Siamese cat: homeland, variety, description, photo, character, reviews

Siamese cats are a special breed with a specific color. It is impossible to confuse animals of this breed. Siamese cats have long gained love and popularity. Throughout history, they never crossed, and therefore the breed is still in pristine condition.

Origin history

The long history of the origin of Siamese cats deserves attention. Graceful creatures outwardly resemble panthers, which is very logical. If we rely on historical information, we can say that for a long time the animals remained wild. This is what their incredible similarity with lionesses and panthers, which always demonstrate their strength and grace, speaks of. The birthplace of Siamese cats is ancient Siam. This is currently Thailand.

homeland of Siamese cats

About 600 years ago, the monks got the idea to tame these cute creatures. Cats were even taken to all kinds of ceremonies, both solemn and not very. Gradually, animals became guardians of temples and guides of souls of people to another world. However, nobody was allowed to touch the sacred cats, except for the clergy themselves and representatives of the royal family. This situation persisted for many centuries, until in the second half of the nineteenth century the king of Thailand decided to send dozens of animals to European rulers as a gift. Such an act looked like an act of nobility and respect. The royal families appreciated the graceful animals, they liked. And by the end of the nineteenth century, Queen Victoria herself was actively engaged in breeding a new breed. Thanks to this, animals have become so popular even away from the homeland of Siamese cats. Currently, representatives of this breed can be found anywhere in the world.

Cat legends

In the homeland of Siamese cats, a lot of legends were made about them. One of them tells that the cat was an invariable companion of the Thai princess. And when the girl went swimming to the river, she always took an animal with her. Before entering the water, the princess took off her precious rings and put them on the tail of the cat, so that she kept them while the hostess takes water procedures. But once it happened that the animal lost a wedding ring. And since then, the princess began to tie knots at the tip of her tail.

siamese cat photo

By the way, in the homeland of Siamese cats, the presence of halls on the tail or nodules has long been considered a sign of the peculiarity of this breed. But now it is already known for certain that such defects arise as a result of crossing close relatives.

Ancestors of modern Siamese

Talking about the exact origin of Siamese cats is quite difficult. It is believed that, most likely, the breed came from wild Bengal cats. As evidence of this conclusion, experts cite the fact that both Siamese and Bengal cats have the same gestational age of 65 weeks. But all other breeds have a different term - 55 weeks.

Description of Siamese cat

Animal breeds are very attractive in appearance, not least of all, this is due to their unusual coloring. Today it is known about 40 varieties of Siamese cats. Among them there are monotonous species - lilac, black, blue, cream and others.

Siamese cats origin story

Thoroughbred cats have a very shiny, short, dense coat. Natural grace is associated with subtle forms of the body. Cats are small and have a fairly narrow skeleton. But cats have muscular and powerful hips and shoulders.

In general, the most important sign of the breed is the eyes, or rather, their shape and color. Animals have bright blue eyes, sometimes green. Cats are characterized by an almond shape. An equally important sign of the breed is the presence of a “mask” on the face and the special coloring of the limbs. An interesting fact is that this coloring is explained by temperature fluctuations of the skin: at the most extreme points the temperature is lower, and therefore the coat in such places is darker. Absolutely all Siamese are very jumping and light. The main advantage of the breed is the fact that the intervention of breeders did not affect the animals. Genetics even abandoned the artificial cross-breeding of different species, because cats are already perfect.

Breed standard

The breed was officially recognized in the twentieth century. Standards suggest the presence of such signs:

  1. Siamese cat (photo is given in the article) has elongated body proportions. Animals are distinguished by elegance, strength and grace.
  2. The breed is characterized by a long neck and an elongated shape of the head. The flat skull has slight bulges. The narrow muzzle has an elongated shape and a straight nose. The animal is characterized by a correct bite and a strong chin.
  3. Ears of cats can be called lop-eared, because their size is much larger than the size of the head. They have a triangular shape: sharp on top and wide at the base.
  4. The almond-shaped eyes of a Siamese cat are small.
  5. All parts of the animal’s body are incredibly proportional, making cats look very elegant. The body of the Siamese is medium in size. The average weight of animals is 3-4 kilograms.
  6. The limbs of cats are as slender as the whole body. The hind legs are longer than the front. The tip of the tail is sharp.
  7. The color of Siamese cats can be very different. We will return to his description later. However, the animal must certainly have points - special marks that are characteristic only for Siamese people. They should be present on the legs, ears, muzzle and tail.

Life span

Siamese are considered centenarians. At home, they live for 14-25 years or more. In the Guinness book, a record is recorded for the longevity of the Siamese cat, who lived 38 years.

