Reebok sneakers - ideal sports shoes

The origins of the now extremely popular Reebok brand are traced back to the 19th century and lie in the skills of hand-made sports shoes passed down from generation to generation. The legacy of this company is much older than any other existing in these times.

ribo sneakers

In 1895, Joseph William Foster - a resident of the town of Bolton in England - joined the club of runners. He became interested in athletics and began to participate in competitions. Due to the fact that the main problem of the runners of that time was the poor adhesion of shoes to the treadmill, Foster is trying to buy running shoes with spikes. But manufacturers then did not yet know about this type of shoe. The current situation prompted him to independently create such a pair. Joseph attached several nails to the soles of running shoes - this is how the opening spikes appeared.

After 63 years, Foster's grandchildren came up with the name of the company - "Quick-legged African gazelle Ribock."

The entire range of shoes is made of the softest genuine leather. Due to the fact that in such shoes moisture and heat exchange is carried out, the feet in it are comfortable. Smooth seams reduce the chance of rubbing. Complementary are flexible insoles with cushioning effect.

Look fit, young, athletic - the key to success. Comfortable Reebok sneakers from the category of sports shoes are now gradually turning into practical daily shoes.

In addition to the above advantages, it is also worth noting a stylish design, bright and juicy or, conversely, calm shades. The line of shoes has color solutions for every taste. So, men 's Reebok sneakers are presented in silver-blue, white-blue, reddish-white, orange-black, silver-yellow and black-and-white. These shoes literally energize, increasing with each step. A special unique sole prevents the legs from getting tired, while reducing the load on the calf muscles.
ribo sneakers

Women's Reebok sneakers are more designed for comfortable jogging, sports walking or walking around the city. The upper part of this shoe is made of high quality materials, complemented by a variety of inserts. The use of such technologies contributes to a good moisture exchange.

The sole contributes to maximum stiffness at the moment of repulsion of the foot from the cover, providing a cushioning effect, so that the load on the feet is significantly softened. The anatomical insoles used, fully adapting to the shape of the foot, provide maximum comfort while running.

Reebok sneakers (for women) are most often presented in warm pink-silver and violet-gray tones. But there are also classic options - white with inserts of pale lemon, blue, gray and coral shades.

female rib sneakers

Reebok sneakers are excellent running shoes designed for people of any gender and age. Even the most difficult and intense training will bring you only positive emotions.


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