Why did cat bald patches appear?

Cats have long been pets. These graceful creatures require special care, without which they can get sick. Loss of hair is considered one of the most common diseases, as a result of which a cat baldness appears in the area of ​​the tail, ears and other parts of the animal’s body.

It is known that in animals the process of molting occurs in spring and autumn. However, there is an abnormal loss of coat, which is simply impossible not to notice.

cat bald patches

The condition of the soft “fur coat” of the four friend will tell the owner about the possible causes of the pet's health problems. So, let's look at why the cat bald spots appeared.


As already mentioned, hair loss in a cat can occur during seasonal molting. In place of the bald patches, new wool appears. At the same time, the animal does not lose its appetite, does not look sick.

Pregnancy followed by feeding kittens

Like humans, cats carry most of their vitamins, calcium, and other nutrients to their offspring during gestation. They need good nutrition, and after cessation of feeding, their hair is completely restored.


Unfortunately, the life span of cats is much less than human. The older she is, the more susceptible to disease. Bald patches due to age (unless other reasons are excluded) do not require treatment.

cat bald paws


Oddly enough, many cats are stressed. This is especially true for thoroughbred and domestic animals that do not go outside. A pet can get stressed or even become depressed due to a change of scenery, change of residence, new owners, etc. In addition to having a bald spot on a cat's hind legs, your appetite may also disappear altogether. The best treatment is affection and attention. Although the pet will not refuse a tasty treat in the complex.

Animal allergy

One of the most common reasons why a cat has bald patches on its paws is an allergy to food, mainly milk, canned food, fish or other, seemingly “ordinary” food. In this case, the animal also balds the area near the eyes and / or ears. Concomitant symptoms may occur - itching with constant combing of inflamed areas, snot-, salivation and lacrimation. If the allergen is identified immediately by the owners, then contact with the animal should be excluded. Otherwise, a veterinarian who will additionally prescribe antihistamines will help.

Parasites and fungus

In the presence of lichen, ticks, fleas, demodecosis, or water-eating, focal bald patches appear in the cat, which can be easily distinguished by a relatively even contour, the appearance of scales or pustules.

cat bald paws

At the same time, the animal's appetite is partially or even completely lost, sleep is disturbed, and the pet also behaves uneasily. Usually, the doctor prescribes insecticides or antifungal drugs in the form of ointments or vaccines. The owner is obliged to carry out a complete disinfection in the house and observe hygiene rules in the future.

the cat has bald patches

Heredity and congenital diseases

If the cat has bald patches above the eyes, then it can be said that alopecia is manifested. She, like skin inflammation, refers to congenital diseases, which can also be inherited. For example, a kitten is born with hair, and in the process of growing up it falls out, and the cat gradually becomes bald. This applies to breeds such as sphinxes and devon rex. No treatment required.

the cat baldness above the eyes

Drug and Immune Response

If medications were used to treat a cat or it was irradiated, then the animal may develop bald patches, not necessarily immediately.

A pet that has received stress, has recently been ill, after feeding offspring and due to other reasons, may weaken due to a decrease in immunity. In this case, the veterinarian prescribes vitamin complexes and a diet.

Animal infection

Have you noticed the cat's bald patches, and her chair is broken, there is vomiting or fever? Most likely, this is the effect of a bacterial or viral infection. Emergency assistance is needed by the veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment. Do not delay the trip to the doctor. After all, an infection can cause severe complications. Most often, the genitourinary and endocrine systems suffer.

Sebaceous gland malfunctioning

To the appearance of bald patches, increased contamination of the hair, greasy, suppuration with scales can be added - these are possible symptoms of adenitis or hyperplasia. The veterinarian will recommend the use of special anti-seborrheic shampoos or retinoids.

have a cat on its hind legs

As soon as you notice the cat's bald patches, immediately show it to the veterinarian and get a consultation. Remember that self-medication can not only harm the pet, but also result in death for him!

Useful advice for owners

Cat bald patches come with pustules, wounds, or without them. Look carefully at the problem areas, determining their condition. Before consulting with a veterinarian, you can alleviate the suffering of the animal by wiping the affected areas with furatsilin or chamomile decoction diluted in water. In no case should you use alcohol-containing drugs. Because with your actions you can make your furry pet even worse.


Preventive measures include:

  1. Balanced diet.
  2. Timely vaccination.
  3. Mandatory examination by a veterinarian.
  4. Frequent airing of the room in which the animal lives.
  5. Following basic hygiene rules.

Little conclusion

There are a lot of reasons why a cat has bald patches, excessive hair loss, a lot. But these symptoms are always associated with diseases of the animal’s body. Its owner should always react to such changes in the "coat" of the pet. This will help in time to notice an alarming bell, talking about serious diseases in need of emergency treatment. Show attention to your furry friend, take care of him, and then he will certainly be healthy and happy!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8655/

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