A stone bracelet is a source of beauty and health, accessible to everyone

In recent years, the craving for everything natural and natural has been preserved in the fashion world. Cotton, silk, knitwear made of natural threads confidently took a place in the collections of leading designers, and a bracelet made of stone completely entered the must have category. This means that at least one such decoration should be in every self-respecting woman. What is this accessory, how to choose and wear it?

stone bracelet

What is this beauty?

The meaning of the word “bracelet” in translation from Latin means “forearm”. An ornament in the form of a ring, thread or chain is made and encircles the arm, leg or even the neck.

This jewelry is one of the oldest on the planet. Hands, ankles and other parts of the body of both women and men have been adorned with bracelets since time immemorial. When excavating ancient cities, settlements or burials, archaeologists constantly find confirmation of this. A bracelet made of stone, ivory, wood, precious metals or copper ... Fashion has changed, but this jewelry, it seems, has always been.

Today at the peak of popularity bracelets made of stones. Photos of models and celebrities decorated with semiprecious accessories fill the pages of fashion magazines and online publications. They wear bracelets with thin threads or whole cascades, on one hand and immediately on both, on the ankles and wrists. In general, the main criterion is that it should be stylish and beautiful.

In addition to its attractive appearance, natural minerals also have healing properties and contribute to the recovery or improvement of well-being of its owner. Knowledgeable people also claim that a stone bracelet has a charge of energy and some magical properties, due to which it can bring good luck or, conversely, ruin all undertakings, so you should choose only with knowledge.

do-it-yourself bracelets made of stones

How to choose?

Before you get the cherished jewelry, you need to understand why this is done in principle.

If only for beauty, then it’s enough to determine which bracelet made of stone is suitable for the zodiac sign, choose your favorite model and a suitable color scheme. And that’s all! You can shine!

If there is a desire or need to use the gifts of mother nature in the form of healing or energy properties of natural minerals, then you need to study the issue in more detail.

Here are an example of the properties of several of the most common stones:

  • aquamarine alleviates nervous disorders, promotes recovery in cardiovascular diseases, stimulates creative and mental activity, strengthens relationships;
  • pomegranate gives energy, relieves inflammation and fever, has the qualities of a love talisman, gives power over people and even predicts the future;
  • sardonyx treats the thyroid gland, gastrointestinal diseases, promotes rapid recovery from fractures, improves mood and protects from the evil eye;
  • agate will cure the heart and lungs, improve the immune system, protect against stress and help resolve the conflict;
  • chrysolite will relieve stuttering and nightmares, protect from rash acts with high risks;
  • alexandrite helps with diseases of the blood and circulatory system, protects against ailments, gives longevity, is a symbol of love and fidelity.

In order not to make a mistake with the choice, it is better to consult with the seller when buying or, if possible, with a person who is well versed in this matter.

A special case

Separately, you should pay attention to the bianshi stone bracelet. The reviews of scientists, representatives of traditional medicine, doctors and healers of various directions from around the world amaze and amaze. This stone is mined only in one place on the planet, in China. Many millions of years ago, a meteorite fell there, which became the source of this unusual material.

A beautiful, black, smooth stone in contact with hot water becomes rough and has the same magical properties. The list of indications for wearing such an accessory is huge: inflammatory processes, cancer, problems with the immune system, overweight, pain, fatigue, depression and much more. Within a few months, a person with a black stone bracelet on his wrist looks younger and feels healthier and more cheerful!

black stone bracelet

Where to get?

Today you can buy a fashion accessory in many stores and salons, as well as through the Internet. The main thing is not to forget to ask the seller for documents that confirm the authenticity of the minerals. Unfortunately, many fakes are sold that look quite worthy, but do not have all the above properties. And far from everyone can distinguish an artificial stone from a natural “by eye”.

stone bracelets photo

Hand-made - a beautiful hobby

Another fashionable trend of our time is do-it-yourself bracelets made of stones. It’s easy to get everything you need for this lesson.

One of the easiest ways. For work you will need: stones of the desired shape, threads, fasteners, pendants, “hugs” or “holders”, bails, rondels and connecting rings. Using a regular ruler, the desired length of the thread is measured, then all the elements are strung. The order depends entirely on the imagination and taste of the craftswoman. It is recommended to use a silicone thread, since it is strong and elastic. A few hours of work and decoration is ready!

There are other ways, some of which will require more time, skill and dexterity. Master classes on this topic are available on the Internet in abundance, so the desire to make jewelry yourself is quite feasible.

do-it-yourself bracelets made of stones

To the joy of loved ones!

Among other things, DIY stone bracelets are a great gift idea. Beautiful, inexpensive, useful and, most importantly, with a soul! Choosing the right stones and spending a little time on making, you can bring great pleasure to mom, sister or girlfriend. After all, the very understanding and feeling by a person of the fact that this is done with his own hands with thoughts about him is already very valuable. And if it also improves health, such as a banshi stone bracelet ... Reviews and memories of loved ones about such a gift will be the warmest and most pleasant!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8528/

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