Graduation stage in kindergarten. Kindergarten Graduation Scenario

Do you need poems or a fun scene at the kindergarten graduation? You have come to the address! Our article reveals all the secrets of the holiday.

In the life of every baby comes a moment of parting with a kindergarten. This is an amazing date. On the one hand, it’s joyful: the child has grown up, is ready to study at school, and on the other hand, it’s sad: the period of preschool childhood, the joyful time of games, is ending. A graduation ball in kindergarten will show parents and caregivers of grown children. Smart and happy boys and girls last time in the walls of a preschool institution will show off their talents.

Children's graduation is a serious matter

Preparation for this event begins in advance. Parents prepare outfits, knock down in search of gifts and festive attributes, teachers learn poems, dances, songs. If there is a desire and opportunity, you can turn to professionals for help. Specialized agencies are ready to offer a wide range of services. Photographers may suggest creating graduation albums for kindergartens. The operators will record your celebration or training fragments on video, placing everything on a disc, which will be a good gift. A festive agency can help organize memorable vivid special effects (for example, launching balloons into the sky), as well as take care of decorating the kindergarten.

a sketch for graduation in kindergarten

To remember the day for a long time

A good memory of the time spent in kindergarten, of course, should remain with the children going to school, so teachers and parents should take care and create graduation albums. Professionals offer their services for kindergartens, but you can prepare such memorable gifts yourself. To do this, it’s worth picking memorable moments in kindergarten, captured in the photo, investing the best creative work of the children, preparing wishes and parting words. Entrusted in a festive atmosphere, they are sure to please the children. Well, if in such an album it will be possible to trace the growth of children from the moment they came to the garden until release. Children are always touched by their photos, wondering how small they used to be.

What to give to children?

It is better to give what is useful to them in their studies. It can be various school supplies: pencils, pens, rulers, erasers, albums, paints. Such a gift will set up for learning, help the child survive the moments of waiting for a meeting with the school. You can give children books, preferably children's encyclopedias, which they can also use while studying at school.

graduation sketch from parents

How to congratulate a kindergarten?

Of course, the graduation ball in the kindergarten is primarily a holiday for future first-graders, but we must not forget the workers of the kindergarten, who worked for so many years raising children and put their soul into them. In gratitude for this concern, parents usually prepare a gift for kindergarten at graduation. This may be something that teachers will need in their future work - a bright manual, a game or a toy, household appliances, elements for decorating the interior. A good addition to the gift can be a sketch at the graduation from parents or poetic congratulations.

Kindergarten Graduation Notes
We have a wonderful holiday
He escorts children today
Into the walls of the school and in first grade.

We want to say thank you
For hard creative work,
Our children grew up - marvelous!
New children will come to you,

You will love them like ours,
And teach them everything.
And patience is your cup
Again it will sink to the bottom.

Have been with us for so many years
The hour of separation has come now.
And of course we need to tell us:
“We will always remember you!”

graduation party in kindergarten

"What are the children dreaming about?"

Graduation stage in kindergarten.

  1. Years fly by quickly, the kindergarten is over
    Then we finish school, life will be fun.
    Today we will dream
    It’s your job to choose.

  2. I love to read for a long time,
    To know everything in the world
    So I’ll go to college,
    I will become a doctor of science!

  3. And I want to become a model,
    I will adore everyone with a walk
    Look, I became a beauty!
    I will be removed for the magazine.

    (A small circle walks to the music with the gait of a model.)

  4. And I will fly to heaven
    I want to become a stewardess,
    I will try very hard
    Passengers smile.

  5. I’ll go to show business, I’ll sing songs,
    And then they will begin to recognize me everywhere
    I will sing unusually from the stage!
    I will send you an autograph in kindergarten

  6. I want to become an artist to perform on stage,
    And to act in films, you smile from the screen.
    But in doubt I'm drowning!
    Do you think I can?

  7. Well, I would be glad
    Become a kindergarten teacher,
    I know how much effort has been spent
    Our educators are with us.
    I’ll grow a little more
    And again I’ll come to kindergarten.

  8. And I want to be the president!
    Any solemn moment
    I will speak,
    Great country to lead!

  9. Dreams change friends
    But you can’t forget about them!
    Of course it was a joke
    So smile for a moment!

children's graduation

What to read at the graduation in kindergarten?

Poems will help create a festive atmosphere, convey the feelings and emotions of parents, children and teachers, and set everyone in a good lyrical manner. They can be heard from the mouth of the heroes of the occasion - graduates, on behalf of educators and parents. We offer several poetic sketches that can be included in the scenario of the matinee.

Graduation kindergarten meets.
This day has been waited for so many years.
How many holidays are here
But today is an important point.

How many years have you and I spent
Days passed by days.
Children came to us as babies,
Soon they will go to school.

And today we see them off
A lot of difficulties await on the way
And on the school wide road
Let it be easy for them to go.

Poem about your favorite kindergarten

The child reads :

Alyoshka asked me:
“Where have you been all week?”
- I was in the kindergarten "Antoshka"
I went to the older group.

You know how interesting it is
You can learn a lot.
And run and jump
And dive in the pool.

In the classroom a lot
You can find out new
To paint, sculpt and glue,
Songs to sing and dance

There are cocktails with oxygen
Children love to drink
I could have him about the kindergarten
Talk for a long time.

And Alyoshka told me:
“Listen, you’re cool!”

funny skits at graduation

Poems for children at graduation in kindergarten

The boys read the quatrains :

Our dear educators,
Dear girl friends!
Kindergarten must be parted,
And it's time to leave us the toys.

I’ll twist the plug on the gas tank
I look through a fabulous book.
And put all the cubes in a box
I finally hug a bear.

