How and which hood is best to buy in the kitchen: reviews, models, manufacturers and specifications

Every housewife knows how difficult it is to clean the ceiling and walls of the kitchen from the grease and soot that remain after cooking. After mixing with dust, they form a very unaesthetic coating. Even if you have just recently made a repair, you can notice that again everything needs to be re-glued and repainted, otherwise the appearance of the kitchen will be very unpleasant.

The decision against soot

which hood is better to buy in the kitchen reviews

Hoods, customer reviews of which you should be interested, will cope with the described problem. After all, such an unpleasant situation can only occur if you use a traditional ventilation system to clean the air. With the invention of the hood, the repair of the kitchen room may not be needed for a long time. The device does not allow fat to settle on the surface of cabinets, walls and ceilings, trapping odors and any kind of fumes. This becomes the key to freshness and clean air in the apartment. That is why it is worth buying a hood if you still have not taken care of it. However, before that you need to decide which hood is better to buy in the kitchen, customer reviews will allow you to make the right choice. By visiting the store, you can understand the variety of models. You need to familiarize yourself with the main characteristics that will allow you to purchase the correct modification.

The need to use hoods

how to choose a hood for the kitchen

The rating of the best hoods for the kitchen, presented below, will allow you not to get lost in the range. The device described above operates on the principle of ventilation, which works forcibly. Using this system, you can remove products of combustion from the air and evaporation, as well as unpleasant odors. You should be aware that cooking sprinkles fat and smells, which cannot be avoided. The hood is equipped with a system of special filters that are capable of trapping soot, fumes and odors. Among other things, the device has a forced ventilation system. All elements are enclosed in a housing on which the control panel is located; it can be electronic or mechanical. If you have a question about which hood is better to buy in the kitchen, customer reviews are recommended to read.

Varieties of hoods

which hood for the kitchen is better to choose

They emphasize that, depending on the methods of air purification, extracts of recirculation and flow type can be distinguished. The first variety purifies by means of filters, and then releases air back into the room. In this case, polluted air is completely eliminated. As for flow-through devices, they suck in contaminated air, clean it of soot and grease, and then release it through an external ventilation system. If you are faced with the question of which hood is better to buy in the kitchen, you should read the reviews. They often indicate that when choosing a model, it is important to consider where the device will be located. Most often, the structure is fixed on the wall above the stove or on the ceiling. In some cases, for a more aesthetic appearance, the device is hidden in a wall cabinet, which is open from below. You will be able to notice the device only after you look down.

Model selection by filter system

hood reviews how to choose the best hoods

Regardless of whether you are the owner of a private house or apartment, you should think about which hood is better to buy in the kitchen, customer reviews will allow you to make the right purchase. Specialists advise, first of all, to pay attention to several parameters, among them a filter system. If we are talking about a recirculation type device, then the air is cleaned in two stages. Some filters struggle with extraneous odors, while particles of oil, along with soot, settle on others. According to experienced users, a system that fights against oily particles can be represented by a removable plastic cassette. A non-woven or synthetic winterizer is fixed on it. This filter is disposable. It can be removed as it becomes soiled by installing a new one. On sale you can find aluminum reusable or steel filters that cannot be removed, they will need to be periodically cleaned of dirt.

Disposable filters

which hood is better to choose for a kitchen model

If you still do not know how to choose the right hood for the kitchen, then you may prefer a model that has disposable charcoal filters. With the help of these elements, all kinds of odors are neutralized. Experts say that almost every hood can be adapted to the recirculation mode. In this case, there will be no way to do without grease filters. The second stage of filtration is not so necessary, without this, the device will work in normal recirculation mode. However, if grease filters are discarded, the fats and oil will fall onto the fan blades, as well as the inner surface of the exhaust device. From there it will be difficult to eliminate sticky soot and fat. Some consumers, solving the question of how to choose the right hood for the kitchen, have another goal - saving.

