How to get rid of hogweed: safety and aesthetics of the land

Hogweed is known to every gardener and summer resident. This plant is capable of covering the entire territory in the shortest possible time, while its thickets are capable of reaching up to 4 meters in height. It grows, as a rule, on moist and sunlit land, but at the same time it is not afraid of temperature changes, heat and frost.

how to get rid of hogweed

In addition, one umbrella of the hogweed is able to produce more than a thousand seeds. Thickets of plants not only spoil the appearance of the site. Certain species of this weed can be hazardous to health, because their juice causes skin diseases, numerous long-healing burns, and getting it on the mucous membranes can even cause death. In order to protect yourself and your loved ones, and at the same time give the site an ennobled look, you need to know how to get rid of hogweed.

Method One: Burning

This method of getting rid of hogweed is quick, but when using it, you must act with due care and prudence. Before you destroy the cow parsnip in this way, you must first select the time for its burning. This is best done before its flowers have ripened. To do this, water the plant with a flammable substance and set fire to it. Do not forget about safety measures! In addition, it should be remembered that when burning, hogweed extracts special essential oils, so you need to protect your body and clothes.

Method Two: Destruction Using Special Means

hogweed remedy
To eliminate a plant in this way is possible only until its seeds ripen. It is easy to choose a remedy for hogweed in any hardware store. Also suitable for any other weed. But it must be remembered that hogweed is difficult to eliminate, so the dose indicated on the tool in this case should be increased by 2-3 times. Processing should be carried out twice with a pause of two weeks. It is necessary to carefully ensure that the entire plant is treated with a chemical agent: from the stem to the umbrella, otherwise the desired result may not be achieved.

The third method: regular weeding or mowing

This method is slow but true. To achieve the result, weed or mow the weed every three weeks. But before you get rid of the hogweed with a braid, you must remember that its stem should be reduced to 10 cm from the ground. Weed will need to mow and weed out over several years, because its seeds retain their germination for 3-4 years.

Fourth method: pruning umbrellas

how to destroy hogweed

This method is the easiest to use. How to get rid of hogweed this way? The answer is simple. To do this, at the initial stage of flowering, pruning of umbrellas is carried out, thereby preventing the spread of seeds across the site. And since hogweed is an annual plant, with the correct and timely destruction of flowers, its renewal will cease. The most important thing is to remember safety measures and prevent burns on the body.

Precautionary measures

Before you get rid of hogweed, you need to remember a few simple precautionary rules. Here are some helpful tips:

  1. It is necessary to protect the skin from the possible effects of hogweed on it, namely to use tight clothing, glasses, gloves.
  2. It is best to get rid of this weed in cloudy weather in order to avoid a burn.
  3. After the destruction of the hogweed, it will be necessary to treat unprotected skin with soap and water.


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