Signs of classicism in literature. An example of Russian classicism in the comedy "Undergrowth"

During the reign of Peter the Great in Russia, the foundations of a new direction in literature began to be laid. Signs of classicism originated in Italy in the 16th century. A hundred years later, the direction reached its highest development in France during the reign of Louis 14, who affirms an absolute monarchy.

The origin of classicism and the general characteristic of the era

The ideological basis for the formation of the literary direction is the assertion of a strong state power. The main goal of classicism was the glorification of the absolute monarchy. Translated from Latin, the term classicus means "exemplary." The signs of classicism in literature derive their origins from antiquity, and the work of N. Boileau, "Poetic Art" (1674), becomes the theoretical basis. It introduces the concept of three unities and speaks of strict conformity of content and form.

The philosophical foundation of classicism

The metaphysics of the rationalist Rene Descartes influenced the formation of this literary direction. The main conflict among the classics is the confrontation of reason and passions. In accordance with the division of all genres into high, medium and low, styles of the artistic system were created.

signs of classicism in a comedy undergrowth

The main features of classicism imply the use of the rule of three unities (time, place and action) and normative poetics, because of which the natural development of the literary process began to slow down . The estate-feudal hierarchy is reflected in the aristocratic nature of classicism. The heroes are mainly representatives of the nobility, who are carriers of virtue. High civic pathos and a sense of patriotism subsequently become the basis for the formation of other literary movements.

Signs of classicism in literature. Features of Russian classicism

In Russia, this literary trend begins to take shape at the end of the 17th century. Despite the fact that the works of Russian classicists show a connection with N. Boileau, classicism in Russia is significantly different. He began his active development after the death of Peter the Great, when the clergy and nobles tried to return the state in pre-Petrine times. The following signs of classicism are inherent exclusively in the Russian direction:

  1. It is more humane, because it was formed under the influence of the ideas of Enlightenment.
  2. Affirmed the natural equality of all people.
  3. The main conflict occurred between the aristocracy and the bourgeoisie.
  4. Russia had its own antiquity - Russian history.

Odic poetry of classicism, the work of Lomonosov

main signs of classicism

Mikhail Vasilievich was not only a natural scientist, but also a writer. He strictly observed the signs of classicism, and his classical odes can be divided into several thematic groups:

  1. Victorious and patriotic. "Ode to the capture of Khotin" (1739) was attached to the letter on the rules of Russian poetry. The symbolism is widely used in the work and the collective image of the Russian soldier is introduced.
  2. Odes associated with the accession to the throne of the monarch, in which the signs of classicism are especially clearly traced. Lomonosov wrote works addressed to Empress Anna, Elizabeth, Catherine II. A commendable ode was presented to the writer as the most convenient formative conversation with the monarch.
  3. Spiritual. In the 18th century, they called the arrangement of biblical texts with lyrical content. Here, the author spoke not only about personal experiences, but also about universal human issues.

Odes of Lomonosov

Mikhail Vasilievich adhered to writing works of an exceptionally high genre, which was characterized by a solemn language, the use of means of artistic expression and appeal - these are the main signs of classicism in an ode. Lomonosov turns to heroic-patriotic themes, praises the beauty of the homeland and encourages people to engage in science. He had a positive attitude towards the monarchy and in Ode on the Day of the Accession to the Throne of Elizabeth Petrovna reflects this idea. Being an enlightened person, Mikhail Vasilievich directs his efforts to enlighten the entire part of the population of Russia, therefore he gives his followers a rich literary heritage.

signs of classicism

How to distinguish a classic? Signs of classicism in the comedy "Undergrowth"

Conditional division of characters into positive and negative

The behavior of the characters in the text corresponds to the author’s assessment. The reader instantly understands which of them is the bearer of vices and virtues.

Using speaking surnames

Skotinin, Vralman - negative characters; Milon, Pravdin are positive.

The presence of a hero-resonator

Starodum conveys to the reader the thought of the author, although he is not involved in the conflict itself.

The rule of three unities (time, place, action)

Events take place in the house of Prostakova during the day. The main conflict is love.

Heroes behave according to the specifics of the genre - low and vile

The speech of Prostakova and other negative heroes is vile, simple, and their behavior serves as confirmation of this.

The work consists of actions (usually 5) and phenomena, and the subject of conversation in classical comedy is the state. The author also observes these signs of classicism in The Undergrowth and The Foreman.

The pioneering character of Fonvizin's comedies

Denis Ivanovich began his literary work with translations of European texts, while managing to play roles in a drama theater. In 1762, his comedy Brigadier was presented, followed by Corion. The traces of classicism are best traced in "The Little Growth" - the author’s most recognizable work. The peculiarity of his work lies in the fact that he opposes government policy and denies the existing forms of landlord domination. He sees the ideal as a monarchy, enclosed by law, which allows the bourgeois class to develop and allows the importance of man outside of class. Similar views were reflected in his journalistic writings.

signs of classicism in the undergrowth

The Foreman: Idea and Summary

Fonvizin manifests himself as a playwright when creating his comedies. The production of the "Foreman" was a huge success with the audience due to the filing of a collective image of the whole estate. The basis is the plot-love conflict. The protagonist is not easy to identify, since each does not exist on its own, but complements the collective image of the Russian nobility. The love story, traditional for classical comedy, was used by the playwright for satirical purposes. All heroes are united by stupidity and stinginess, they are strictly divided into positive and negative - the main signs of classicism in comedy are clearly preserved. The playwright reached the comic effect with a complete discrepancy between the behavior of the characters in common sense and moral standards. The "foreman" for Russian literature was a new genre phenomenon - it is a comedy of manners. Fonvizin explains the actions of the characters in the domestic environment. His satire is not concrete, since it does not denote individual carriers of social vices.

signs of classicism in ode

The chief of the brigade and his wife decide to marry their son Ivanushka to the smart and beautiful Sofia, the daughter of an adviser, who, observing the behavior of this family, does not want to be related to them. The groom himself also does not feel feelings for the bride, and when she finds out that she is in love with Dobrolyubov, her mother persuades in this undertaking. Intrigue arises in the house: the foreman falls in love with the adviser, and the adviser - with the wife of the foreman, but in the end everything falls into place and only Sofia and Dobrolyubov remain happy.

Undergrowth: Idea and Summary

The main thing in the work is the socio-political conflict. "Undergrowth" is the most recognizable comedy of classicism, the signs of which are three unities, a strict division into positive and negative heroes, speaking surnames - Fonvizin successfully observes. For the author, there are two categories of nobles: malevolent and progressive. The theme of the poverty of serfdom in Russia is openly voiced. The playwright’s innovation is manifested in the creation of positive images, which were intended to have an educational effect, but he continues to retain signs of classicism. In the comedy "Undergrowth", the character of Prostakova was a peculiar discovery for Fonvizin. This heroine is an image of a Russian landowner - a near, greedy, rude, but loving her son. Despite all the typicality, it reveals individual character traits. A number of researchers saw features of enlightened realism in the comedy, while others drew attention to the normative poetics of classicism.

signs of classicism in literature

The Prostakov family plans to marry their mediocrity Mitrofanushka to Clever Sofya. Mother and father despise enlightenment and argue that knowledge of grammar and arithmetic is useless, however, they hire the son of teachers: Tsyfirkin, Vralman, Kuteikin. Mitrofan has a rival - Skotinin, the brother of Prostakova, who wants to get married out of a desire to become the owner of villages with pigs. However, the girl is found worthy husband Milon; Sophia's uncle, Starodum, approves of their union.


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