Semi-automatic welding for bodywork: reviews, photos, specifications

In the life of every owner of a vehicle that has a used car, sooner or later there comes a moment when body repair is needed. There are two ways out of this situation: contact a service station or purchase a welding semiautomatic device for bodywork and use your own strength to patch up your iron horse.

semi-automatic welding for bodywork

In this article we will try to help implement the second method, namely, we will talk about what these devices are like, explain the meanings of their main indicators. In addition, we will give some recommendations on how to make the right choice of a welding semiautomatic device for bodywork, because today the market offers many different tools.

What is an aggregate?

A semiautomatic welding machine is a device that is designed for welding with a metal wire in a shielding gas environment. The principle of operation is that the welder only needs to direct the torch to the right place, and all other operations (power on, wire feed start) will be performed by the device.

Semiautomatic welding machine is most often used to connect thin materials - corners, sheet iron and so on. That is why it is the best option for performing bodywork when repairing machines or welding various metal structures from thin metal elements.

selection of a welding semiautomatic device for bodywork

Semiautomatic welding is possible only under such conditions:

  • In the environment of active (abbreviated MAG) gases. As a protective gas, carbon dioxide is used.
  • In the environment of inert (abbreviated MIG) gases. A mixture of gases or argon is used.

Many welding semiautomatic devices support the welding mode without any shielding gas at all, using the “flux” wire (this will be discussed later).

When welding in MIG or MAG modes, an electric arc is formed that appears between the material being welded and the wire. Shielding gas is supplied through the torch of the welding semiautomatic device and protects the resulting seam from the effects of oxygen, since it is a very powerful oxidizing agent and can significantly worsen the result. The seam will turn out not only fragile, but can quickly become covered with rust.

Semiautomatic welding machine for bodywork: photos and main types

Semiautomatic welding machines are divided into 3 classes - professional, semi-professional and household. Their difference is in the maximum current issued by the power source, as well as in the percentage of operating time (abbreviated as PV). Professional semi-automatic welding machines include units capable of producing welding currents of 300 A or more, semi-professional ones - up to 300 amperes, and household ones - up to 200 amperes. Such a parameter as the percentage of working time will be discussed later in the article.

semiautomatic body welding machine reviews

Also, a semiautomatic welding machine for bodywork can have a power source related to one of three types. They can be:

  • inverter;
  • transformer;
  • rectifiers.

Invertor semiautomatic devices

The cost of such units is higher, but at the same time their weight and dimensions are much smaller, which is important when working. Also, inverter technology provides functions such as smooth ignition of the arc, anti-sticking wire and the ability to smoothly control the welding current. Such a semiautomatic welding machine for bodywork user reviews has the most positive.

Transformer units

They are used in places where frequent transportation of the device is not needed and there is enough space for its installation.

Design and characteristics of a semiautomatic welding machine

The device under consideration consists of the following elements:

  • power source (transformer, rectifier or inverter);
  • control system for current and wire feed;
  • wire feed mechanism;
  • welding sleeve for gas and wire;
  • burners.

In addition, the welding machine is equipped with a mass cable. Some units are endowed with the function of welding using simple piece electrodes and are equipped with a special electrode holder cable.

which semiautomatic welding machine is better

And for welding, it is additionally necessary to purchase a reducer and a shielding gas cylinder. As a rule, welding accessories are not equipped with these accessories, and they should be purchased separately.

The following types of wire feed mechanism are available:

  • pushing when the drive located in the apparatus pushes the welding wire into the sleeve;
  • pulling mechanism when the drive is in the burner handle.
  • The pulling-pushing or combination type is rarely used in household appliances.

Welding wire

The diameter of the welding wire can be 0.6-2.0 mm. It is wound on a reel, which is installed inside the welding unit. The wire is passed through its feed mechanism, welding sleeve and torch.

Distinguish the wire:

  • steel;
  • stainless;
  • aluminum.

Each type has a different chemical composition and is designed for welding in various conditions.

When connecting ferrous metal, the weld turns out to be of higher quality if steel wire with a copper coating is used, due to which the best electrical contact is ensured. During operation, surges in voltage and current are reduced. The reviews of the masters confirm this.

semiautomatic device for bodywork welding photo

When cooking aluminum, it is necessary to use the appropriate wire and argon mixture or argon as a protective gas.

There is also a flux-cored (flux) wire, the operation of which is possible without a protective gas at all. It looks like a thin tube, inside of which a flux is placed. When it is burned, a gas is formed that protects the welding site from oxidation. The seam that is obtained when using flux wire is not as high quality. The only plus is the lack of a shielding gas cylinder.

main parameters

  • The duration of the inclusion (abbreviated as PV) is a parameter showing the percentage of the welding machine operating time for 10 minutes. So, for example, a 60% DC at 300 A means that at this current the unit is able to work for 6 minutes before shutting down, after which it will shut off due to overheating, and it will need some interruption in operation for cooling. Therefore, the higher this value, the better the semiautomatic welding machine for bodywork.
  • Power consumption is a value that shows how much power the welding machine consumes from the electrical network. Based on this parameter, you can find out whether the connected unit can withstand the summer cottage or garage network.

How to choose a welding semiautomatic device?

In order to make it easier to decide which semi-automatic welding machine is better, first of all, you need to know the tasks that this machine will perform. If you plan to cook exclusively thin sheet metal, it is recommended to purchase the most ordinary unit. For cooking thick metal structures, it is better to pay attention to semiautomatic welding machines with 2-in-1 functions. They can be cooked with ordinary piece electrodes.

semiautomatic welding characteristics

When buying, pay attention to the power consumption of the model and find out whether the power supply will withstand such a consumer. Also decide how often you plan to transfer the welding semiautomatic device. If you do not plan frequent movements, you can purchase a welding transformer semiautomatic device for bodywork. Ask the seller about the availability of spare parts and consumables for the selected model.


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