The best book on speed reading. Review of the most useful books

Every modern person is a surfer in the ocean of information. Every day we are surrounded by millions of words and letters: these are messages on social networks and information in magazines, emails and books. Of course, I want to read useful and interesting information faster and in large quantities. Only one way out - speed reading. Today we have prepared for you a list of the best books on speed reading. These publications will help you develop the skill of rational reading, assimilate material and, of course, self-develop.

"Speed ​​reading. How to remember more while reading 8 times faster ”

Among the best editions of Peter Kamp's book "Reading Speed". This is a completely new tutorial format. Thanks to him, the reader can train, proceeding from his own speed of progress, from the amount of time that he can devote to practice. It is worth noting that you can do all this on your own material, combining training with reading interesting literature. In this Campa book, you can find unique techniques that are taught in the best speed reading courses.

"Speed ​​reading. How to remember more while reading 8 times faster ”

Peter Kamp himself once decided to take a similar course. A few weeks later, he managed to increase the speed of his reading by 5 times! And after a couple of years, he already taught this skill to White House administration specialists. This tutorial appeared due to the fact that Peter dreamed that each person could independently learn interesting techniques and copyright techniques. Readers who have studied this book note: first, the reading speed will increase, but the understanding of the text may decrease. In no case should you give up, you need to continue to engage in exercises to understand the text. The author claims: this is absolutely normal, the slowest readers at the beginning of the course became the fastest to complete it.

"Speed ​​reading in practice"

The author of this exercise book is Pavel Palagin, who is one of the leading experts on speed reading in our country. In general, he has been passionate about the topic of quick reading since 2006. During this time, he managed to study most of the existing methods, preparing on the basis of them his own training courses and trainings. It should be noted that it was he who taught speed reading and mnemonics at Moscow State University and the government of the Russian Federation. Graduates call Pavel Palagin a communication master and a leadership expert.

"Speed ​​reading in practice"

This publication is based on a comprehensive memorization technique, it guarantees excellent concentration when reading. In it, the author tries to balance the speed of change in the world and the speed of human thinking. First of all, you will need to pass a test for a predisposition to speed reading, and after that, systematically master it. The author will introduce his readers to the most common mistakes that people make when reading.

"Speed ​​reading"

Marat Ziganov is another author who has succeeded in teaching people speed reading. This book is an author’s course that allows you to develop rational reading skills, while spending a minimum of effort and time. The book "Reading Speed" contains the original development of a number of specialists, including sociologists and psychologists, physiologists and linguists, physicians and teachers. First, the reader will get acquainted with the theory and recommendations of specialists. After that, you can proceed to simple and exciting exercises that develop thinking, imagination, memory.

"Reading", Marat Ziganov

Readers note: this textbook is incredibly useful, however, you need to be patient and willing to learn. The fact is that without regular training, there will be no progress. But in the event that the classes were regular, a change in the style of reading and assimilation of information can be noticed within a week.

“Fast reading in 10 days”

Among the most useful books on speed reading and the work of Abby Marx-Bill "Fast reading in 10 days." How often did you find on the bookshelves a whole stack of books that you have not read so far, although you promised yourself to do it yesterday, a month or a year ago? In the event that this pile just remains dusty, you should pay attention to this book. The author says: most likely, you were taught to read in the first grade. However, at the same time, a modern successful person needs to self-develop constantly, and in this case, one cannot do without studying a huge amount of literature.

“Fast reading in 10 days”

In the event that you decide to continue reading as you were taught at school, you will need a huge amount of time, which, as always, is not enough. How to make reading more effective and efficient? Quick reading techniques will come to the rescue, with which Abby Marx-Beale will introduce you! The author will teach you to memorize what you read, quickly view huge volumes of literature!

"Hidden brain resources"

Christian Grüning will introduce readers to a unique technique called Visual Reading. It will help you not only increase the speed of your own reading, but also explain how to improve concentration. That is, both the reading speed and the ability to remember what they read will increase. Readers note that after studying the work “Hidden Resources of the Brain”, for the time it took to read one book, it will be possible to read 3-4 editions. You will understand the text you have read, you will not forget what the meaning of the material is, and you can quickly deal with both fiction and business reports.


Among the best books on speed reading and the work of John Witch called "Clairvoyant." What is this book about? In it, the author will tell the reader about a variety of experiments that have been carried out in the field of fast reading. You will find a lot of examples, information about special methods that are used in intelligence schools! John Witch will teach you how to correctly distribute time, talk about how to read fluently, with it you will be able to master the so-called technique of "sliding across the text." You will also learn to literally scan the text, highlighting the meaning, you will be able to comprehend and photo-reading.

The Clairvoyant, John Witch

"Speed ​​reading. From 120 words per minute to 2000 "

Our list of the best speed reading books includes the publication of Natalia Grace. This writer is the author of such bestsellers as “Brains for Rent,” “Work, Money, Love,” and many others. On the pages of this book, she offers an authoring technique that she successfully applies in her own courses. The fact is, the author claims that speed reading is the development of mental abilities. Developing speed reading, a person develops concentration, logic, increases the amount of attention. The author promises: you can get more useful information in a short period of time, become more educated, free up more time for those things that interest you.

"Speed ​​reading"

Gennady Bystrov also worked a lot on the speed reading technique. It is his book called Speed ​​Reading that is on our list of the best books. Speed ​​reading is considered from various sides: from the publication you will learn how to increase reading speed, develop your own attention, thinking and memory, and how to improve the quality of information assimilation.

Fast Reading, Gennady Bystrov

Your brain will work in such a way that when reading any text - both artistic and technical, it will carefully select useful information that is needed, leaving information that does not carry a semantic load outside of attention. The author will tell you about what and how to read. Readers who have read this book, note - to read speed reading on it is possible for people of any age, employed in various fields of life!


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