The tale "Two brothers": what is the purpose of life?

The literary and philosophical activities of Leo Tolstoy are highly appreciated by contemporaries and subsequent generations, as well as by political, religious figures and writers of all countries and peoples. No one was indifferent to his work: neither the French writer A. Morois, nor the Indian philosopher and politician Mahatma Gandhi, nor the Russian philosopher V. Rozanov, nor the Christian A. Men. Many considered Tolstoy unsurpassed. And he thought, wrote, arranged a school for children in Yasnaya Polyana and did not think about his fame.

fairy tale two brothers

Primary School

Having retired, having traveled in Europe, Lev Nikolaevich in 1859, when he was 30 years old, opened a school for peasant children, in which he saw the future Lomonosovs, Pushkins. In other words, precious nuggets. There were few students in the school (thirty-seven), but boys and five girls studied in it together, which was not accepted in the school system at that time.

how does the fairy tale start two brothers

Basic educational principles of L. Tolstoy

The main Yasnaya Polyana teacher believed that it was necessary to cultivate a creative personality. But as? In children, it is necessary to develop:

  • observation;
  • ability to think independently;
  • ability to feel deeply;
  • interest in religion.

And you should also respect the personality of the child and take into account that he has shortcomings.

In addition to such familiar subjects as reading, writing, arithmetic, history, the school held book readings, walks and excursions in the park, in the field and in the garden. They conducted stories about the Patriotic War of 1812, instructive stories were told. Labor training was also introduced - carpentry and the usual agricultural work for children. L. Tolstoy strove to make all objects fascinating and useful for children.

excerpt from a fairy tale two brothers

Children's literature

In those years there were few interesting and necessary works written specifically for children.

L. N. Tolstoy sought to rectify this situation. Since 1862, he begins to write stories, alphabet, tales, that is, everything that children can easily and effortlessly learn. Among them, the tale "Two Brothers" stands out, which will be discussed below. The alphabet was with drawings that explained short stories.

With the help of L.N. Tolstoy in the vicinity opened another twenty schools.

proverbs in a fairy tale two brothers fat

An instructive story presented by L. Tolstoy

How does the story “Two Brothers” begin? From a trip where brothers, possibly adults, were competent in reading and writing. Once they lay down in the afternoon to rest in the forest. When they woke up, they saw a stone next to them, on which were inscriptions. This is how the tale “Two Brothers” begins. Slowly they made out what was knocked out on it. Travelers were invited to go up at sunrise, then cross the river, then pick up the cubs from the bear and run away without looking back at the mountain. And there will be a house on it, and in that house there will be happiness. The tale "Two Brothers" opens with such an idea.

What were the brothers

And the brothers, although they were relatives and were brought up the same way, were, however, different. The elder brother approached the text judiciously, practically and calmly. He did not believe what was written, saw many difficulties behind it and very much doubted that happiness could be found. Not so was the youngest. It was a romantic, full of self-confidence, decisive, courageous and courageous. He wanted to overcome all obstacles and achieve happiness. So from the very beginning the tale “Two Brothers” shows how different people are.

The brothers discussed everything that is written on the stone. The younger suggested going together to seek happiness. The elder saw too many obstacles: perhaps this is all a lie that is written on the stone, and if true, then in the forest you can get lost, drown in the river or die in the clutches of a bear protecting her cubs. And in the end, if everything is overcome, it is not known whether the happiness that the stone offers them is necessary. The younger one brought his arguments: no one will write in vain on the stone, you must try to look for happiness, if you do not work, then you will not achieve any happiness and, finally, he did not want to be considered a coward.

Everyone remained in their own opinion. The elder decided not to risk it and did not go anywhere. The younger brother set off. Since this is a fairy tale, two brothers in it will surely get what they deserve. The older brother is sure that it is safer to live a quiet life, and the younger one is convinced that happiness can be found, albeit with difficulty and travel.

How are the brothers expressed

They are explained by proverbs in the fairy tale “Two Brothers” by Tolstoy:

Big Brother Opinion

Thoughts of the Younger

Seek great happiness - lose small

Afraid of wolves - do not go to the forest

Do not let a crane in the sky, but give a tit in your hands

Under a lying stone and water does not flow

They are polar: each has its own truth. This is the main idea of ​​the tale “Two Brothers”: each person understands the meaning of life and happiness in its own way. Therefore, the brothers part.


The younger brother successfully overcame all obstacles and received the kingdom. For five years he was king, and then enemies came, and he, having lost the war, again set off on wanderings and returned home.

What did he find at home

And everything was still at home - neither poor nor rich. The brothers began to discuss what happened to them.

the main idea of ​​the tale is two brothers
And the elder wisely said that even though his lesser was king, he lost everything and saw grief. The brothers still talk differently about everything. This confirms the passage from the tale "Two Brothers." Here is what the younger one answered in the senior’s speech: “Though I feel bad now, there is something to remember my life, but you have nothing to remember.”

A great sage, such that it can be compared with biblical prophets, Leo Tolstoy very clearly and simply laid bare two approaches to life. On the example of this story, everyone can choose what is closer to him.


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