Red currant. Varieties of Ural breeding

Red currants are grown in large quantities in Europe and the USA, but our amateur gardeners do not pay due attention to it, which seems rather strange. This culture is winter-hardy, and also resistant to adverse environmental conditions, very productive. Plants suffer less from various diseases: at least in comparison with other currants, they are not harmful to the tick, which allows them to spread massively.

red currant varieties
Culture Description

Currant fruits are formed by brushes on the basis of one-year-old branches. Thus, for constant fruiting, the presence of skeletal branches is required, in contrast to blackcurrant plants , in which annual growths must be replaced constantly. Harvest ripens on bouquet branches, which have rather long productivity, skeletal branches last longer and the whole plant lives longer. The roots of redcurrant are in the depths, which allows the plant to always consume enough moisture. Planting culture is necessary on soils of light composition. Red currants are mostly self-pollinated. But in order to get a larger crop, you need to plant plants of different varieties. White currant is a variety of red, it is grown in the same way, the same care is needed. Berries are used to make jelly and juice. They have a more delicate taste.

Red currants
Choosing a place to land

It is best to plant bushes on neutral or slightly acidic soil. If the earth contains enough potassium, then red currant will be resistant to frost and disease. The flowers of this berry culture are tolerant to the effects of the environment, so it can be planted against the walls of the rooms, which are facing north, in dark areas, but it is better that the place is sunny. It is also important that where red currants grow, there is no stagnation of cold air.

Description of varieties

Dutch currant is quite late, winter-hardy, and resistant to pests. Productivity of 3-4 kg from a bush.

Gazelle redcurrant is also winter-hardy. The ripening period on average is usually July 10, the plant does not deteriorate from powdery mildew, almost not affected by anthracosis. It is a stable early-growing variety with a high yield. Red currant variety "Gazelle" grows in a compact, sprawling bush. The leaves are leathery, dark green in color. The berries are red, one-dimensional, large, each berry on average weighs 0.7-0.8 grams, good taste. This variety does not need to be specially cut, it is unpretentious, not demanding on growing conditions. Well propagated by green and lignified cuttings.

red currant varieties

Red currant of the Viksne variety is very winter-hardy, fruitful, the berries ripen early, large size, average weight 0.7-1.0 grams, dark cherry color. To taste they are sweet and sour, do not crumble. The defeat of aphids of medium degree, which allows you to collect high-quality crops.

Late ripening red currant of the Ural Dawns variety is very popular among gardeners. The bush is medium-tall, semi-spreading. Berries bright scarlet color, medium size. Sweet to the taste, small bones.


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