you will be deliciously fed. And prices in the province are lower than in the capital. As for excursion support, what does the guide know, what does the Internet not know?

Where to go from Prague

Karlstejn Castle

The popularity of this place is explained by its availability. Only thirty kilometers that can be overcome by train, and you are already looking at medieval Karlstejn. This summer residence of King Charles IV was built in 1357. In the entire history of the existence of the fortress, it has never been captured by enemies. Karlstejn is not the most beautiful castle in the Czech Republic, but it is an ideal solution to the question of where you can go from Prague for half a day. You can get inside the castle only as part of a group tour. But tourists will not have to wait long - Karlstejn is a rather “untwisted” place. How to get to the castle? At the main railway station in Prague, you need to catch the train to Beroun station. Get out at the Karlštejn stop. The ticket costs about two euros (54 kroons). The journey time from Prague to Karlstejn is forty minutes.

Where to go from Prague

Konopiste Castle

If you like hunting, then you don’t have to rack your brains on where to go from Prague for something interesting. Go straight to Konopiste. This medieval castle was rebuilt by Archduke Franz Ferdinand into a hunting house. Gradually, chambers began to fill with trophies. The collection was impressive. Here you can see stuffed animals and birds, weapons, armor, as well as works of decorative art. Around the palace there is an English park, along which peacocks walk. Hunger can be satisfied in a local restaurant, where the main dish is pheasant soup with sherry and quail eggs. To overcome the 50 kilometers separating Konopiste from the capital, you need to take a bus to Beneshov at the Roztyly metro station. Travel time is about an hour, the fare is two and a half euros.

Where to go from Prague for one day

Kutna Hora

Where to go from Prague for the original photo? You will shock your colleagues when you return from a vacation in the Czech Republic with the osse of Kutná Hora. Once on the site of the famous chapel was a cemetery. It existed long enough, so that a lot of "residents" on the graveyard accumulated. And once all these human bones (even before the sound of the doomsday trumpet) again saw the light. They became the “building material” for the new chapel. You must admit that a lamp from the lower jaws, decorated with phalanxes of fingers, does not hang in every church. All this is very impressive, so for a couple of days you will be haunted by philosophical thoughts about the transience of being. The interiors and stained-glass windows of the second largest Gothic cathedral of the Czech Republic, the Church of St. Barbara, will help smooth these gloomy impressions. There are two ways to get to Kutnaya Gora. By train in an hour (one hundred crowns) and by bus in an hour and a half (sixty crowns). If you choose a more economical option, then you need to get to the metro station Háje or Nádraží Uhříněves.

Where to go from Prague on your own

Czech krumlov

This is where you can go from Prague in one day to be sure: you have to live here for a week. Because there are so many attractions in Cesky Krumlov that you won’t see everything in a couple of hours. The local castle seemed to have descended from the pages of a fairy tale. The town itself - to suit it: small multi-colored houses with openwork balconies and well-groomed flower beds. You should look into St. Vitus Cathedral, take a walk through the city park with a cascading fountain. The castle complex is taken under the auspices of UNESCO, so its visit is simply a must. There are many original museums in Cesky Krumlov. For example, Museums of puppets, motorcycles, the Tale House and an old shop, where you will find yourself in the atmosphere of the second half of the nineteenth century. You can get to the town by bus from the station Na Knížecí or Florenc, as well as by train from the main station of Prague. Travel time is about three hours. The fare is about three hundred crowns.

Where to go from Prague abroad

The closest foreign city to the Czech capital is German Dresden. It’s unlikely that a couple of hours will be enough for you to explore the Art Gallery alone. Surely you will want to return here again for a more thorough acquaintance with the city. But if you are wondering where to go from Prague for one day, then you can limit yourself to a sightseeing tour of Dresden. Take a walk along the Elba embankment, visit the Trinity Cathedral, and at least look at the outwardly beautiful opera house. One of the modern attractions of the city is the "transparent workshop" of the Volkswagen concern. Through the glass walls you can see the whole process, from A to Z, the production of the most popular German car. The journey to Dresden by train and bus will take you two hours. Another city to go from Prague on your own is not difficult. This is the Austrian Salzburg.

Where you can go from Prague on your own

Two in one

Bratislava and Vienna are located one hour away from each other. Therefore, you can cover two European capitals at once in a one-day trip. But you have to get up in the dark. The bus leaves from Prague at half past four in the morning. The train to Bratislava takes about four hours. Having examined the capital of Slovakia, you can head to Vienna by train or bus. But better on the boat, although it will be longer and more expensive. The pier is located at the bus station of Bratislava. Other interesting foreign cities where you can travel from Prague are Wroclaw, Krakow, Budapest.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8521/

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