Animal color

As we have already said, Siamese cats come in different colors. However, all newborn kittens are completely white. This is due to the fact that the albinism gene is present in the blood of animals. But with age, under the influence of temperatures, individual parts of the coat darken. The animal acquires its final coloring at the age of six months to a year.

siamese cat thailand

Color marks are commonly called points. They are present on the ears, paws, muzzle and tail. Points can have several color options:

  1. Force point is the most common type. On a light brown background there are dark or black “gloves” and a “mask” on the face.
  2. Chocolate color - the body is ivory, and the points are milky.
  3. Blue point is a combination of snow-white color with gray paws and gray-blue markings on the tail and muzzle.

Purple color suggests the presence of a snow-white fur coat and points in light gray.

Siamese cat: character and reviews

There are many myths regarding this breed, which is why the attitude of people to animals is ambiguous. For example, there is an opinion that the Siamese can harm its owners. This is not entirely true. To avoid such a situation, it is necessary to properly care for the animal and establish contact with it. Cats should not feel a lack of attention on your part. Then you will be able to gain his trust, love and even devotion. It is worth remembering that the Siamese cat (photos are given in the article) is a big jealous. She will never accept another animal. But in relation to children, cats are more loyal. However, the mess in the house and the screams do not like the animals, so you need to think carefully before you get such a pet.

siamese cat description

In general, the character of a cat can be described as unpredictable. The animal exists by itself and chooses its own owner. And if she didn’t like you with something, and she disliked you, it’s forever. Cats have a very good memory. They memorize resentment and unjust punishment for a long time. Families with kids should refrain from such a pet, because all kids love to drag and hug animals. And the Siamese do not understand this treatment. Of course, with respect to babies, they rarely show aggression, but you can’t get away from nature. It is necessary that the child respects the pet and treats carefully, then the Siamese will reciprocate. But this is not always possible, especially when it comes to babies.

The Siamese are very playful, so you need to hide all the valuable things with them, since they will go into action. It is important for cats to communicate a lot, they are incredibly sociable. Animals are easy to learn and quite capable of learning a couple of teams. From a young age, cats should be accustomed to hygiene procedures and training. Siamese are not smart in age. They quickly get used to the toilet. Care must be taken with pets such as birds and hamsters. After all, cats are hunters by nature, so such a neighborhood with Siamese is extremely dangerous.

varieties of Siamese cats

As for the reviews and the breed, they are quite different. Still, each animal has its own character. The Siamese do not show aggression, but they are very demanding creatures. They can go on strike and not eat if they don’t like the dish. Moreover, the animal, by virtue of its nature, strives to achieve what it wants. Siamese cat temper (Thailand) is not the easiest.

Maintenance and care

Some features of the character of the animal are more than compensated by a simple care of it. Every week, it is necessary for the Siamese to comb out the hair, after which the covers are smoothed with wet hands. Siamese bathing is recommended in extreme cases, as they are incredibly afraid of water.

Siamese cats

It is imperative to perform oral hygiene procedures. Teeth should be cleaned regularly and the pet should be shown to the dentist. The ears, like any cat, need to be cleaned with a little damp cotton swabs. Perhaps this is where all the procedures end. Otherwise, the animal can take care of itself. Many Siamese go to the toilet. If your pet is accustomed to the tray, then it must always be kept clean. The bowl for the cat should also always be clean. Animals of this breed are cleanliness, therefore they do not tolerate dirt. It is also worthwhile to purchase a special scratching post so that the Siamese can regularly grind his claws. Otherwise, you will have to cut them off regularly (once every two weeks). The ears and eyes of the animal must always be clean. If they are very often contaminated, then you should seek the help of a veterinarian. Indeed, in this way some ailments may appear. From a young age, the animal needs to be accustomed to solid food, which will help to properly form a bite.

Natural features of the Siamese

Siamese people like to live in private houses, because there is space and a place for games. Animals are not only very playful, but also real hunters. But in the apartment they will find entertainment. Cats appreciate personal space, so they will appreciate if you equip your place in which the animal can be alone.

siamese cat eyes

Nature rewarded the Siamese with a whole gamut of intonations and timbres. Therefore, we can say that they do not just purr, but sing. If the animals do not like something, they instantly react with a cry, trying to manipulate the owners. Such behavior sometimes reflects the uneasy nature of Siamese cats.

Instead of an afterword

Graceful animals like many people. However, when deciding to take such a pet into the house, it is worth considering whether you can pay him much attention. Otherwise, a cute creature simply will not love you and harbor resentment. But the correct treatment of the Siamese will make it possible to find a friend in his face.


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