How to make a cake out of paper with wishes?

DIY gifts will help you to be creative and surprise the recipient with how well you know him and understand his interests and desires. If you are not going to be limited to a couple of parting words, try to make a cake out of paper with wishes. Traditionally, this craft is made of no less than six fragments, which means that it is precisely so many individual cards that you can fill out.

What are the wish cakes ?

Wish paper cake

There are two ways to make a cake with wishes out of paper, in the first case you collect a round dessert from separate triangles, in the second you make your confectionery product tiered. Draw a diagram of the crafts and decide how many wishes you will write. Remember that this gift is not just a beautiful souvenir. If desired, a paper cake with wishes can be used as a packaging for quite serious presentations. Even a little dessert will fit the keys to a new apartment or cottage, a mobile phone or jewelry. But ordinary wishes with symbolic souvenirs will certainly please the recipient of the gift no less.

How to make a cake out of paper yourself?

Cake with wishes made of paper
If we make a round cake “cut” into pieces, then we will need to collect six identical triangles. Draw a template for volumetric piece on paper. It consists of two identical triangles and sides. Try to assemble a paper blank, make sure that you are doing everything correctly, and only after that cut all six pieces out of cardboard. To create a multi-tiered cake, use ready-made boxes of the same shape and different sizes. You can make them yourself. Each element should be freely openable; we decorate all other sides to your liking. You can glue the cake with cloth or paper, foil and other decorative materials. Use artificial flowers, beads, bows and any other decorative objects for decoration. Put a little imagination - and your creation will be indistinguishable from a real confectionery product. Did you know that pieces of polystyrene are similar to meringues, and coconut and powdered sugar can also be used to decorate inedible cakes?

The most important thing is inside!

How to make a paper cake
As soon as the decoration of the pieces of the cake is finished, it's time to fill its segments or tiers. Prepare greeting cards or cards of the same type. Write your wishes on them and come up with a symbolic designation for each of them. For example, if you want love, put a souvenir in the form of a heart, a shell or a flag of the country your friend wants to go can become a symbol of travel. Do not forget about good health, which can be symbolized by vitamins or a package of activated carbon, as well as the wish for a “sweet life” or “good mood” with an addition of a couple of bars of chocolate to the note. A paper cake with wishes can be made individual using symbols associated with the professional or amateur activities of the recipient. Representatives of creative professions wish inspiration, athletes new victories. Do not forget to add real money or a gift certificate for the purchase of some goods or services to the paper cake — this will make your present even more valuable.


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