Beans decorative - unpretentious and beautiful plant

Decorative beans are widely used in creating landscaping. She has proven herself in landscaping various surfaces, such as walls, fences, arbors and balconies. Decorative beans has triple leaves, which are painted in dark green color, the stems reach 5 centimeters. Flowers are either monochromatic red or white, or two-tone color, they are collected in inflorescences.

Decorative beans has fairly large fruits, which are clearly visible on the background of leaves. The seeds of this plant have a pinkish tint. Decorative flowering beans will delight you with their flowering from the beginning of summer to the beginning of autumn. But even after it fades, its appearance does not become less attractive, since the pods collected in clusters look spectacular and colorful.

Beans decorative - growing

This plant is very thermophilic and does not tolerate low temperatures. It needs to be grown on well-fertilized soils, which should be well-loosened and moist, and the place where decorative beans will be grown should be well lit.

As a top dressing for beans, it is good to use nitrogen fertilizers and superphosphate. For more active development, it is necessary to mulch the soil, humus is well suited for this, but in no case can manure be used. With timely garter, the plant quickly braids around the provided surface.

Propagation of decorative beans is carried out by seeds, for this they are sown after the onset of steady heat, best of all in May. From 2 to 3 seeds are planted in each hole; a distance between the holes of about 40 centimeters is left. Young shoots, as well as adult plants are afraid of frost, so at night it is necessary to additionally cover them.

If you decide to create a landscape design on your own, this does not mean that you need to use a lot of different decorative and unusual plants. Sometimes you can create unique compositions using fairly ordinary plants, and decorative vegetables are well suited for this. You combine the beautiful with the useful, while not requiring significant material costs.

For these purposes, a plant such as decorative beans is well suited. This plant is very unpretentious in cultivation, grows very quickly and has an elegant and attractive appearance. Due to the thick arrangement of leaves, the plant looks very magnificent, reaches a height of up to four meters and has a long flowering period.

The easiest way to use this plant in the design of landscape design is to use it as a background for a variety of floral arrangements. But decorative beans also look great as an independent plant, its use in vertical gardening is especially relevant . It uses the natural ability of the plant to curl well and therefore it looks good near arbors, fences, walls of houses and other similar places. Due to the presence of dense foliage, decorative beans create a cozy shadow, and a large number of small flowers delight the eye, and cheer up.

Using the specified plant, you can create original and unusual cone flower beds. To create them, a vertical pin is inserted in the middle and ropes are tied to its top. After that, their ends are fixed to the ground with pegs. It remains to plant decorative beans, which are placed along the contour of this design and after a while it will tightly hug it, as a result of which you will get a beautiful and unique living pyramid.

The most common varieties of decorative beans are Two-Tone, Mammoth, Butterfly, Little Red Riding Hood, French, and many others. If you bought seeds of white color, then be prepared for the fact that you will grow a plant that will have pink or white colors, and if the seeds are purple or red in color, then it will bloom with purple-red flowers.


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