Inexpensive option

hoods customer reviews

If you want to choose a budget model, then you should prefer the one that is devoid of air purifiers and filters, this design will eliminate contaminated air using external ventilation. The unit works due to the pressure difference, which is why clean, which is pumped from the street, enters the place of the contaminated air to be removed. However, such devices are difficult to find on sale. Experts do not recommend saving, they recommend purchasing modern models that can cope with fat and unpleasant odors in 8 minutes. In this case, air will lose about 96% of impurities. This is especially true for those apartments where the dining room and kitchen are not separate.

Reviews of hoods with different design features and appearance

which is better to choose a hood in the kitchen

If you decide for yourself which cooker hood is better to choose, it is important to pay attention to the design and appearance of the device. The described household appliances can be suspended, island and domed. As mentioned above, on sale you can find models that have a retractable working panel.

The most simple to install and cheapest are these models, which is why they deserve such a high prevalence among buyers. They operate in recirculation mode, the device uses reusable filters.

Dome hoods

Dome designs look like an umbrella. They are also called mantelpieces. They can be fixed on the wall above the stove; they work in recirculating flow mode. Those consumers who have a built-in stove in the kitchen are advised to purchase a built- in cooker hood. In this case, a hanging cabinet is installed where the exhaust device is mounted. In this case, the device can successfully mask. In large kitchens, the stove is most often located in the center of the room, experts advise to purchase island hoods. They work on a different principle. If you are faced with the question of how to choose and correctly install the hood in the kitchen, then you can prefer a model with a retractable panel. According to users, the main advantage of such units are compact size. If there is a need for processing contaminated air above the surface of the stove, then you can use the pull-out panel.

Characteristics of hoods for fans and their power

The exhaust device can be equipped with one or two fans, which are powered by electricity. The performance, which is the main design parameter, will depend on the power of this element. It determines how much air will be cleaned in a given time. Most often, the performance of hoods ranges from 180 to 700 cubic meters per hour. Fans can operate at several speeds, from 2 to 4. If you still do not know which hood is better for the kitchen, then you should not assume that excessive performance has extremely positive features. If you choose a model with high performance, this will be accompanied by, among other things, noise. But there is not always a need for the device to work to the limit.

Sanitary standards

If you are guided by existing sanitary standards, the air in the kitchen should be replaced 12 times per hour. By calculating, you can calculate the volume of the kitchen, subtract the volume of furniture from it, multiplying the figure by 10. This will allow you to get a number that determines the required hood performance.

Selection of hoods by manufacturer and model

Every consumer should read reviews on hoods. How to choose the best hoods, this will certainly allow you to understand. In addition to the characteristics and main features of the devices, you must consider the presence of a control panel, which can be touch or mechanical. Bosch most often produces models that come with touch controls. According to users, they are convenient in that they are easy to operate, the device will perform the task after a light touch. Among the hoods of the manufacturer Elica, you can find models that are equipped with slider panels. Using them, you can select the desired mode using the mechanical slider, it will move along the plane. Elikor company makes a wide assortment of range hoods, among them you can choose options that are controlled by buttons, everything is simple here even for an inexperienced user. You can choose a specific mode of operation of the device, which corresponds to a certain key. It is important to pay attention to additional functions, namely a sleep timer after a certain time, an ultrasonic humidity sensor, as well as the ability to switch speeds. These features are provided by the Bosch dhi-646cq. If you choose the option with a speed switch, then with it you can increase the speed of the fans, if the smoke volume has exceeded the maximum value.

If you are faced with the question of which hood is better to choose for the kitchen, models should be considered at the point of sale. You may prefer the Hansa okc 6726 ih, which has touch controls. According to users, it is more convenient, however, similar models will cost much higher compared to those that have mechanical control.

An equally popular model among buyers is the Samsung hdc6145bx. It combines reasonable cost and excellent quality. After you consider all the characteristics of a certain type of hood, you can make the right choice.


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