Warcraft: Frostwolf Clan

In the game "Warcraft", the Frostwolf Clan is one of the oldest orc warriors that originated in Draenor before their first trip through the Dark Portal. Leaders have been constantly changing, but in the World of Warcraft universe, the clan still exists.

Frostwolf Clan

Clan of the Frostwolf. History

United by a common goal and adapted to live in the harsh conditions of Nagrand (in Orcish language means "Land of the Winds"), the clan warriors led a solitary lifestyle. Alienated from the whole Horde from the very beginning of its existence, the clan’s orcs refused to drink Mannoroth’s blood when Gul'dan appeared to them. Durotan, the leader at that time, adhered to the Ancestral Cult that had settled among the orcs and rejected the impurity that Gul'dan carried with him.

Soon after the entire Horde split into "defiled" and "remaining the same", the orcs who did not drink the blood of Mannoroth and preferred not to renounce worship of the spirits of their ancestors called themselves Mag'Hara. Fel Orcs came to these lands and unleashed a long bloody war, due to which the Frostwolf clan was forced to abandon its former measured rhythm of life and defend itself from uninvited guests and two other ogre clans.

This area has been contaminated with foulness in the last turn due to fierce resistance. In World Of Warcraft, you can see how green magic gradually recedes from this place and life revives again.

The Fate of the Leaders

According to the universe of the game already mentioned, Durotan moved the Frostwolf clan to Azeroth, establishing a settlement in the Alterac mountains. On such an act he was prompted by the decision of Gul'dan to declare the clan illegal. The assassins sent by the shaman killed the leader when he tried to contact his friend Orgrim Doomhammer.

The next orc to lead the Frostwolf clan was the son of Durotan Go'El, better known as Thrall (was raised by the people of the Alliance). He became a shaman thanks to the leader Drek'Thar and contributed to the rescue of many relatives from the concentration camps of the Alliance.

warcraft clan of the northern wolf

Frostwolf Clan in the movie

In the acclaimed blockbuster Warcraft, this clan is shown as part of a huge cohesive orc horde that entered Azeroth through the Dark Portal under the leadership of Gul'dan. In the beginning, you can see how the felaman shaman takes the lives of captured draenei.

In the film, Chief Durotan dies at the hands of Gul'Dan, and Orgrim Doomhammer rips out his fang to transmit to Go'El in the future. But the film does not mention whether the orcs of Mannoroth’s blood drank or not, although the horde clearly shows the proximity of the orcs with the defiled (greenskins).

In the expanded version of the film, there is also a fragment where the Frostwolf clan discusses around the fire along with Chernoruk. Orgrim Doomhammer makes fun of the Thunder of Hellscream, belittling the honor and dignity of the defiled orc, saying that everything must be decided by battle, not magic.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8666/

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