Garcinia Cambodian - what is its uniqueness?

"The riddle of the East" - such a nickname was garcinia. This flower has become popular not because of its aesthetic appeal. It is widely used in the kitchens of many countries of the world. Garcinia Cambogia is an evergreen plant growing in Asia, in particular in Cambodia and its environs. She is part of the class of St. John's wort, the Clusian family. Currently, there are about 500 species of Cambodian Garcinia - they grow not only in Australia and Asia, but also in Africa. Such an area provides great opportunities for use by different peoples. The fruits of Cambodian Garcinia are similar in appearance to large tangerines or small pumpkins. Some compare them to small melons. For many years, Garcinia Cambogia, which is highly praised, has been used in cooking in the manufacture of marinades, seasonings and sauces. In this case, as a rule, the peel of the fetus is used - the core, although it is edible, has almost no taste.

Garcinia cambogia as a medicinal plant

The flower has been used in medicine for hundreds of years, in East India and South Asia it is used as a laxative, a tool that improves digestion, and also means for irregular menstruation. In Ayuverde, the fruits of Garcinia have a special place. The healers of ancient India for hundreds of years accumulated experience in the use of this plant. It is noted that squeezing from the cortex of Cambodian garcinia is highly effective in the treatment of dropsy, rheumatism, benign tumors, digestive disorders and malfunctions of the menstrual cycle. Plant extract was also used as an anthelmintic.

Garcinia Cambodian reveals its secrets

Modern man is increasingly looking for help from nature - β€œfed up” with synthetics and causing irreparable harm to the environment, we finally began to revise values. Allopathic doctors, although adhering to the traditional treatment of various diseases, do not exclude the positive effect of the use of herbal supplements of plant origin. The effectiveness of medicinal plants is confirmed by numerous studies. Cambodian Garcinia did not pass this question as well - after numerous experiments and studies, scientists found out what is the secret to the effectiveness of this plant for problems with overweight or digestion.

The garcinia peel contains a high concentration of hydroxycitric acid. In fruits, this substance is also contained, but in smaller quantities. Everyone knows ordinary citric acid - it is found in any citrus fruit, it is used almost everywhere - from cosmetology to preservation and cooking - and is easily synthesized. Hydroxycitric acid, or GOTs-citrine, is a substance used in weight control and weight loss.
The effect of the use of hydroxycitric acid was first described by American scientists in the 80s. Subsequently, the substance was repeatedly tested in experimental groups of people who are obese due to metabolic disorders or overeating. Despite numerous tests, no side effect from the use of the extract from Cambodian Garcinia was detected. On the contrary, a 50% solution of GOTs-citrine, obtained from the bark of this plant, has a complex effect on the body, reducing appetite and cholesterol in the blood.

According to studies, the use of Cambodian Garcinia extract reduces appetite by at least 40% for six hours. In addition, fat synthesis slows down by 40-70%, due to which its excess is naturally eliminated from the body. At the end of the action of the drug, the opposite effect is not observed - the desire to β€œcatch up” with the lost calories does not arise, and the metabolism practically does not slow down.

Currently, Cambodian Garcinia fruit extract is supplied in the form of nutritional supplements, and is also part of complex weight loss preparations. They are very popular, really effective and not as expensive as it might seem at first glance. Thus, Garcinia Cambogia is a truly unusual flower - its use in many areas of human life makes it a favorite plant of many peoples of the world.


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