Tattoo of the thief in law: photo. Tattoos of thieves on the fingers and their meaning

Among young people today, tattoo culture is very popular. People apply them to various parts of the body, using a variety of patterns. But few people think that certain sketches on the body may mean something. What is it, a tattoo of a thief in law, the meanings of a variety of drawings for people who have served their sentences in prison - this will be discussed later.

thief in law

A little bit about the culture of prisoners

Initially, it should be noted that the zone (in prisons) has its own specific rules of conduct. Which, by the way, are very rarely understood by an ordinary person. There is a certain hierarchy, all members of that society occupy a special place. Tattoos (on the zone more often use the word “tattoos”) are special characters that are informative. That is, with the help of a certain pattern on a particular area of ​​the body, you can "read" a person. Find out why he was serving his sentence, what his mood and what place in the structure of the hierarchy of prisoners he occupied. It should also be noted that there are a number of tattoos that prisoners inflict on their companions. Such drawings indicate people of the lower strata or those who are used for certain needs.

It is also necessary to note that the tattoo of a thief in law is a drawing strictly intended for a person. If a person lower in the hierarchy makes a tattoo of authority, he can even be punished by death (but most often it is violence, including sexual violence, as well as cutting a tattoo).

finger thieves tattoos


Can a lot of tell tattoos of thieves in law on the fingers? Especially the rings. Their number corresponds to the number of walkers per zone. The color scheme is also important. Black tattoos should be associated with the conclusion, light - with the will. Rings also encrypt certain information, which not everyone can read. At the same time, everything is important in such a figure, even the alternation of dark and light colors, as well as the arrangement of figures and symbols.

  1. Crown. It was applied mainly by authorities. Such people occupied the highest levels in the hierarchy.
  2. Crosses. They say that a person has committed a serious crime, will never cooperate with law enforcement agencies, and cannot be corrected.
  3. Chess variations. It is reported that a person has passed the zone.
  4. Another tattoo of a thief in law is an oblique strip. Meaning: life went awry, I had to go to the zone. Such rings are often applied to those who have served a youngster.
  5. Swastika and skulls on a white background. These are the so-called negals. That is, people are aggressive, prone to violence.
  6. Rhombuses pin leaders of various criminal gangs.
  7. A cat on a ring means that a person who is a native of prison and does not remember any other life.
  8. Churches on the rings can "talk" about the number of years spent in the zone, or the number of walkers.

tattoos of thieves


The star is another tattoo of the kingpin. And authoritative. Such drawings are most often located under the collarbone or on the knees (which means that the prisoner does not kneel before anyone). It should also be noted that prisoners with such tattoos cannot request a reduction in their sentence. They also never cooperate with law enforcement officials.

  1. The star-tattoos of thieves in law with eight peaks denote negatives. If a skull or a swastika is drawn in such a star, then such people consider themselves free from birth (regardless of what they are currently imprisoned). If radiance is drawn in such a star, this person solves all problems by force.
  2. If the face of Jesus is depicted inside the star, such a pattern is applied only to the godfathers.
  3. If a convict is a Muslim, he can draw knives or a crescent moon in the center of the star. This will mean "death to all the apostates of the Muslim faith."
  4. If a seven-pointed star is drawn on the body , this may mean that a person only wants to be like a thief in law, not really being that way. This is the so-called profitable drawing.

tattoos of the thief in law and their meanings

Epaulettes, epaulets

Further we consider thieves in the law and their meanings. Be sure to stop on shoulder straps, which can also be seen on the shoulders of men who have passed the zone. What do they mean? So, epaulettes and epaulettes are a sign that a person can use violence, but only if it is justified. Such drawings are applied only to the criminal elite, that is, an authoritative thieves. Most often, wings, a crown, card suits are painted on uniform. If a tiger is depicted, this suggests that the person is a malicious violator of order in the zone. Skulls can also be depicted, which, again, defines denied. If under the figure there are two letters - SS, it means "retained conscience."


What other tattoos do thieves have in law? So, it can be women. Drawn in full growth or just a head. They mean mainly the emotional side of a person. A lady is depicted along with other elements, independently - very rarely. It can be deciphered as you like, from a symbol of good luck to hatred for treason.

what tattoos do thieves have

Various drawings

I would like to consider other tattoos of thieves in law, which were not mentioned above.

  • Cathedral or church with domes. This means that a person has visited the zone. The number of domes - the number of walkers.
  • Spider on the web. This means that a person spent most of his life in the zone. If the tattoo is applied to the left side of the neck, it means “crushed mode”. A spider without a web illustrates a pinch. That is a shallow pickpocket thief.
  • A beetle that creeps up also indicates a pickpocket.
  • Two tulips applied to the brush mean that a person will take revenge.
  • A sailboat has several meanings. First of all, it refers to those people who can escape. Tour thieves also illustrate.
  • The butterfly is applied to the body by those who want to escape and wish to be released as soon as possible.
  • A knife piercing cards or a book is despicable. That is, one who does not want to put up is a recidivist thief.
  • The grave is a symbol of revenge.
  • Persons convicted of rape may apply to the body of a lion tormenting a naked woman, a heart crowned with a crown, or other similar tattoos.

tattoos of thieves in law photo

Simple conclusions

Why know what tattoos of thieves look like? Photos of such drawings must be viewed by anyone who wants to get a tattoo in the ordinary world (not criminal). After all, if you miscalculate and draw a special drawing, you can pay for it. Sometimes even life. Indeed, the body tattoos of criminals and thieves in law are not of decoration, but of special information. If the symbol of prisoners will be worn by a person who has not seen the zone, this can end very deplorably. And it’s very, very easy to solve the “simulator” to a knowledgeable person.


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