Writer and screenwriter Alexey Gravitsky

Alexey Gravitsky is the author of novels, short stories and short fiction stories. In addition, he is one of the creators of popular TV shows, including Ruble Live.

alexey gravitsky

Writer Alexey Gravitsky was born in 1978. He graduated from the Pedagogical Institute. After receiving a diploma in psychology, he worked for several years in his specialty. Before completely devoting himself to literary activity, I tried many professions.

Alexey Gravitsky has published several articles on computer programs and teaching methods for preschool children. The first work of art was published in the late nineties. But books in paper format appeared later. At the beginning of his writing, Alexey Gravitsky published his creations on the Web.


In 2001, in the newspaper "Fantast" appeared the story "Carlson". This publication was the beginning of the literary career of Gravitsky. Later, the story went into a collection entitled “Give Your Soul.” The works created by Alexey Gravitsky were for a long time printed exclusively in literary magazines. Among these specialized periodicals are The World of Fantasy, The Seeker, The Nameless Star, The Secret Power.

writer alexey gravitsky

In the bibliography of Gravitsky more than twenty works. The most famous:

  1. "Mother".
  2. "Stripping."
  3. Kalinov bridge.
  4. "The way home".
  5. "The game".
  6. "Court".
  7. "Weather in the house".
  8. "Race for survival."
  9. "Sense of beauty".
  10. Midnight Sur

In collaboration with the writer, director and actor Sergey Paliy, the works “Anabiosis” and “Anomalous Vacations” were created.

"My good magician"

Stories and novels for children deserve special attention. One of Gravitsky’s works aimed at young readers is My Good Mage.

Every child dreams of meeting a wizard. The hero of the story had the pleasure of meeting a real sorcerer. True, later it turned out that Nikita’s new friend - the character of the work of Gravitsky - was not a wizard at all, but an ordinary person with an unusual kind heart. The work was included in the training course “Grammar of Morality”.


Author Aleksey Gravitsky did not limit himself to writing fiction. In parallel with literary activity, he tried himself as a screenwriter. The first small works in this genre were created for flash cartoons.

author alexey gravitsky

Gravitsky soon refused to write scripts for animation projects, switching to TV shows. In his filmography, fourteen works. Among them are a series about the legendary announcer Levitan “Moscow is talking!”, Projects “Earthquake” and “Capture”. It is worth saying that Alexey Gravitsky is a rather versatile person. In addition to screenwriting, he took part in the creation of several Internet projects.


The action of this work takes place in Moscow. The novel tells of people inexplicably and suddenly finding themselves in a state of suspended animation. So unusual adventures begin in 2016. In a state of suspended animation, the heroes are thirty years old. Their awakening is also unpredictable. According to reader reviews, the plot of the book is rather confusing. However, thanks to philosophical and fantastic motifs, the novel gained popularity among readers.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8553/

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