How to make a colored nickname in DotA 2 using Notepad?

Color nicknames in multiplayer computer games have become extremely popular now, so you can join a fairly extensive community of gamers who have already managed to color their nicknames. However, for each game, the principle of operation of this function is different. In this article, you will learn how to make a colored nickname in Dota 2, as today it is the most famous and sought-after game.

Notepad Encoding

how to make a colored nickname in DotA 2

Many gamers think that to change the color of the nickname in the game you need some additional software and a lot of effort. But in reality, everything is completely different and much simpler. Want to know how to make a colored nickname in DotA 2? To do this, you just need a standard Notepad. Naturally, you will have to make some changes in order to achieve the desired result, but this will not require any special knowledge and skills, nor time-consuming. So, having opened Notepad, you first need to go to the menu item "Encodings" and select the ANSI option - the characters of this encoding will be recognized by the game console. But you must understand that this is only the first step towards learning how to make a colored nickname in DotA 2.

Special team

color nickname in dota 2

You have advanced in learning how to make a colored nickname in DotA 2, but not very far so far. Therefore, do not stop and continue to progress - the next step is to enter the necessary command in your Notepad file with the specified encoding. It looks pretty simple - setinfo "name", followed by your nickname - also in quotation marks. Thus, if your nickname is Nick, then the entry should be in the Notepad file: setinfo "name" "Nick". You now need to convert this team, and then implement it in the game itself - and then you will have a colored nickname in Dota 2.

Color conversion

how to make color nickname in dota 2

But how to make a color nickname in Dota 2, working just in Notepad? That is why you needed a different encoding. Go to the "Edit" menu item, and there select the "Symbol Bar" section. So far, no changes have occurred with your team, but on the other hand, a panel has appeared on the screen that shows a variety of commands for receiving certain characters and functions in your encoding. Accordingly, among these symbols you can also find the color designations that you will need to use. Copy the desired code and paste it in front of the part of the nickname that you want to color. So you can use one color for the entire nickname, or color all the letters in different colors. The only drawback of this method is the fact that you cannot see what your painted nickname looks like until you enter the game - only the code will be displayed in Notepad.

Team use

Well, now the team for changing the color of your nickname is ready, and you can use it. To do this, you first need to activate the use of the console in the "DotA" launch options using the -console command - you may have done this even earlier if you used any other commands. In any case, in the game you now get the opportunity to call the console - this is where you need to insert the command received in Notepad. Do not be alarmed - all the characters will disappear, but if you do not see them, this does not mean that they are not there. It remains only to click on "Enter" and start the battle to see how your nickname has changed. The most important thing is that the colors of your nickname can be seen and appreciated by other players, not just you.

That's all - now you know everything about nickname coloring, so you can make it much more colorful and attractive. This feature is useful to those who like to change everything in the games to their taste, as well as those who want to stand out from the gray mass of gamers who participate in the battles of β€œDota”.


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