What is the capital of America

Walking past the schoolyard, I heard a dispute between two boys aged 9-10. I won’t retell the whole essence, but the point was that one tried to prove to the second his erudition and knowledge in terms of geography: β€œDo you even know what capital of America?” Said the peanut in a confident, objectionable voice. In response, she timidly heard: "And which one?"

As a result, the second baby was brutally ridiculed, like an ignorant. Nevertheless, if you look, then he was right. For some reason, pronouncing this name, we mean the United States, but in reality these are two continents - North America and South America, huge continents, on which entire states with their culture, peoples, traditions and customs are located.

The capital of America. Let's talk about the USA

Capital of america
Contrary to a fairly widespread misconception, the capital of America is not New York at all, as many believe, but Washington. The city, which was named after the founder and very first president of the country, George Washington, who defended the freedom of citizens from mass colonists from the UK.

Located on the banks of the Patomak River, this city is considered the main political center of the United States. It can rightfully be called the most independent. Why? Yes, because it has so historically developed that it does not belong to any state.

Here are the main government offices (City Hall, Congress, Senate, Municipal Council, foreign embassies, departments and ministries), as well as the main offices of banks and international organizations.

The capital of America is so important in the life of the people that literally everything here is saturated with the spirit of patriotism. Throughout the city you can find architectural monuments that embody the symbols of the state, numerous memorials, museums, galleries and exhibitions on similar topics.

Thousands of tourists come here every year, both Americans and travelers from all over the world.

The capital of South America. What to see first?

Capital of south america
To get to this continent is not easy enough, and above all because of the distance that will have to be overcome when traveling from Russia. But those who nevertheless succeed in this, can not help but envy, because everyone can find an occupation here to their liking.

One of the most famous cities, of course, is considered the capital of Argentina Buenos Aires. The place is undeniably popular among football lovers and tango fans.

Buenos Aires can actually be considered a real "city of contrasts", because here, in the immediate vicinity of modern skyscrapers, modest and ancient Spanish quarters are still preserved, and the slums of remote areas are strikingly contrasted with the fashionable areas of the center. And if the old part resembles such European metropolises as Madrid, London or Paris, then modern buildings are definitely not inferior to either New York, Tokyo or Beijing.

This, of course, green city boasts the presence of parks and boulevards, and in the central part even experienced tourists will be amazed at the variety of monuments and monuments.

The capital of North America. What else but Washington?

Capital of North America
Since there are only two states on the continent, and the United States and Washington were discussed in the first section of this article, we will now dwell on Canada and its capital Ottawa.

Being the main city of the country, this metropolis is considered only the fourth both in terms of area and population, yielding to Toronto, Montreal and Calgary. Nevertheless, this does not prevent her from remaining the sixth highest living standard on the planet for several years in a row.

Situated at the confluence of three rivers, Ottawa has been and still is a place for negotiations, organization of business meetings and business conferences, and the conclusion of trade deals.

Queen Victoria was appointed the capital of this city in the mid-19th century , preferring it to Ontario and Quebec.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8684/

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