Zinnia flowers: growing, care and use

Zinnia flowers are one of the most beautiful. Not only do they bloom profusely and for a very long time, they also differ in the variety of species. Terry zinnia, zinnia magenta prince, zinnia liliput, California giant zinnias - there are a huge number of different varieties, and over time they become much more. Zinnias love to grow summer residents, they adorn urban flowerbeds, they make wonderful bouquets, which, I must say, look as impressive as the same roses.

How to grow zinnia flowers

It’s easy to grow them; special efforts are not required. The only thing that zinnias really need is a sufficient amount of light and heat. Shaded areas for planting are not suitable, since in this case the plants will be weak, and the flowers themselves will be very small. Zinnia should be planted in open ground when stable warm weather is established outside the window. Even the smallest frosts are destructive for flowers, however, their seeds, until they have sprouted, are not afraid of frost. But if it suddenly happens that already grown zinnias or even their flowers are exposed to frost, cut off the affected areas, and new sprouts will subsequently grow in their place.

If you want the zinnias to bloom much earlier, you need to plant the seedlings first. Landing is carried out in April. This can be done both indoors and in the greenhouse. Pre-sowing is carried out, and after the shoots have risen, after waiting a bit, the plants should be dived.

In order for the seedlings to take root well, and the zinnias subsequently pleased with abundant flowering, you need to add humus to the area where you plan to plant flowers, and also make mineral fertilizers. The optimal distance between the flowers of zinnia is 20x40 cm. Before planting the seedlings, dig small holes, pour them with water, and only then plant the seedlings. So there is a high probability that the plants will take root well.

If planting seedlings for you is troublesome enough, then zinnia flowers can be sown immediately in open ground. Be sure to spread the film on the plantings before emergence.

How to care for zinnias

Caring for zinnias is easy. If the weather is dry outside, then the plants should be watered. But do not overfill, as they do not like it. Of course, weeding is required, because weeds are unlikely to brighten up your flower bed. Zinnia has a positive attitude to top dressing, so do not be lazy and at least occasionally introduce special floral organic fertilizers into the soil.

Tip: so that zinnias bloom for a very long time, tear off faded flowers.

How to propagate zinnia flowers

The first time you, of course, buy seeds at any flower shop. In the future, you can do the same, but you can do much easier. Just do not pick the first few flowers, but leave them for seeds. Choose the first flowers, as they will have time to ripen and will have the greatest germination. Store the collected seeds in a dry place, protected from sunlight.

Here, in fact, everything you need to know about zinnias. Of course, I did not focus your attention on all the many types of these flowers, but believe me, there are so many of them that just your eyes run up. By the way, zinnia flowers in their shape can be simple, double and semi-double. Some species, or rather their inflorescences, are very similar to other flowers, the same chrysanthemums, gaylardii, dahlias. Many often confuse them. Their color is also very diverse - red, orange, lilac, pink. There are even white zinnias. Each year, breeders develop new varieties. So in due time appeared zinnias, the flower of which consists of several shades at once.

Thus, if you just want to drown in flowers in your summer cottage, be sure to plant zinnias along with others, and your soul will rejoice every time you look at them.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8643/

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