What is sombrero? The story of one headdress

Maybe you imagine Mexico as a country of cacti, tequila and slums, in which there are continuous half-savages with a machete, and their main means of transportation is a donkey? This is true to the same extent as the fact that in Russia bears walk in the streets with felt boots and balalaika at the ready! However, a wide-brimmed hat, along with tequila, poncho and machete, is an integral part of Mexican culture.

what is sombrero

A bit of history

We have repeatedly seen - and in films, and maybe live - this legendary headdress. But even knowing what a sombrero is, we do not always have an idea of ​​its origin. It turns out that the hat has quite Spanish roots, despite its unconditional association with Mexico. And not by chance! Once in Spain, it was an attribute of wealth and luxury. Only very rich lords could afford such a wardrobe item.

sombrero hat

By the way, one of the first "carriers" of wide-brimmed hats was the Mongolian horsemen in the thirteenth century. After some time, their bodies are sharpened, and the fields become wider. In Europe, Spaniards-vakero (shepherds) also wore sombrero. But the appearance of the hat was significantly different from the usual modern for us and somewhat resembled cowboy hats. The Spaniards came up with a flat tulle, characteristic of the Mexican sombrero.

Meaning of the word “sombrero”

Meaning of the word sombrero
The origin of the concept is also Spanish. In this language, the word "sombra" means "shadow." Today in Spain this is the name of any hat with a fairly wide field. The classic sombrero is a headdress with huge fields and a fairly high tulle. The hat also has a ribbon or cord that is tied under the chin. Her fields are slightly twisted to cast a shadow on the shoulders and neck of the owner. Hence the name.

So different hats

There are a great many species of sombrero. But the common attribute for all real hats is handmade. Noble people wore sombrero made of felt, felt and velvet, decorated with hand embroidery. All the magnificence of the pattern showed the wealth of the person who wore such a hat. Poor people also knew what sombrero was. But they could only afford woven straw hats. Today, the models of all these hats are closely related to the traditions and characteristics of various regions of Latin America. And some countries made the cap their national symbol!

Classics of the genre

what is sombrero
What is a sombrero hat in our traditional understanding? This, as the Mexicans themselves say, is a sombrerocharro hat with very wide brim. There is still sombrerovueltiao. This headdress is also an official symbol of the state of Colombia. These are hats of black and white coloring. They are woven from the arrows of the reed. A bright black border runs along the edge of the fields. What is Panamanian sombrero? Nothing but the traditional headdress of all the inhabitants of this country. Sombrero pintado is also hand-woven. Their quality can be determined by the number of turns - the more, the better, and the higher the value of the thing.

Tourists visiting Mexico are buying up sombrero in huge quantities. Along with tequila and poncho, these hats are traditional souvenirs. In general, what is sombrero? First of all, this is a very convenient thing! Light, natural, protecting from the summer heat. And the sun in Mexico fries with might and main!

Festivities and weekdays

We cannot but note that such a headdress as sombrero is dedicated to the whole festival, held annually in the state of Texas. It was first held in 1986, and since then up to forty thousand people have visited it every year! And world-famous designers use sombrero motifs in their fashion shows. But still, the main suppliers of the “sombrero market” are the so-called craftsmen, and you can buy this souvenir in all cities and villages where tourists can drop by.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8677/

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