Mushroom places in Tver. When does the mushroom season begin

Mushroom picking is often compared to hunting. But the feeling that no animal is hurt, there is no need to shoot at anyone, makes such a hunt ideal for any person.

In the midst of the mushroom season, you can pick up the full bodies of mushrooms, and there, as your heart desires: fry, salt, pickle or even sell it.

We go on a "silent hunt"

Throughout the mushroom season, when mushrooms are carried out of the forest with buckets, it has not yet begun. But today you can go mushrooming in Tver and the region and completely collect a basket of chanterelles or russula. And even brown boletus can be especially lucky.

mushroom places in Tver
But so that a trip to the forest does not bring disappointment, you need to know several rules of an inveterate mushroom picker.

1. Come to the forest as early as possible.

A real mushroom pro will meet the sun at the edge of the forest, and he will already have a full basket of forest gifts.

They say that when the sun does not illuminate everything around and dew has come out, the mushroom is more noticeable thanks to the shiny hat. And when there are still few mushrooms, it is better to hurry, otherwise you will only have “roots”, and the tops will be in the back of the earlier mushroom pickers.

2. Do not immediately direct your feet deep into the forest

Many people think that the further you go into the forest, the more mushrooms there will be. But this is not so. It is better to start with the edge of the forest or its outskirts. For some reason, many forget about it, although there you can always find a lot of mushrooms.

  • If you come across a mushroom, it is worth looking nearby for more. When the mushroom season begins, the fungus may be the only one in this place, but, as a rule, the fungi multiply with the help of the mycelium. Examine carefully the place next to the find.

High season

mushrooms in Tver

Mass mushrooms in Tver begin to appear in the month of September. All inveterate mushroom pickers are very familiar with the sense of excitement, one that embraces true hunters. Here the hat sparkled, here is another one, and here, under the tree, a whole family turns out to be oily ...

What is this indescribable feeling when the body is slowly, but surely filled with mushrooms, mushrooms, boletuses. And if you're lucky, you can find ceps. Tver (2014 th year pleased with an unprecedented harvest) was simply "littered" with noble mushrooms. Mushroom pickers more than once boasted of a valuable find, which is why the excitement appeared even more among many lovers to walk through the forest in search of forest gifts.

mushrooms Tver 2014
Experienced people can determine in advance how successful the mushroom season will be. If there is a lot of rain in the spring and the summers are warm, but not arid, then you can safely prepare for the upcoming “silent hunt”. Surely there will be many mushrooms.

But even now mushroom places in Tver will please mushroom pickers with chanterelles and honey mushrooms.

Where to go for mushrooms in Tver

Tver region is famous for its dense green forests, where it is so nice to walk and breathe the aroma of fresh herbs. But, in addition to enjoying the beauties of nature, you can spend time with benefit.

So, the most popular mushroom places in Tver:

  • A small forest near the village of Poddubye.
  • Passing the village of Rozhdestveno, turn left. There will be a forest, which is famous for its boletus and boletus.
  • If there is a great desire to find a white mushroom, you should go to a pine forest. Such is near the village of Semenovskoye. There are often breasts and thrills.
  • A forest near the village of Prudishche.
  • Good mushroom places in Tver can be found if you go along the Turginovskaya road. Forests located there will please with an abundance of not only mushrooms, but also useful berries - blueberries.
  • Now, while the mass mushroom season has not captured all the fans of the “quiet hunt” with excitement, you can drive to the village of Mednoye. They are already collecting beautiful chanterelle mushrooms and Russula mushrooms.

when the mushroom season begins
By the way, when the mass picking of mushrooms begins, Russula is not even considered a real mushroom. But now you can be content with this.

Mushrooms, but not everywhere

Do not think that if the season has come for the collection of mushrooms on the calendar, then they appear everywhere and immediately. Firstly, a lot depends on how hot or rainy the summer was. It happens that it may rain, but the weather is warm and as soon as the sun peeks out, the mushrooms grow actively.

So it was in Tver in 2013. When in the middle of summer, boletus, boletus, and even porcini mushrooms were sold in buckets in the markets.

But the grace period quickly ended. Yes, and not everywhere it was possible to harvest. Not all popular mushroom places in Tver pleased with its abundance. For example, near the village of Mitnevo, where there is usually a lot of mushrooms, in the 2013-2014 season they simply were not there.

"Silent hunt." Season 2015

Already, many are wondering if the mushroom season has begun? Mass gathering, when the forest simply pleases with an abundance of its gifts, falls on August-September.

At the end of August, you can literally pick up buckets, and not just a basket and chanterelles, and brown boletus, and breasts, and much more. The special pride of any mushroom picker is, of course, cep. Tver region, like no other, pampers with this magnificent mushroom.

did the mushroom season begin
In the midst of mushroom picking, such specimens as honey agarics and russula do not count. Yes, they are not considered real mushrooms. They simply do not notice and do not collect.

What can I cook

If you are an experienced mushroom picker and pick mushrooms not only as a product for sale, you probably have many recipes for cooking dishes.

Hostesses can not just fry banal potatoes with mushrooms, but also prepare a dish in pots. This retains a stunning forest scent. They also make pilaf, mushroom soup, stuffed mushrooms, julienne, salad ...

Just do not count. Each hostess will surely find her own unique and delicious recipe.

But if there are a lot of mushrooms and you want to keep them as long as possible, then salting and pickling comes to the rescue.


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