Statements of great people about love - phrases that make you think

Statements of great people about love are something inspiring and thought-provoking. Which topic could be more common? Or rather, not even so ... The theme of love is eternal. They spoke about it five hundred years ago, in the last century, today. And they will continue to talk about her.

sayings of great people about love

Morality Above All

The fact that many of our predecessors were ardent fighters for morality and honor is no secret. Of the same opinion was the great Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. He argued that marrying is necessary only for love. More precisely, not so - not necessary, but interesting. He said that marrying a girl only because of her appearance was the same as buying something unnecessary but beautiful on the market. It makes you think. And, apparently, the problem of assessing a person by his appearance existed in those days. It is no secret to anyone that the first thing they pay attention to is appearance, but such statements by great people about love remind us that, in addition to the eyes, you also need to focus on feelings and the inner world. This is an act of an intelligent person and a visionary.

Speaking about the wise sayings of great people about love, it should be noted also the phrase of John Chrysostom. He said that debauchery is not just. It comes solely from a lack of love. There is some truth to this. Indeed, in the presence of this high feeling for debauchery, there is no desire.

quotes and sayings of great people about love

Discord and unhappy love

Quotes and statements of great people about love not only inspire and inspire. There are also expressions in which the sad truth is hidden. For example, I. Shevelev said that for some people the family is a refuge from adversity, but for others it is a theater of war. Unfortunately, it is. Some people rush home to hug their beloved wife as soon as possible, while others linger longer at work or in bars, just to not see a person whose life is simply unbearable, and each phrase is an occasion for a quarrel.

Dostoevsky also said one correct thing: "To fall in love does not mean to love ... You can fall in love even by hating." It does not take long to think to understand - we are talking about non-reciprocal feelings. Often it is about them that they make statements about love. Phrases, quotes, statements saying non-reciprocity can affect almost everyone. After all, almost everyone felt a sense of unrequited love. And it is so strong that you can even begin to hate the whole object of your desire with all your heart. Dostoevsky definitely knew about it and felt something similar.

wise sayings of great people about love

Love is the cure for everything

Great Nietzsche thought of the high in a more positive way. Not all statements of great people about love were so bright. He said: "There are only two ways to get rid of suffering. It is either quick death or long-lasting love." And Nietzsche is not the only one who thinks so. No wonder there is still a saying - "with a lovely paradise and in a hut." When a person feels necessary and loved, and this feeling is mutual, nothing can be better than this. Indeed, any problems and suffering become an almost imperceptible trifle. Or in any case, it becomes easier to transfer them.

Roughly the same meaning is embedded in the phrase found in the biblical parable: "Better is a dish of greens and love with it than a well-fed bull and hatred."

sayings about love phrases quotes sayings

That lives forever

Famous statements of great people about love can cause doubts, confidence, disappointment, they allow you to find comfort or answers to questions. Short but powerful phrases can even change the worldview. After reading the others, a person is surprised - but this is indeed so! So simple ... The writer Viktor Krotov owns the following words: "Love is a meeting for life." It is truth. We all know her, but in this way it is unlikely that anyone could have formulated it earlier. And Maxim Gorky said that love is a desire to live. And he was also right. After all, while there is this feeling in the heart of a person (the main thing is mutual), he has something for the sake of which, or rather, for the sake of whom to exist.

Speaking about the statements of great people about love, one cannot help but note this phrase: โ€œDrive love even at the door, it will fly out the windowโ€. It belongs to Kozma Prutkov - this is a pseudonym under which Alexey Tolstoy, three brothers Zhemchuzhnikovs and Alexander Ammosov were published. It is not known exactly who said this, but the quote was published in the journal Sovremennik, notorious in the 19th century. But everything is said correctly. No matter how a person renounces love, no matter how much he wants to fall in love, lose his head, suffer (which many are afraid of, because of which they are wary of this high feeling) - she will come to him in any case, without asking. Literally like snow on your head when you are not waiting for it at all. And nothing can be done with this.


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