Environmental policy. Directions, conceptual basics

State environmental policy is one of the most important regulatory factors in a socio-ecological situation. According to some authors, this definition should be understood as a complex of special economic, political, legal and other measures. The environmental policy of the state is carried out in order to ensure the use of the resources of nature available in the country in a rational manner, contributing to the dynamically balanced development of society, the economy and nature.

The basis of the above management factor is the official generally accepted concept of solving the problem of environmental management.

Today, Russia's environmental policy is determined by sustainable provisions enshrined in Presidential Decrees. The main areas of environmental management in modern conditions are:

  1. Formation of a new economic and legal mechanism for managing the impact of military, economic or any other activity on the state of the environment.
  2. Improving and adapting to a new social, economic model of legislation providing for the protection of nature.
  3. Formation of licensing, certification, standardization in the environmental industry, in accordance with Russia's entry into the natural security system of international importance.
  4. Formation of a unified state system for environmental monitoring.
  5. Stimulating the introduction of resource-saving and environmentally friendly technologies.
  6. Expansion of the Institute for Environmental Expertise.
  7. Expansion of entrepreneurial activities in the field of environmental management.
  8. Involving citizens in decision-making in the field of environmental management and other areas.

Environmental policy with its conceptual foundations is influenced by certain factors. According to experts, the following factors have a significant impact:

  1. The actual degree of aggravation of environmental problems in the territory of a certain country.
  2. The nature of the environmental difficulties associated with the deterioration of the environment.
  3. Uncertainty in the scientific sphere when solving some fundamentally important problems.
  4. Resource limitations (including financial).
  5. The actual level of development of environmental and resource-saving technologies (including the destruction and disposal of waste).
  6. Competitiveness of environmentally friendly products, economic efficiency of environmentally friendly production.

In addition, international commitments, as well as the social reaction of the population, influence how environmental policies evolve.

When forming the conceptual framework for environmental management in the country, it is important to choose the principle of functioning of mechanisms of economic regulation. In accordance with economic theory, the consequences of production for nature are attributed to external (external) factors. These factors arise when there is an imbalance between public and private benefits. An example of such a situation may be the operation of the CHP. Such power generation is certainly socially useful and generates income to the station owner. However, at the same time, it can provoke acid rain, increased radioactive background in nearby territories. Thus, the operation of a CHPP useful for one society can cause damage to the population that does not benefit from its work.

The environmental policy of the country should be aimed at improving the environmental situation. According to the results of some surveys, the majority of citizens consider the state apparatus to be responsible for natural security.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8660/

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