Well, I brush away a tear stingy,
They say that men should not cry.
But how to keep this
Sad on the heart of this slush?

We are men, this is not enough!
We will never let you down!
And although now it’s suddenly sad,
Do not be afraid, we will not cry!

Goodbye, our garden, goodbye!
We will remember about you!
We want to wish goodbye
To bring up new boys for you!

Girls read :

And we used to be babies
And even it was, sometimes crying,
Asked as soon as possible back to my mother,
When they left us here.

But there were some fun tasks
We learned to sculpt and draw,
And in the hall on music lessons
We tried to sing and dance.

And they played a lot of fun in the band,
We have many different toys.
And we always walked together in the yard
We had no fun games.

And now where will all this go?
Who will save my doll Katya?
To always be dressed
And who will comb as she goes?

What if they break our dishes?
What if they leave a hare in the rain?
Probably the time has come for tears
Let the girls begin to roar!

Wait a minute! Cry, girls, don’t!
Today you can be a little sad
And let’s say to the educators,
That we can never forget them!

We will laugh and have fun,
After all, in the fall we’ll go to first grade,
And we’ll study well at school,
And the dear kindergarten will not fail.

Script Secrets at the children's graduation

The celebration is often held in the form of a concert in which congratulations, songs, dances, and musical scenes alternate. Guests are sure to come to the prom - fairy-tale characters beloved by children . For example, the housekeeper Kuzya, who has been watching children for so many years and now will tell all their secrets, or the fun Carlson, who will easily tame the housekeeper Freken Bock, who has decided to teach children how to prepare for school.

You can arrange a holiday by describing one day of life in kindergarten.

The form of travel is also suitable, the last trip on a childhood boat or the departure of a first-class school express train from the kindergarten platform will be touching. The role of the captain or engineer in this case will go to the tutor.

The scenario of the holiday can be built based on the tales beloved by children. In any case, a holiday is not only parting, it is also a meeting with your favorite fairy-tale characters, songs, dances, funny skits. At graduation, it is customary to recall the funny events that occurred in the group. It’s great if they can be staged. Both adults and children can play roles.

Farewell to kindergarten - time to spin in a waltz

One of the ways to convey mood, to express oneself in movement is dancing in kindergarten. Graduation, of course, also can not do without them. It can be:

  • Farewell dance with toys.
  • Waltz graduates.
  • Farewell tango.
  • Dance of Fives and Deuces.
  • Other themed dances.

The language of movements can sometimes express more than words. Matured preschool children, harmoniously moving to beautiful music - a picture for parental admiration. The script should include both pair and group dances, so that children can throw out their emotions, express their mood, show guests what they have learned.

music scenes at graduation

Let the kids come to congratulate

For the holiday, you can invite children of the younger group. Graduates will remember how small they were, and the kids will see how they will become in a few years. Of course, you should not expect any parting words from the younger group, but they can very well sing a song or dance, ending their performance with a small parting word or with, for example, the words:

We want to congratulate you
You go to first grade!

Congratulations from the parents

A group of active parents can prepare a creative gift for garden workers . This may be the delivery of letters, commemorative awards in various categories or a thank-you song. Perhaps the sketch we offer is suitable for graduation in kindergarten.

Parents go out to music and get up in a group. Another parent comes out to meet them. A dialogue ensues. One parent, a skeptic, the others take turns dispelling his doubts about kindergarten.

- Good afternoon!

- ( sad ) What a good, ordinary day he is! I wonder why you smile so much?

- Because we are the happiest people on the planet!

- How did it happen, let me know?

- Very simply, we are happy because we have the best children in the whole world!

- I also have wonderful children. Two. A boy and ... another boy. And why are you sure that your children are the best?

- Yes, because our children go to the most amazing kindergarten in the world "..." (the name of the garden )!

- And I’m just looking for a kindergarten for my children! And why is your garden amazing?

“It's interesting in our garden!”

- Fun!

- Good!

- Cozy!

- Wow! Is that really true?

- The true truth! The kindergarten "___" employs the most experienced educators.

- The most friendly nannies.

- The best music directors.

- The most athletic leaders in physical education.

- The most caring doctors.

- The most responsible employees.

- And the most creative administration directs everything.

- And I want to arrange children in your garden, I’m going to write a statement. Thanks for the tips! (He leaves quickly.)

- Well, but we did not have time to tell so much about the kindergarten!

- But we will have time to express our gratitude to the workers of the kindergarten.

( Presenting gifts .)

graduation in kindergarten poems

"And youth has passed ..."

Graduation stage in kindergarten.

A boy and a girl come out.

Boy: Well, finally! That's great!

Girl: What are you happy about? Are you really leaving the kindergarten?

Boy: Yes! Now you don’t have to go to bed during the day!

Girl: But it will be necessary to study, count, write, read.

Boy: So what? And now there’s no need to eat porridge!

Girl: But you have to sit in the classroom!

Boy: Can you imagine that we will come home in the afternoon, and not in the evening!

Girl: We’ll come home - there’s no mother, I’ll have to do everything myself and eat, and sit down for lessons.

Boy: But you can play with friends, run around the yard, play soccer.

Girl: But lessons must be learned! In order not to get a deuce.


Together: Yes ... there you go! Our youth has passed!

And parents also have a holiday!

For the congratulations of graduates and garden workers, it is important not to forget about those without whose participation this holiday would not have taken place - about parents! After all, it was they who brought up the kids and brought them to the garden, they, together with the boys and girls, are experiencing the touching moment of separation, it is for them to continue walking along the life path with them, learn lessons together, collect the briefcase and learn the multiplication table. The kindergarten administration and teachers can prepare letters of thanks to parents who took an active part in the life of the group and preschool. Children can read touching poems about their parents.


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