Insulation "Ecover": pros and cons

Today basalt insulation "Ecover" in Perm and other cities of the country can be purchased at a reasonable price. Many private consumers and professional builders consider this material the most optimal option among alternative thermal insulation means.

insulation ecover characteristics

You can be sure that this product meets all the standards and requirements for such products. After all, the quality of the goods is confirmed by certificates of conformity, which you can claim from the seller before purchasing a heater, which will be discussed below.

Why it is worth choosing "Ecover" for the house

The technological process for the production of this material involves the use of rocks, in this regard, it is environmentally friendly and does not harm human health. Production is established near raw material deposits, which allows setting minimum prices for products. Insulation "Ecover" is a high-quality thermal insulation, which is represented by lightweight non-combustible heat-insulating plates made of mineral wool. The latter is based on rocks from the basalt group.

insulation ecover

The main advantages of the material

You can buy β€œEcover” insulation (Yekaterinburg and other cities for sale) at the lowest possible cost. The described material is characterized by high insulation rates close to those possessed by air. This is true when the latter is stationary. The thermal conductivity is 0.035 W / mK. This reduces the heat loss in the rooms by up to 50%. The material is characterized by excellent acoustic qualities, determined by the fact that the mineral wool is characterized by a fibrous structure.

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Cookers have the ability to reduce noise and absorb sounds. It should be noted and fire resistance, which is confirmed by the high melting point. The last parameter is measured within 1000 degrees Celsius. Ecologically friendly raw materials, including basalt rocks, are used to make the material, which makes the slabs completely safe for health. This insulation has a high degree of resistance to temperature and mechanical deformation. The material can be affected by a load of up to 7 tons per square meter. In this case, the original form returns when the external influence ceases.

Additional benefits

Insulation "Ecover" has the properties of vapor permeability and hydrophobicity. Thanks to the first characteristic, water vapor passes through the canvas, protecting them from the accumulation of excess moisture. You can not be afraid that the insulation will become a place of formation and development of bacteria and fungi. The material does not attract insects and rodents, as it is biologically inert. The same can be said about the resistance of the plates to chemical attack.

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Consumer Reviews

The described thermal insulation has found its wide application, this is due to certain technical characteristics and advantages. According to users, they quite often choose this material for the reason that it is environmentally friendly. This applies not only to human health, but also to the absence of emissions into the environment. With temperature differences, the blades retain their technical characteristics and original shape. According to users, during the entire life of the insulation is characterized by excellent resistance to sunlight.

It will be possible to use the material for 50 years or more. Plates are easy to cut, they are quite simple to mount using improvised means. In this case, the master will not have to purchase additional tools, which could cause costs.

insulation ecover light

Quite often, consumers have recently purchased Ecover products. Reviews (insulation has excellent technical characteristics) are positive in most cases. For example, it is worth highlighting the moment that you have to pay a little for the material. For basalt wool webs, suppliers ask for 530 rubles. for packaging, this applies to insulation "Light Universal". If we are talking about the products of the Standard-50 series, then it costs 775 rubles / pack.

Key Cons

If you want to choose the described insulation, then you should familiarize yourself with its main disadvantages in advance. Among them, it is necessary to highlight the need for additional protection of the material from contact with moisture. Despite the fact that cotton wool almost does not absorb water, this does not mean that it does not require protection. The material will have to be laid in overalls, in addition, it is unsuitable for places that are subject to moisture.

Insulation "Ecover", the characteristics of which must be considered prior to the acquisition, is not made using resins. The latter may include formaldehydes and phenol, which are used to glue other materials into separate mats. Contrary to the opinion of some consumers, such harmful substances are not contained in the material described.

basalt insulation ecover

Characteristics of the Ecover Light Series

This material is a heat-insulating water-repellent lightweight plates that are made on the basis of a synthetic binder. Insulation "Ecover Light" has found its application in the arrangement of frame walls, attic ceilings, pitched roof roofs, as well as internal partitions. It is used in the construction of floors with different types of coatings on load-bearing lags with the installation of insulation between them.

With two-layer insulation, Ecover Light is laid in conjunction with the Ecover Ventfasad stove. In the latter case, we are talking about wall mounted systems. If you want to equip a three-layer well masonry, then Ecover Light 45, which can be used as a heat-insulating layer, is perfect.

Main advantages

Basalt insulation "Ecover Light" has a high heat-insulating ability, as well as hydrophobicity. The latter characteristic indicates excellent water repellent properties. You can count on the absence of shrinkage during operation, as well as effective sound absorption. The length and width of the material are 1000 and 600 millimeters, respectively, with regard to thickness, it varies from 40 to 250 millimeters. In this case, an interval of 10 millimeters should be taken into account.

The nominal density of the Light 30 brand is 30 kilograms per cubic meter. If you need a higher density, then you should buy "Light 35" or "Light 45". The coefficient of thermal conductivity at 10 degrees for "Light 30" corresponds to 0.037 W / m Β· K. The compressibility as a percentage of Light 30 is 20%, and that of Light 35 is 12%. The lowest indicator is at "Light 45", it is equal to 8 percent.

ecover reviews heater

When consumers purchase Ecover insulation, they are often interested in water absorption. The manufacturer indicates this characteristic when partially immersed in water. Thus, all three of the above series have a water absorption of 1 kilogram per square meter.

Important to consider

The dimensions of the Ecover insulation, which were mentioned above, will allow you to understand how often to fill the crate, if the material will be fixed to the wall. But before purchasing, you should familiarize yourself not only with the general characteristics of the insulation, but also with the individual properties of different series. For example, "Universal" and "Light" can be used in the decoration of various designs and surfaces. If there is a need to apply a lighter material, then you should use the option "Light", which has a lower mass. With its help, you can insulate the attic, balconies and other structures that do not provide for a large load. In almost any case, you can install Light Universal, which is used to insulate walls, floors, and roofs. But it must be remembered that the mineral wool β€œLight” does not withstand serious loads, which is why it is not used in structures that will have a certain impact during operation.


Insulation "Ecover" is suitable for most designs, however, before purchasing, you must familiarize yourself with the purpose of each series. This will eliminate the increase in thermal conductivity in some places, especially if they are exposed to moisture.


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